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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Mission Of The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program

Essay Instructions:


1. How will you contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities?

2. What personal experiences have prepared you to work with underserved populations, such as participation in a federal pipeline program, community service, internships, or experience in rural, frontier or tribal populations?

3. Please discuss your commitment to pursue a career in nursing.

Each response should be limited to 500-word count or less (about a full page with spacing) in Times New Roman 12 font or equivalent, one page per essay. We recommend that you use a standard word processing tool (e.g., Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) to respond to the questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Essay Questions Author Name Institution Affiliation Part 1 A significant number of factors are involved in why some communities lack a proper healthcare workforce, and issues related to lifestyle preferences, cultural environment, and salary potential need to be resolved as soon as possible (Jones et al. 2017). The purpose of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program is to provide underserved populations with an equitable form of service. I think that I can easily contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program because I am hardworking, committed, honest and dedicated. These are the key traits of a successful medical expert, who is responsible for looking after the underserved communities. I would like to work as a nurse in a distant healthcare facility where patients are not provided with timely and quick care. My purpose is to serve the humanity, not to work to earn a lot of money, and I think that there can be no better place than a medical setting where the members of an underserved community come on a daily basis. I strongly believe that it is integral for nurses to plan are, meet patients individually, and provide them with as much comfort and facilities as are possible. It may not be possible to work independently, meaning success can be achieved only when nurses collaborate and work as a team. Together, we will definitely be able to rectify the workplace imbalance and enrich the care that the patients coming to such medical settings receive. It is not only the requirement of my profession to assist patients in the best possible way but also is my moral or ethical duty. I would encourage the community members to have faith in God and to trust the treatment being provided to them. My core focus will be on providing affordable treatment options or medications to the patients. Part 2 In the past, I was given a chance to work in a community service center where I was responsible for monitoring the blood pressure of patients and checking whether they had taken medications or not. I used to perform my duty with honesty and sincerity, and as time passed, I observed that most of the people coming to this community service center belonged to underserved populations. They had no money to pay their medical bills, and many of them were discouraged from coming to this medical center the next time. This made me feel that the underserved communities needed our help and guidance (Manja et al. 2018). By working at a distant medical facility, I want to erase the workplace gap instantaneously. I know that this is not going to be ea...
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