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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:
LAST PAPER WAS FROM A PREVIOUS SCHOOL AND I RECIEVED 0. MY SCHOOL USES AN ADVANCED SYSTEM TO CHECK THE PAPER. PLEASE SUBMIT ORIGINAL WORK Module 3 - SLP LEADERSHIP AND HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION As you anticipated, your discussion of current epidemiological data of health-related risk behaviors lead to an interest in understanding the factors that prompt such behaviors. You assured your colleagues that this central aspect of health behavior will be thoroughly addressed at next week's seminar as you present theoretical concepts and models relevant to individual and family perspectives of risk behavior. Case Assignment Prepare a handout that clearly outlines the distinguishing facets of four different models of behavior change. This handout is NOT to be prepared as a written essay/report -but rather as an organizational framework that presents this information in a clear, coherent manner (e.g., a chart) Distinguishing facets include -but are not limited to the following: General description Strengths/Weaknesses Theoretical Underpinnings Your handout may be developed as you wish; you may use a table, a graph, an outline of the material. This is a time for you to use your creativity. You can do a web search to find examples. Do not forget you will still need citations and references. Examples: Diabetes Care and Education http://www(dot)dce(dot)org/publications/education-handouts/ These are not very creative but good examples Indian Health Services http://www(dot)ihs(dot)gov/healthcommunications/pe/index.cfm?module=alphaResults&option=User&suboption=byCode&char=A&sortChoice=docName&newquery=1 Google Docs Templates has many examples https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/templates?category=7&type=docs&sort=user&view=public&urp=https://www(dot)google(dot)com/&pli=1&ddrp=1# Accompany this handout with a 1-2 page executive summary of your prepared handout. Include in this summary 2 additional studies/professional discussions (i.e., from a refereed journal) that explicitly address any aspect of 2 particular models presented in your handout. Appropriately reference your additional resources. Assignment Expectations Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper. The following items will be assessed in particular: Your ability to present a clear comparison of four models of behavior change from an individual and family perspective that indicates your understanding of differences and similarities in their strengths and weaknesses and theoretical assumptions; In-text references to modular background readings that EXACTLY match a reference list presented at the end of the paper (APA formatting preferred).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Executive Summary Name: Institution of Affiliation: Date: Executive Summary Research has it that personal health behaviors can cause up to 50 percent of illnesses. Many young people have caught serious health altering conditions, chronic and lifestyle diseases, as they indulge in life-threatening practices hence a higher susceptibility to maladies. These situations call for actions that can motivate these people to put back these inconsequential practices and embrace healthier ones. Using the health beliefs model, behavioral patterns are easier to track in most diseases hence making it easy to either prevent or cure them. What makes the said ailment susceptible or severe? How could individual variables be modified to inhibit these threats? This model can be a stepping stone towards predictions of severity and prevalence of certain life-threatening chronic consequences such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Measures should be put in place with the aid of tracking and dealing with symptoms at an earlier stage before they become threats to mortality (Carpenter & Christopher, 2010). Since young people are the highly susceptible targets towards imitation of the surroundings, we should create a ...
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