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Mental Health Issues in the Incarcerated Population. Opioid Misuse in the Incarcerated Population.

Essay Instructions:

Week 6 Chronic Health Paper Topics

Week 6 Paper: Mental Health Issues in the Incarcerated Population (You may choose to focus on anxiety, PTSD, depression or opioid misuse/addiction. Or, you may write on the collective issue of mental health issues in the incarcerated population.)

I live in Snellville Georgia.

Week 6: Epidemiological Analysis: Chronic Health Problem

Due Dec 6 by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a file upload


The purpose of this assignment is:

Integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout NR503 course

Direct application of course objectives utilizing epidemiological analysis of a chronic health problem, along with state and national level data.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

See weekly outcomes from Weeks 1-6.

Due Date: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.

Total Points Possible: 200


This paper should clearly and comprehensively discuss a chronic health disease. Select a topic from the list provided by your course faculty.

The paper should be organized into the following sections:

Introduction (Identification of the problem) with a clear presentation of the problem as well as the significance and a scholarly overview of the paper’s content. No heading is used for the Introduction per APA current edition.

Background and Significance of the disease, to include: Definition, description, signs and symptoms, and current incidence and/or prevalence statistics by state with a comparison to national statistics pertaining to the disease.  Create a table of incidence and prevalence rates by your geographic county/city or state with a comparison to national statistics. Use the APA text for formatting guidelines (tables). This is a table that you create using relevant data, it should not be a table from another source using copy/paste.

Surveillance and Reporting: Current surveillance methods and mandated reporting processes as related to the chronic health condition chosen should be specific.

Epidemiological Analysis: Conduct a descriptive epidemiology analysis of the health condition. Be sure to include all of the 5 W’s: What, Who, Where, When, Why. Use details associated with all of the W’s, such as the “Who” which should include an analysis of the determinants of health. Include costs (both financial and social) associated with the disease or problem.

Screening and Guidelines: Review how the disease is diagnosed and current national standards (guidelines). Pick one screening test (review Week 2 Discussion Board) and review its sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and cost.

Plan: Integrating evidence, provide a plan of how a nurse practitioner will address this chronic health condition after graduation. Provide three specific interventions that are based on the evidence and include how you will measure outcomes (how will you know that the interventions have utility, are useful?) Note:  Consider primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as well as the integration of health policy advocacy efforts. All interventions should be based on evidence – connected to a resource such as a scholarly piece of research.

Summary/Conclusion: Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of the keys points from each section of the paper utilizing integration of resources.

The paper should be formatted and organized into the following sections which focus on the chosen chronic health condition.

Adhere to all paper preparation guidelines (see below).

Preparing the Paper:

Page length: 7-10 pages, excluding title page and references.

APA format current edition

Include scholarly in-text references throughout and a reference list.

Include at least one table that the student creates to present information. Please refer to the “Requirements” or rubric for further details. APA formatting required.

Length: Papers not adhering to the page length may be subject to either (but not both) of the following at the discretion of the course faculty: 1.  Your paper may be returned to you for editing to meet the length guidelines, or, 2. Your faculty may deduct up to five (5) points from the final grade.

Adhere to the Chamberlain College of Nursing academic policy on integrity as it pertains to the submission of original work for assignments.






Identification of the Health Problem



Comprehensively and succinctly states the problem/concern. Clear presentation of the problem as well as the significance with a scholarly overview of the paper’s content.

Background and Significance of the Health Problem



Background and significance is complete, presents risks, disease impact and includes a review of incidence and prevalence of the disease within the student’s state compared to national data. Evidence supports background. A student created table is included using APA format.

Current Surveillance and Reporting Methods



Current state and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed along with currently gathered types of statistics and information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting. Supported by evidence.

Descriptive Epidemiological Analysis of Health Problem



Comprehensive review and analysis of descriptive epidemiological points for the chronic health problem. The 5 W’s of epidemiological analysis should be fully identified. Supported by scholarly evidence.

Screening, Diagnosis, Guidelines



Review of current guidelines for screening and diagnosis. Screening tool statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests are presented.

