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Mental Health Myths and Facts

Essay Instructions:


1. Create a thread/initial discussion post.

2. Write at least 200 words per question.

3. The majority of your post(s) must be original thoughts, words and ideas.

4. Identify additional source of all information you use.

5. Utilize APA formatting for your responses and citations.

- What is the difference between a myth and a fact?

- Why do you think it is important to know the myths and facts about mental illness?

- How could it be harmful for people to think that the myths of mental illness are facts?

- How were your personal myths about Mental illness challenged or changed through taking the Mental health lass?

- What can you do to make sure that people know the facts of mental illness and not think that the myths are true?

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Mental Health Myths and Facts.
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Mental Health Myths and Facts
Question 1.
Myths are stories anchored in believes regarding some phenomenons experienced. Myths are usually not veritable and untrue. For example, the emergence of COVID-19 was characterized by many myths, some people believed it was a curse from God, and only God would cure it. The disease brought many mental health disorders to people. Also, many people have been thinking that mental health problems are often life-long and challenging to treat. Some individuals diagnosed with depression or anxiety are never told for how long they should remain under medication. The scenario happens because their physicians believe that the disorder may be life-long (Rickles et al.).
Facts, on the other hand, are phenomenons or ideas whose prove of existence is available. Facts are accurate information that can not be dismissed no matter what. They are the opposite of myths and opinions. Facts are mainly reached through research and science. For example, it’s a fact that mental health disorders are non-discriminatory diseases. The rich and poor, developed countries and third world countries, doctors and non-doctors can be affected. Mental health diseases are usually revealed in many ways, including; anxiety, addiction, bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, and suicidal thoughts. It is true that mental illness, if not contained, can cause premature deaths (Raleigh, 2019).
Question 2.
Mental health involves the well-being of one’s mind. Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of human beings are critical determinants of their mental health. It is essential to know about mental health myths and facts because it helps give the affected people the necessary attention and treatment. There has been a myth that children don’t experience mental health disorders, but the truth is that they are more vulnerable to these disorders. Knowing this helps to control the advancement of the disorder into adverse stages and when the children become adults, they will be mentally fit.
Being aware of the myths and facts about mental health helps people to stop stigmatizing the affected persons. Many people have thought that these disorders are associated with personality weakness and character flaws which is not valid. The fact is that biological factors, life experience, and family history contribute a lot to one’s mental well-being. Knowledge about mental health helps doctors give those diagnosed with mental health problems the necessary treatment. Many individuals who don’t know facts about mental well-being facts end up substance abuse to control either stress or depression. They end up with more mental problems than before. Facts on mental health help individuals take the relevant actions to control any disorder they may experience.
Question 3.
Mistaking mental health myths for facts will be harmful to people because those affected will be blamed for their illness and denied medical and social attention they may need to live a good life. Also, this may increase the level of stigmatization and increase suicidal cases. Mistaking myths for facts will increase the number of affected people with increased stress a...
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