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Multiple Organ Failure

Essay Instructions:

Multiple Organ Failure (MOF) generally results from an infection, injury (surgical or accidental), or reduced blood flow which causes an uncontrolled inflammatory response. Identification and consideration to determine the underlying cause of MOF is essential. Though illness or injury may create multisystem issues and may impact many body systems, for this assignment focus on three body systems:

• Renal

• Pulmonary

• Circulatory

For this assignment, create a presentation for nursing staff education and discuss a specific illness, disorder or disease and the interrelationship with the renal, pulmonary, and circulatory systems, specifically identifying and describing how an alternation in one system may affect one or more of other two body systems. Furthermore, explain how the body tries to maintain homeostasis and compensate for organ failure with assistance or reliance on another body system.

• Describe the illness, disorder or disease selected.

• Characterize the interrelationship with the renal, pulmonary, and circulatory systems.

• Identify & clarify how an alternation in one system impact the other two systems.

• Describe how the body compensates for organ failure with assistance or reliance on another body system.

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Essay 8: Multiple Organ Failure
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Essay 8: Multiple Organ Failure
Patients visiting the emergency department present various illnesses at varying degrees of severity. In the most severe cases, patients may present with multiple organ failure (MOF) (Pedersen et al., 2018). MOF has been associated with poor prognosis and a high mortality rate. The purpose of this paper is to analyze systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease, and how it creates MOF. Specifically, the paper will address the interrelationship of SLE with the renal, pulmonary, and circulatory systems. Further, the paper will examine how an alteration in one of the above systems affects the other two systems and explain how the body compensates for organ failure by relying on another body system to maintain homeostasis.
Description of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
SLE is an autoimmune disease that affects multiple organ systems (Durcan et al., 2019). SLE is the most common type of lupus and occurs as a result of an inflammatory response. It is characterized by the production of chemokines and cytokines, causing an anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory imbalance (Dorner & Furie, 2019). The functionality of the T-cells and B-cells is affected as well. Specifically, T-cells interact with cytokines, and B-cells respond to this interaction by producing antibodies (Tsokos, 2020). The antibodies cause tissue inflammation. Additionally, the production of cytokines and the interaction of lymphocytes with cells cause organ damage. SLE manifests as joint pain, skin rashes, and lupus nephritis. Other manifestations can be in the form of heart and lung issues and hematological manifestations (Dorner & Furie, 2019). As a chronic disease, SLE is characterized by prolonged periods of remission, relapses, and active, worsening symptoms. SLE can lead to end-stage organ failure and an increased risk of mortality (Dorner & Furie, 2019).
According to Durcan et al. (2019), SLE is a hereditary condition and is more prevalent among women and people of color. As such, genetics is considered one of the main causes of SLE. Specifically, certain genetic materials, such as C4 and FCR, have been linked to SLE due to their impact on the immune response (Tsokos, 2020). Also, KLK and APOL1 genes have been linked to SLE in relation to their role in managing organ damage. Other causes include the environment and sex. According to Durcan et al. (2019) and Tsokos (2020), environmental factors, such as environmental pollutants, UV light, viruses, and certain drugs, stimulate TLRs, thus changing the natural immune response of the T and B-cells responses. People exposed to such environmental factors are more likely to develop SLE. As stated earlier, SLE is more common in women, and as such, sex is a risk factor. Specifically, the function of lymphocytes is usually changed by the X chromosome-defined genes and hormones (Tsokos, 2020). Since women carry the X chromosome, they are more predisposed to SLE than men. SLE has a mortality rate of between 2.4 and 5.9%, and about 10% of patients with lupus nephritis end up developing end-stage kidney disease (Durcan et al., 2019). However, earlier diagnosis and management of specific manifestations of SLE improves the prognosis of the disease.
SLE Interrelationship with the Renal, Pulmonary, and Circulatory Systems and Impact of One System on the Other Two Systems
As indicated earlier, SLE affects various organs in the body. It can affect the heart, the lungs, and kidneys, among others. SLE manifests as different organ problems. In relation to the renal system, SLE manifests as lupus nephritis (Dorner & Furie, 2019). SLE has been a contributing factor to renal impairment and end-stage disease. According to Maria and Davidson (2020), approximately 80% and 40% of children and adults with SLE suffer from lupus nephritis. Genetics is considered a risk factor for developing lupus nephritis. Lupus nephritis causes damage to the glomerular endothelial cells and inflammation of the glomeruli, which interferes with waste filtration (Maria & Davidson, 2020). This can result in renal damage and some cases of renal failure. With the pulmonary system, SLE causes inflammation to the lungs, lung tissues, and lung lining. SLE manifests as pleura, lung parenchyma, and pulmonary vasculature, among other pulmonary issues (Tselios & Urowitz, 2017; Amarnani et al., 2020). Respiratory infections are common among SLE patients because they have a suppressed immune system. The mortality rate related to the pulmonary manifestation of SLE is high. In addition, it is estimated that between 50 and 70 % of patients with SLE will experience one or more forms of lung problems directly linked to SLE (Amarnani et al., 2020). In relation to the circulatory system, SLE causes inflammation to the heart and blood vessels. It manifests mostly as pericarditis and, in some cases, as myocarditis (Tselios & Urowitz, 2017). SLE patients are at a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease, and about 50% of the patients develop some form of cardiac complications at some point as the d...
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