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Most General Symptoms of Unceasing Anemia

Essay Instructions:

In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 1. Cite references to support your positions Case Study 1
Ms. A. is an apparently healthy 26-year-old white woman. Since the beginning of the current golf season, Ms. A has noted increased shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm. These symptoms seem worse during her menses. Today, while playing in a golf tournament at a high, mountainous course, she became light-headed and was taken by her golfing partner to the emergency clinic. The attending physician's notes indicated a temperature of 98 degrees F, an elevated heart rate and respiratory rate, and low blood pressure. Ms. A states, “Menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal have been a problem for 10-12 years, and I take 1,000 mg of aspirin every 3 to 4 hours for 6 days during menstruation.” During the summer months, while playing golf, she also takes aspirin to avoid “stiffness in my joints.”
Laboratory values are as follows:
Hemoglobin = 8 g/dl
Hematocrit = 32%
Erythrocyte count = 3.1 x 10/mm
RBC smear showed microcytic and hypochromic cells
Reticulocyte count = 1.5%
Other laboratory values were within normal limits.
Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup, what type of anemia does Ms. A most likely have? In an essay of 500-750 words, explain your answer and include rationale

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Ms A. seems to be having the most common type of Anemia which is iron deficiency Anemia. This type of anemia is normally caused by unending blood loss brought about by extreme menstruation. Iron deficiency takes place when the level of use or loss of iron is more than its level of use and absorption. The most general symptoms of unceasing anemia include weakness, tiredness, a fast heartbeat, and shortness of breath.
Before diagnosing Ms A., it is important to undertake a complete blood count for purposes of measuring numerous parts of the blood. The test evaluates ones hematocrit and hemoglobin levels. Hematocric is an evaluation of how much gap red-blood-cells take up in one's blood. Hemoglobin on the other hand is an iron-rich protein present in red-blood-cells that conveys blood to the body (Short, Domagalski J. D., & Madigan, 2013). A low level of hematocrit and hemoglobin is a sign of anemia. The normal hemoglobin levels are between 12 and 16gm/dl. Ms. A.'s levels are 8gm/dl and this is an indication of low and abnormal rate of hemoglobin. The normal rate of Hematocrit is between 38% and 46% while the level of Hematocrit in Ms A.'s blood is 32%. The reference range for Erythrocyte count is 4.10-5.10 x1012/L whereas Ms A.'s rate is 3.1 x 10/mm. The blood test shows that Ms A.'s blood levels are below normal levels and this is associated with iron deficiency anemia.
Iron deficiency anemia is weakened red blood cell fabrication because of low iron stocks in the body. It is the most universal nutritional condition globally and accounts for about ½ of anemia cases. Acknowledging the fundamental etiology and administering the right therapy are keys to the management and evaluation of this condition (Short, Domagalski J. D., & Madigan, 2013).
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