Plan of Action



Integrating evidence, provide a plan of how a nurse practitioner will address this chronic health condition after graduation. Provide three specific interventions that are based on the evidence and include how you will measure outcomes (how will you know that the interventions have utility, are useful?) Note:  Consider primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as well as the integration of health policy advocacy efforts. All interventions should be based on evidence – connected to a resource such as a scholarly piece of research.




The conclusion thoroughly, clearly, succinctly, and logically presents major points of the paper with clear direction for action. Includes scholarly references



Total CONTENT Points=185 pts






APA current ed.



APA is consistently utilized according to the current edition throughout the paper.

Grammar, Syntax, Spelling



The paper is free from grammar, unscholarly context or “voice” and spelling is accurate throughout.



Total FORMAT Points=15 pts





NR503_Week 6 Chronic Health_Sept19

NR503_Week 6 Chronic Health_Sept19

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content Possible Points = 185 Points

Introduction of Healthcare Problem/Concern

15.0 pts


Comprehensively and succinctly states the problem/concern. Clear presentation of the problem as well as the significance with a scholarly overview of the paper’s content.

14.0 pts

V. Good

Identifies the problem/concern with adequate but not in-depth presentation.

12.0 pts


Identification of problem/concern is limited.

8.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Improvement- Identification of problem/concern is unclear.

0.0 pts


Improvement- Identification of problem/concern is unclear.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBackground/Significance

30.0 pts


Background and significance is complete, presents risks, disease impact and includes a review of incidence and prevalence of the disease within the student’s state compared to national data. Evidence supports background. A student created table is included.

27.0 pts

V. Good

Background is complete, presents risk, disease impact and at least one set of incidence and prevalence statistics supported by evidence, for instance state data or national data is presented, but not both. Or, full data is presented but student table is not included.

26.0 pts


Background missing one or more key points and at least one set of incidence and prevalence statistics are presented. Lack of evidence or limited presentation of the background. A table is included which may or may not be student created; may be limited in data.

15.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Background missing more than one key point and at least one set of incidence and prevalence statistics are presented, or there is no supported evidence. Unclear conclusions or presentation. No student created table is included; or if included is limited in scope or is not student created.

0.0 pts


Background and significance of the disease is not provided.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSurveillance and Reporting

30.0 pts


Current state and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed along with currently gathered types of statistics and information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting. All writing is supported by evidence.

27.0 pts

V. Good

State and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed, currently gathered types of statistics is scant, reporting requirements discussed. All writing is supported by evidence.

26.0 pts


State or national surveillance statistics are discussed as an overview, lacking detail / depth. Mandated reporting may be absent. Writing is supported by evidence but may be inconsistent.

15.0 pts

Needs Improvement

One of either state or national disease surveillance methods reviewed; currently gathered types of statistics may be missing or information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting is missing. There is a lack of depth with inconsistent use of evidence.

0.0 pts


Content not discussed.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescriptive Epidemiology

35.0 pts


Comprehensive review and analysis of descriptive epidemiological points for the chronic health problem. The 5 W’s of epidemiological analysis should be fully identified. Supported by scholarly evidence.

32.0 pts

V. Good

Review and analysis has depth in general but may be missing one of the 5 W’s OR may be scant in one area of the 5 W’s. All writing is supported by evidence.

29.0 pts


Review and analysis superficial in all of the 5 W’s OR may be scant or missing 2 or more of the W’s. Evidence is present but may not be throughout all content areas.

18.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Review and analysis is missing depth throughout all of the content areas. Evidence may or may not support the writing.

0.0 pts


No analysis provided.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScreening, Diagnosis, Guidelines

30.0 pts


Comprehensive review of current guidelines for screening and diagnosis. Screening tool statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests are presented.

27.0 pts

V. Good

Adequate review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests is presented.

26.0 pts


Limited review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests.

15.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Minimal or unclear review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests. There is a lack of depth with inconsistent use of evidence.

