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3 pages/≈825 words
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Methods of Measurement used to Evaluate Quality Improvement Outcomes

Essay Instructions:

Insight Paper: Methods of Measuring Quality (100 pts.)
This assignment requires a full 3-4 page research report reflecting critical thinking and an analysis of the research findings. Reports must be supported with 3 scholarly creditable outside resources and is to be formatted throughout in accord with APA requirements. In summary required is the Title Page, the Main Body, and a Citations page. Papers are to be posted by Saturday 11:59 pm. in the assignment folder titled Methods of Measuring Quality. Be sure to reference the competency/student learning outcomes identified in the weekly overview and in the rubric as grading is strictly adhered to the identified competencies.
Topic: Research methods of measurement used to evaluate quality improvement outcomes. Identify and clearly define 2 methods including the environment and conditions most appropriate for their application. You may choose one that you might have used in your work setting to measure a change to improve outcomes with cost, quality or safety. (Example of Measures: Outcome, Process, Structural).
Week 5 Insight Paper Rubric
Week 5 Insight Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Competency/Outcome• Differentiate between data collection tools and types of measures utilized in the quality improvement process • Explain the value of tools and measurements and their impact on quality, cost and safety
Exemplary- Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and clearly identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
25 pts
Mastery- Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
22.5 pts
Proficient- Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the primary thesis of the paper however competencies/ outcomes to be achieved are not clearly defined
20 pts
Emerging- Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper does not reflect an understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
0 pts
25 pts
Critical Thinking/ Analytical Skills
Exemplary- Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; consistently demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
25 pts
Mastery- Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
22.5 pts
Proficient- Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; minimal demonstration of the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
20 pts
Emerging- Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified; demonstrates little or no use of critical thinking/analysis skill
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not present any critical thinking/ analysis
0 pts
25 pts
Utilization of Research
Exemplary- Supplements paper with relevant and extensive research into the body of the paper
25 pts
Mastery- Supplements paper with relevant research into the body of the paper
22.5 pts
Proficient- Supplements paper with limited research into the body of the paper
20 pts
Emerging- Minimally supplements paper with research into the body of the paper
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not include relevant research into the body of the paper
0 pts
25 pts
Quality and Organization of the writing
Exemplary- The paper is extremely well organized, makes excellent transitions from point to point, no spelling or grammatical errors and all references correctly cited
25 pts
Mastery- The paper is generally well organized with relatively smooth transitions from point to point; rare number of spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
22.5 pts
Proficient- The paper is organized with somewhat smooth transitions from point to point; under3 spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
20 pts
Emerging- The paper is minimally well organized with minimally acceptable transitions from point to point; several spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper is poorly organized with clumsy transitions from point to point, several spelling and grammatical errors, and references not correctly cited
0 pts
25 pts
Total Points: 100
By Instructure

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Methods of Measuring Quality
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Methods of Measuring Quality
Health Care quality has been defined by Institute of Medicine as "the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge," (IOM, 2001). The main objective of healthcare systems is to provide quality health services that will optimize the health of the people thus the efforts of improving the quality of health services are the key to achieving this objective. Although many people has the assumption that the quality of health care provided in their countries especially in developed nations is high, it has been noted that it is often not the case.
The IOM has identified six components of health care systems that ensure that high quality care is given to people. First, the system should be safe and free from any accidental injuries for all people. This implies that there should be higher standards all the time. Second, the health care system should be effective. The care given to patients should be based on systematically obtained evidence to make decisions whether a preventive care, therapy, diagnostic therapy, or no intervention will produce the best results. Third, the system should be patient-centered. The values, preferences, and needs should be respected. These involve keeping their information safe, and involving their respective families and friends to help them in relieving fear and anxiety. Forth, the care should be delivered in time. The patients should not wait for long that will waste time and provoke anxiety in the patients. Fifth, a high quality health care system should be efficient. It should utilize all the available resources to achieve the best results. Lastly, the system should be equitable. The care given to the patients should be based on the needs of the individual and not on personal characteristics (IOM, 2001).
The quality of health care services provided to the public cannot be established unless it is measured. Therefore, health care quality measurement is the "process of using the available data to evaluate the performance of health plans and health care providers against recognized quality standards". Health care quality measures take different forms and they evaluate the care across all the health care settings, from the doctors to hospital settings. Therefore, measuring the quality of health care is an important and necessary step towards the improvement of health care quality. Too often, the quality of care provided in many countries is substandard. R...
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