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Metabolic Syndrome, Importance of Controlling the Disease, Carbohydrate Consumption

Essay Instructions:

Macronutrients Case Study # 1
You are presented with a client who suffers from Metabolic Syndrome. Below is the health background of your client.
65 years old
250 pounds
Current Diagnosis: Obesity
Type 2 Diabetes (fasting glucose= 190mg/dl and Hemoglobin A1c – 9.9%) Hypertension (180/90 mmHg)
Hyperlipidemia (Total Ch = 280mg/dL; HDL = 40 mg/dL; LDL=160mg/dL; TG = 202mg/dL)
Medications: Metformin Actos Spiranolactone Lipitor
Goals: She decided to see a nutritionist who believes in preventative medicine and “patient- centered” nutrition. She wants to get off her medications by making dietary modifications. Provide background information to your client regarding her condition and develop a nutritional plan for her which includes the following:
1. Define Metabolic Syndrome and explain the importance of controlling such a disease.
2. Provide goal ranges for each diagnosis (ie: Normal blood pressure ranges)
3. Discuss the impact of carbohydrate consumption on her health and how the glycemic load may impact the response.
4. Recommend different types of carbohydrates (ie: resistant starches, FOS, etc.) which will help your client improve her condition and decrease the use of medications.
discuss: the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates as well as the benifits of pre and probiotics on digestive health
Please don't use personal opinions here but rather include objective information from research- based literature – YOU MUST PROVIDE REFERENCES. Please limit your case study to 3 pages double-spaced. Please be concise.

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Nutrition: Macronutrients Case Study
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Nutrition: Macronutrients Case Study
Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of interconnected risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. The signs of the metabolic syndrome include hypertension, abdominal obesity, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia. The presence of three or more risk factors in one’s diagnosis indicates metabolic syndrome. The combination of these risk elements makes one susceptible to adverse health problems. The dangers that the condition presents that could lead to death, such as the heart attacks demand that control mechanisms are adopted to manage. The most effective methods of dealing with the metabolic syndrome are making lifestyle and dietary changes. A nutritional plan, in this case, would help in managing the metabolic syndrome and reverse its effects.
From the diagnosis, the risk factors are obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. The calculation of the BMI for the woman gives a value of 44.3 that indicates obesity. The lady having a height of 5 feet, 3 inches should strive to attain a weight of between 104-141 pounds. According to the CDC, a BMI value of more than 30 depicts that one is obese and at risk of conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attacks (CDC.gov, 2016). With the fasting glucose levels, the focus would be to bring the value to below 130mg/dl and after meals should be below 180mg/dl. The current value is 190 mg/dl, which exceeds the recommended levels after a meal. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) explains that the normal fasting glucose levels should be between 70 and 100 mg/dl (ADA, 2014). Additionally, the A1C goal should be to reduce the value from 9.9% to lower than 7% to control the type 2 diabetes.
The blood pressure target should be below 140/80 mmHg from the current value of 180/90 mmHg that is high. Zanchetti (2015) outlines that a healthy blood pressure is one that is below 120/80 mmHg and hence this should be the ultimate target for the woman in the case study. For the cholesterol levels, the total has to be lower than 200mg/dl. The recommended target for the LDL should be below 100 mg/dl as the lady has other risk factors including hypertension and obesity. The HDL goal for the woman should be at least 50 mg/dl because higher values of HDL are desirable (Banik & Hossain, 2014). The triglyceride levels should be brought to less than 150 mg/dl from the existing 202 mg/dl that is high.
The achievement of these targets requires the alteration of the daily diet and the servings. The largest portion of the woman’s meals should comprise of fruits and vegetables with approximately five servings each day. These should not be processed as the refinement adds unhealthy preservatives and eliminates the essential nutrients (Franz, Boucher, & Evert, 2014). Additionally, the lady should minimize the intake of fats, particularly the Trans fats that are found in partially- or hydrogenated vegetable oils and margarine. The proportion of the omega-3 and non-saturated fats should be increased to replace the Trans fats to ensure that the LDL comes below 100mg/dl.
Also, weight ...
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