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Medicine Essay: Pharmacology, Diagnosis of the diseases

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Directions

Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old son to your primary care office. He states the boy has been ill for three days. Mr. Smith indicates that he would like antibiotics so he can send his son back to pre-school the next day.

History - Child began with sneezing, mild cough, and low grade fever of 100 degrees three days ago. All immunizations UTD. Father reports that the child has had only two incidents of URI and no other illnesses.

Social - non-smoking household. Child attends preschool four mornings a week and is insured through his father’s employment. No other siblings in the household.

PE/ROS -T 99, R 20, P 100. Alert, cooperative, in good spirits, well-hydrated. Mildly erythemic throat, no exudate, tonsils +2. Both ears mild pink tympanic membrane with good movement. Lungs clear bilaterally. All other systems WNL.

For the assignment, do the following:

Diagnose the child and describe how you arrived at the diagnosis (i.e. how you ruled out other diagnoses).

Provide a specific treatment plan for this patient, pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic.

Provide a communication plan for how the family will be involved in the treatment plan.

Provide resources that Mr. Smith could access which would provide information concerning your treatment decisions.

Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts to support your diagnosis and treatment.

Use references to support your concepts. Utilize correct APA formatting and mechanics of professional communication.

Assignment Requirements:

Present this Assignment as a narrative document, with a minimum of 4, and maximum of 5 pages not counting the cover page or reference page. It is not necessary to repeat the facts of the case in your narrative.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Diagnosis of the diseases
The child was sneezing. He experienced a mild cough and low-grade fever of 100 F for the last three days. The child also had mild erythemic throat, no exude, and tonsils 2. Based on the patient's history and the symptoms that they exhibited. The child in question could be suffering from the common cold.
Considering the patient's clinical history is one of the ways of diagnosing the common cold. Some specific symptoms are primarily associated with the common cold in children, making it easy to single out the disease. Some of the common cold symptoms that the child exhibited include sneezing, coughing, sore throat, nasal congestion, and low-grade fever.
If an individual is not subjected to therapeutic intervention such as antibiotics, then the disease may revolve between 7 to 10 days; at times, common cold and flu exhibit similar symptoms and are commonly confused. The flu is caused by a virus called influenza virus. Patients who have been infected with influenza flu are likely to be hospitalized due when the illness develops to an advanced stage (Ismail & Schellack, 2017).
Flu is also associated with a high mortality rate in some regions. Influenza may occur throughout the year but is most common in May and during the winter season. The influenza flu has been evolving over the years and has since developed different strains. Common cold, on the other rarely causes fatalities and has not evolved much. It can easily be treated without necessarily being admitted to the hospital (Malesker et al., 2017).
Pharmacological Treatment of Common cold
Common cold can be treated pharmacologically by subjecting the patient to a variety of antibiotics that have been approved by various pharmaceutical firms. Such include but are not limited to aspirin, paracetamol, and caffeine. Scientific research has proved that vitamin C intake can significantly reduce the chances of contracting the common cold. Zinc also slows down the growth of viral diseases; intake of zinc significantly suppresses the common cold symptoms (Krinsky, 2016).
Some other recommended antibiotics for the treatment of common cold include the use of inhaled ipratropium bromide. Rhinorrhoea and sneezing can be suppressed through nasal preparations. Another intervention includes inhaling corticosteroids. It is an antibiotic that minimizes the swelling of the nasal mucosa. The typical cold patients can as well be subjected to nasal irrigations (Malesker et al., 2017).
Nasal irrigation involves using a small quantity of salt and some fluids to remove mucus from the nose; the said process removes bacteria and improves sinonasal roles. Nasal irrigations should be administered before the regular therapeutic interventions to ensure correct sinus distribution. Other antibiotics that can be used to suppress the cough and common cold, in general, are codeine or hydrocodone (Krinsky, 2016).
Apart from over-the-counter antibiotics, some herbal products are recommended for the treatment of the common cold. Such products include Echinacea, Chinese herbal cold and allergy products, elderberry extracts, Andrographis paniculata, Pelargonium sidoides, and Acanthopanax senticosus (Krinsky, 2016).
Some antibiotics are known to suppress coughing and can be used to treat common colds. Such drugs include codeine phosphate, methadone.
Non-pharmacological Treatment of Common cold
Some non-pharmacological ways of treating the common cold entail adopting home solutions, using some n...
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