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Essay Instructions:
LAST PAPER WAS FROM A PREVIOUS SCHOOL AND I RECIEVED 0. MY SCHOOL USES AN ADVANCED SYSTEM TO CHECK THE PAPER. PLEASE SUBMIT ORIGINAL WORK Module 3 - SLP LEADERSHIP AND HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION MODELS & INTERVENTIONS: INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY HEALTH BEHAVIORS Session Long Project In accordance with your professional area of interest, search the health education literature for 3-4 journal articles that address behavioral risk factors within the following contexts: A particular theory/model pertaining to individual or family-related determinants of risk behaviors. An aspect of health behavior that is of particular relevance to your goals/interests in health education. Provide summaries of the 3-4 articles that you selected. See http://www(dot)nchec(dot)org/assets/2251/areas_of_responsibilities_and_competencies.pdf and below for a list of relevant National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) Competencies. Area I: Assess Needs, Resources, and Capacity for Health Education Competency 1.4 Examine Relationships among Behavioral, Environmental and Genetic Factors That Enhance or Compromise Health 1.4.1-Identify factors that influence health behaviors 1.4.2-Analyze factors that influence health behaviors 1.4.3-Identify factors that enhance or compromise health 1.4.3-Analyze factors that enhance or compromise health SLP Assignment Expectations You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. Proofread your paper to ensure that grammar and punctuation are correct, that reference citations conform to APA guidelines, and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely. Length: 3-4 peer-reviewed sources, cited and annotated; 2-4 double-spaced pages.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Models and Interventions: Individual and Family Health Behaviors Name: Institution of Affiliation: Date: Models and Interventions: Individual and Family Health Behaviors Article 1 The National Academy of Sciences (2001) undertook a study with the aim of finding behavioral risk factors that influence health and mortality. They focused on alcohol consumption, tobacco use, sexual practices and obesity. The smoking of cigarette endangers one to having heart disease, lung cancer and also poor pregnancy outcomes. Furthermore, it is therefore speculated that 15-30% of the pregnant women in the United States smoke. Not only is Obesity in itself an epidemic but also a major health risk for diabetes. In addition, Sexual practices also cause mortality at a higher rate. Research approximates that most Americans have acquired incurable sexually transmitted diseases which have been caused by unhealthy behaviors and also contributed by smoking. Lastly, Alcoholism has been identified as a top contributor to death in the United States after the use of tobacco, diet and activity patterns. "Approximately 100,000 deaths are related to alcohol consumption in the United States each year, which translates into 15% of potential years of life lost before the age of 65" CITATION Nat07 \l 1033 (National Academy of Sciences, 2001).These behaviors have affected health dominantly and measures have been advised accordingly to inhibit the maladies caused by the above mentioned prevalent risky behaviors. Article 2 Katarzyna et al. (2014) carried out a study with the "aim of assessing the relationship of sleep duration and all-cause mortality among 2449 Polish community dwelling citizens of Krakow observed during 22 years of follow up CITATION Kat14 \l 1033 (Katarzyna, Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Galas, & Brzyska, 2014)". A face to face interview approach was used to collect the data. The researchers utilized a Cox regression model to lay scrutiny on how sleep duration influences mortality among people and the adaptors of potential effects in tandem with connection of the condition. They found out that sleep duration had a significant effect and relationship with the all-cause mortality. Weariness with life associated with old age was highly related with mortality among elderly people. The chronic illnesses greatly are greatly influenced by the amount of sleep of an individual. Therefore sleep is one of the health behaviors that greatly influences a healthy lifestyle CITATION Kat14 \l 1033 (Katarzyna, Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Galas, & Brzyska, 2014). The findings of the study confirmed other earlier published research articles which recommended the need to monitor sleeping habits for a healthier lifeCITATION Kat14 \l 1033 (Katarzyna, Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Galas, & Brzyska, 2014). Article 3 A research by Kawachi...
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