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Overview of the Theory of the Nurse as a Wounded Healer

Essay Instructions:


Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice.

Content Requirements:

1. Components of the theory

-Discuss the major concepts of the theory

-Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health

2. Structural aspects of the theory

-Discuss the framework of the theory.

3. Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable

-What question does the theory help to answer?

-Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model.

-Is it appropriate for the practice setting and is it applicable?

-Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory. If there is weakness, discuss what makes it difficult to be used in practice.

4. Use of theory in clinical practice.

-Performing a literature review is essential to completing this section. If there is no literature available about the application of this theory in practice, address reason(s) why based on your findings.

5. Evaluation of theory

-Is this theory used to understand and apply into practice?

-What difficulties did you encounter or would anticipate encountering in using this theory?

-What would make this theory more usable or applicable to practice?

Submission Instructions:

-The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

-The paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions.)

-The paper is to be 3 - 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

-Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

-Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts.

-Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors.

-name of the class: 

class textbooks:

Gray, J., Grove, S. & Sutherland, S. (2018). Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0323377584

Butts, J. & Rich, K. (2015). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice (3rd edition) Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning ISBN:978-1-284-11224-5

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Overview of the Theory of the Nurse as a Wounded Healer
Student name
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In this paper we analyze and evaluate a middle range theory known as the Nurse as Wounded Healer – theory that was coined by Marion Conti O'hare. To start with, nursing is known to be a helping profession in which the needs of communities and people in vulnerable states are addressed by people whose main aim is to help in their recovery process Marion Conti-O’Haire coined that people are usually led to certain professions like nursing by their individual desires to relieve the sufferings of other people after witnessing and experiencing traumatic situations in their lives.
Components of the Theory of the Nurse as a Wounded Healer
Nurses care for people who have been burnt, abused, scalded, raped and due to such instances later deal with emotional trauma that affects both their professional and personal lives. After exposures situations of personal trauma, the coping strategies of an individual become ineffective or effective. When the coping strategies of a person are ineffective, the effect of trauma on him or her becomes unrecognized and the pain is not solved. These people then operate as walking wounded people who undergo different social problems in their social lives. To deny their vulnerabilities and conflicts, these people direct their sufferings on colleagues and patients whilst considering them unaffected, and are less empathetic towards other individuals that they interact with. If the Nurse as the Wounded Healer Theory is applicable in cases of PTSD, it is opined that manifestation of PTSD are grounded on the exposures of the individual nurse to traumatic situations and their capability to self-heal, as well as their ability to transcend and transform their experiences. The Theory of The Nurse as a Wounded Healer presents recommendations that wounded nurses can use to overcome their problems that they pick in the course of service delivery. The theory explains the phases that nurses go through to develop ‘wounds’ as a result of caring for traumatic conditions in health care facilities.
Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health
According to a current research study, caring for people with traumatic conditions is stressful (Gray, Groove & Sutherland, 2018). Recurrent exposures to traumatic experiences and suffering have made traumatic experiences more popular among practicing nurses. Most affected are nurses working in ICU wards and those that deal with chronic exposures since exposures to such cases may cause psychological and physical distress to the healthcare providers. With cases of chronic diseases like Covid-19 whose outbreak has caused a pandemic , the healthcare profession has woken up to the fact that secondary trauma should not be ignored as an effect of the nursing profession, and should now be placed at the very beginning of nursing practice. This is because traumatic events that may be caused by a pandemic, cancer and other chronic cases have deep and long lasting effects on personal and professional lives of nurses.
Nurses who care for people who suffer chronic conditions or chronic accidents usually use the words like anger, upset, and shock and painful to describe the negative emotions they experience. Nurses often think of these situations even outside their working hours for long periods and the negative unresolved emotions that they experience most of the time affect patient outcome because the emotional impacts of traumatizing situations may overwhelm an individual’s responses to cope up mechanism, thus causing adverse stress on the nurse (Butt & Rich, 2015). As a result, nurses may exhibit symptoms like poor concentration, fatigue, confusion, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia, and muscle tension, emotional effects lay depressions, anxiety, anger, guilt and denials, and behavioral manifestations like substances abuse, aggression and social withdrawal (Butt & Rich, 2015).
In the current healthcare dispensation of dealing with chronic diseases, successful experience of the emotional pain caused by traumatic events that have been integrated in a person needs reflection and efforts that lets the victims be aware of the pain, brokenness, fear and humanity. This reflective passage help nurses to transform their experiences in a way that an affected nurse can use it solve the sufferings and pains of his or her patients. The transformational process of developing into a wounded healer is an aim that many nurses struggle to attain and the will to reflect inwards might be the most effective way of helping patients to be healed.
Structural aspects of Theory of the Nurse as a Wounded Healer
Framework of the Theory of the Nurse as a Wounded Healer
The theory of the Nurse as the Wounded Healer was coined to make propositions for the wounded nurse to conquer the emotional effects of caring people with adverse and chronic conditions. The theory shares a theoretical perspective of strengthening the understanding the experiences that nurses go through in stressful instances and charts a way of nurses to turn from a walking wounded to a wounded healer (Butt & Rich, 2015). The theory posits that nurses have the ability to cure traumatic cases by transforming and transcending the experiences, making them capable of therapeutically helping others.
The walking wounded refer to nurses that have expe...
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