0.0 pts


Review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests not provided.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan

30.0 pts


Integrating evidence, provide a plan of how a nurse practitioner will address this chronic health condition after graduation. Provide three specific interventions that are based on the evidence and include how you will measure outcomes (how will you know that the interventions have utility, are useful?) Note:  Consider primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as well as the integration of health policy advocacy efforts. All interventions should be based on evidence – connected to a resource such as a scholarly piece of research.

27.0 pts

V. Good

An adequate, but not fully comprehensive, plan of action specific to the problem, and the geographic area is presented with 3 evidenced based actions that will be taken to address the impact, outcomes, or prevalence of the disease.

26.0 pts


A limited plan of action specific to the problem, and the geographic area, outcomes, or prevalence of the disease. Three actions or less may be presented with limited or little evidence.

15.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Minimal or unclear review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests. Actions are minimal or unclear, or lack specificity, are not supported directly by evidence or are not direct actions the student can take in practice. There is a lack of depth with inconsistent use of evidence.

0.0 pts


Plan of action not provided.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary/Conclusion = 185 Points

15.0 pts


The conclusion thoroughly, clearly, succinctly, and logically presents major points of the paper with clear direction for action. Includes scholarly references.

14.0 pts

V. Good

The conclusion adequately and logically presents major points of the paper with clear direction for action, but lacks one major point or is not succinct. Includes scholarly references.

12.0 pts


The conclusion is a limited review of key points of the paper, is not succinct, or lacks one or more major points of the paper or clear direction for action. Scholarly references may or may not be included.

8.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Conclusion is unclear or significantly limited in overview of the paper. Scholarly references may or may not be included.

0.0 pts


No Summary/conclusion is included.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Format Possible Points =15 Points

APA 6th ed.

10.0 pts


APA is consistently utilized according to the 6th edition throughout the paper.

9.0 pts

V. Good

One or two errors in APA format

8.0 pts


Three-Five errors in APA format

5.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Six errors in APA format

0.0 pts


Greater than six errors in APA formatting.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Syntax, Spelling

5.0 pts


There are no grammar, unscholarly context or “voice” errors in the paper and spelling is accurate throughout.

