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Misinformation about Covid-19 is a Hindrance to the War

Essay Instructions:


One of the biggest challenges faced by healthcare and public health during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been misinformation. While this can be expected by the general public, what has been disturbing has been disinformation perpetuated by high-profile individuals within healthcare. 

After reviewing the background materials and doing your own research. Discuss the following:

  1. Choose a high-profile healthcare professional that has spread misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide an overview of their claims. You can choose one from the background readings or identify one from your own research.
  2. What ethical principles are violated when healthcare providers spread misinformation?
  3. Have there been any consequences for those healthcare providers who have spread misinformation? Have these consequences been adequate? Why or why not? Be sure to address ethical principles when considering the adequacy of the consequences.
  4. What have been and could be some of the impacts on society, healthcare professionals who are on the front line, and the health of the nation as a result of misinformation during a healthcare crisis, in this case, the COVID-19 pandemic? Consider the impact of the infamous (and now retracted) Wakefield et al study regarding the MMR vaccine in your answer.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 2 pages.
  3. Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Misinformation about Covid-19 is a Hindrance to the War
Misinformation about covid-19 emerged as a significant hindrance to the war against the pandemic. Netter (2022) indicates that this aspect was a critical reason for the increased complications and struggles related to eradicating the disease. The author confirms that diverse stakeholders, including professional healthcare providers, participated in this unethical practice of disseminating unscientific, or sensationalized messaging, making the fight against the pandemic more challenging for public health and healthcare systems. Thus, this paper investigates Dr. Scott Atlas, a medical doctor, as one of the perpetrators of this crime during the era, the ethical principles he violated, whether he faced any consequences and the impact of his behavior on society.
Dr. Scott Atlas is a high-profile healthcare provider who significantly derailed the public health measures of combatting coronavirus through misinformation online. According to Netter (2022), the professional argued that the U.S. suffered more deaths from the lockdown measures than the covid-19. He also argued that all vaccines against the viral illness were ineffective, creating a wave of fear from his followers. He also attended numerous gatherings spreading inaccurate information, claiming that schools, including elementary learning institutions, were low-risk areas. Although diverse scientists objected to this misinformation, it had already reached a significant population complicating the fight against the pandemic to a certain extent.
Healthcare providers cause diverse harm to the patients and the public when they spread false information or misinformation. As a result, this aspect leads to the violation of the ethical principle of non-maleficence. According to Gebreheat and Teame (2021), healthcare providers should ensure that their care does not trigger any harm to their patients in any context. Disseminating misleading information by Dr. Scott Atlas exposed the patients and the public to harm by increasing their vulnerability to contracting the disease. As a result, this professional failed in his mandate of upholding this ethical principle.
Despite many healthcare providers’ implications in the unethical practice of misinformation, ...
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