4.0 pts

V. Good

One or two errors

3.0 pts


Three-five errors

2.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Six errors

0.0 pts


Greater than six errors

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductions

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

0.0 pts

Minus Points

0.0 pts

Minus Points

0.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Opioid Misuse in the Incarcerated Population
Institutional Affiliation
The incarcerated population in the US faces several mental issues due to their condition and states of living. Opioid misuse is a major problem in many US prisons, especially in Georgia, where individuals become dependent on the substance rather than its specific use. Several articles have documented the statistics of substance addiction in prisons, which have become a menace to society in general. Although clear reasons for substance abuse in prisons have not been established, it is evident that these incarcerated individuals may be suffering from underlying major depressive disorders that result from being imprisoned and the challenges that arise from spending their lives behind bars. Most of these individuals feel lonely, especially for youths who lived with their families that offered protection, yet prison life is the opposite of the norm. They are exposed to dangers from the older inmates who may abuse them, leading to psychological disorders requiring them to always depend on drugs. Older inmates are less likely to use opioids since they tend to use other forms of hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine. The study seeks to identify the background, signs, and symptoms of the mental health issue and surveillance methods and reporting processes to reduce the arising cases in prisons. Besides, it seeks to screen the disease to allow for its treatment before it is too late to correct the situation. While opioid misuse in US prisons is on the rise, key stakeholders should work efficiently to reduce the drug's prescription to inmates and eliminate its use by offering a less addictive alternative.
Background and Significance
Opioid use disorder is when the body develops extreme dependence on opioids, which are often used to relieve chronic pain among users (Hopkins et al 2018). It is a prescription drug that is to be used for a short while, yet individuals get clued on it since it makes the body and the brain to believe that its use is necessary for their survival. Many inmates get their prescription while attempting to relieve intense pain, and over a couple of uses, they become addicted. In most instances, addictive medication is administered over a short time to avoid extreme addiction (Macmadu et al., 2020). Opioid drugs work by blocking pain impulses sent to the brain, making them the most effective painkillers in intense pain situations amongst patients. Substance misuse can lead to addiction. Some opioid risk factors include stressed life, previous criminal activity, experimentation on drugs, history of mental health disorders such as depression, and regular drug use such as heroin. The incarcerated population can be characterized by the drug’s risk factors considering that prison is not the most attractive place for any individual. Due to this, most of the exterminated individuals seek pleasure from blocking their pain.
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms of substance misuse disorder can range from physical, behavioral, or psychological, depending on the drug's effects on their bodies (Zarkin et al., 2020). Opioid users often suffer from loss of coordination, shallow breathing rate, anxiety, drastic mood swings, and changes in sleeping patterns. Besides, misuse of prescribed opioids results in several health consequences such as mental health disorders development, muscle weakness, and death from the drug's overdose.
Current Incidence / Prevalence Statistics
In Snellville, Georgia, nearly 100 percent of incarcerated individuals suffer from a specific condition. Mental health issues associated with opioid misuse account for 60 percent of the total population with 50-50 percent prevalence in both men and women. Females account for 10% of teenagers, 35% of middle-aged inmates, and 10% of older adults. On the other hand, Males account for 10% of teenagers, 37% of middle-aged adults, and 3% of older adults.
The national statistics of the incarcerated population in the US reveal that females' percentage is 30% while males account for 70% of users. Out of these, females account for 5% teenagers, 22% middle-aged inmates, and 3% older adults. On the other hand, males illustrate of15% of teenagers, 45% of middle-aged individuals, and 10% of older inmates (Kennedy et al., 2020). From these statistics, the middle-aged incarcerated population depicts the most affected compared to teenagers and older adults 'opioids misuse and associated mental issues.
Create Tables
Snellville Georgia






Middle age



Older adults



National statistics






Middle age



Older adults



Surveillance and Reporting
One of the most effective surveillance methods for the incarcerated population is periodic population-based surveys conducted over a certain period due to changing the target population's trends. An example of this method is the HIV-prevalence surveys in the US, where the involved bodies undertake surveys to determine the number of new infections, the rate of infection, and the population's mortality rate (Zarkin et al., 2020). Similarly, the incarcerated population can be surveyed to establish the existing number of opioid users, new cases, deaths resulting from substance abuse, and the drugs' effects on the individuals' wellbeing. Most of these surveillance methods are developed by the CSTE (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists), which monitors substance use and mental health issues, and CDC (Centre for Disease Control), which is tasked with developing and maintaining surveillance indicators to control and prevent disease prevalence and incidence (Kennedy et al., 2020). Undertaking this surveillance requires data collection from the target population, which is carried out in several steps.
Step 1: Identify the health areas' scope to be included in the survey, such as heroin abuse.
Step 2: Identification of broader areas of inclusion such as depression or suicide from substance misuse.
Step 3: Consideration of indicators from other groups that may effectively tackle the existing case area.
Step 4: Narrowing of the target areas to be dealt with by considering those with the most prevalence and incidence; in this case, opioid misuse has the highest incidence with fatal results.
Step 5: The completion of data collection and determination of indicators to be used, with rationales and definitions in the process.
According to Sufrin et al (2020), the analysis of surveillance data is undertaken by Epi info, a standardized computer program. It is an epidemiology surveillance and biostatistics program that is used worldwide in data analysis. This is the most efficient program because the CDC develops, maintains, and distributes it to the users without charges. This means that data surveillance analysis is less costly, considering that users can access the program without paying for its use, unlike other programs that have to be purchased or upgraded to premium for operations. However, the results' efficiency depends on the periods of the survey. A few surveys give forth poor results due to population changes, and the individuals' dependency on opioids may change. Therefore, sufficient surveillance results require the periodic conduction of surveys in prisons to establish the changes and fill the population gaps.
Epidemiological Analysis
According to Henry (2020), opioid misuse or addiction results from an individual's dependence on the drug for other purposes rather than pain-relieving. Incarcerated individuals in the US range from teenagers to fully grown adults who commit cri...
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