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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Medical and Technology Innovations

Essay Instructions:

Your proposal report should answer the following prompt: Considering the major forces in healthcare today, what improvements or changes would you propose for your selected organization? How would your proposal add value to the organization, and what impact would your proposal have in terms of the financial and budgetary considerations?
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed, but the proposal that you are creating may require you to address these aspects in a different order. Please organize your report in the manner that seems the most logical for your topic.
I. Introduction
A. What are the major forces affecting the delivery of healthcare today? Discuss these forces and their corresponding impacts on today’s healthcare environment.
B. Impact of Forces: What healthcare service and delivery opportunities and challenges exist because of the forces discussed above? Define the challenges and opportunities that exist for today’s healthcare leaders.
C. Opportunities: Based on your analysis of the major forces, impacts, and opportunities provided, consider the specific organization that you selected. What opportunities exist for this organization, and how do these opportunities relate to the big-picture view of healthcare?
D. Proposal: What is your proposal for addressing identified issues or improvements within your organization? In other words, what changes are you trying to incorporate in your selected organization?
II. Financial and Budgetary Considerations
A. Financial Statements: What financial statements will you utilize in making your proposal, and how will you use these statements?
B. Proposal Impact: What impact will your proposal have on the organization’s financial statements? Articulate the impact using appropriate terminology.
C. Flexed Versus Fixed: How would your proposal be different if using a flexed budget versus a fixed budget? In other words, how would the use of one type of budget versus the other impact your proposal, and how would your proposal impact the budget? (Evaluate the differences between a fixed and a flexed budget.)
III. Proposal Justification
A. Ratio Selection: What ratios will you use to support your proposal and why? Select the ratio or ratios that would be the most appropriate.
B. Ratio Results: Calculate the selected ratios and articulate the results using accurate terminology. What do the results tell you about the viability of your proposal?
C. Short- and Long-Term Impact: Based on your calculations and financial statement analysis, determine the short-term and long-term impact on the organization and the organization’s financials. What is the short-term and long-term financial impact of your proposal for the organization?
How can you plan to strategically mitigate the impact on the financials of the company, or how will your proposal help inform strategic planning in the short and long term?
IV. Closing Statement/ Conclusion
A. Added Value: What value will your proposal add to the organization? Justify the value or improvement your proposal will add for the organization, in consideration of trends in healthcare.
B. Justification of Proposal: How appropriate is your proposal based on your financial analysis? Justify your proposal based on the financials and budgetary considerations. If you feel that your proposal is not appropriate given your analysis, explain why, with support of your reasoning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Medical and technology innovations have caused a paradigm shift in the healthcare delivery system. While technologically integrated systems bear numerous benefits it also vulnerable to a wide range of challenges.
One of the most common issues is cyber medical breaches amidst ongoing technological advancements. Today, the internet supports much healthcare advancement; thus, patient information is vulnerable to hackers. Furthermore, with the continuous advancement in technology, malicious acts such as manipulating equipment, stealing patient data, research, and clinical trial data will increase, thus posing huge risks to the health care delivery system.
Exorbitant drug prices are another major challenge affecting health care delivery. Low-cost treatment with high-cost prescriptions inhibits patient care. As part of the global agenda to advocate pricing, pharmaceutical companies are rewarding organizations dispensing, cost-friendly drugs. In light of this approach, large organizations worldwide have partnered to evaluate and monitor drug prices based on the effectiveness, economic viability, patient outcomes, and toxicity levels. However, manufacturers and insurers do not have reliable pricing information, which causes a major drawback in inpatient care CITATION Reg201 \l 1033 (Regis College 2020).
Big data advancements have changed the future of patient information systems. With a non-relational database, healthcare practitioners can merge patients' information from different sources to have concrete, actionable metrics to initiate patient care. Similarly, drug and equipment manufacturers leverage this technology to observe and discover patients' preferences and consumption rates. However, investing in this technology is expensive; thus, many care providers cannot make informed decisions during healthcare delivery.
In conjunction with insurers and large organizations, the medical practitioners assume responsibility for improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. Although this is a rigorous process, these savings models are taking root in the health care system and reversing the quantity over quality approach. This is evident in the advent of accountable care organizations to alleviate increased expenses and unsatisfactory experiences.
Impact of Forces
Opportunities/ Challenges
Health care practitioners can invest in new and advanced technologies to build a non-relational database, collaborating with insurers, manufacturers, and caregivers to devise a continuous framework to ensure fair pricing.
Modern health care is at risk of providing poor services quality, less effective drugs, and harming patients on technologically integrated medical equipment.
Opportunities/ Challenges
There is a new ripe area for Health leaders to master and guide all their staff to adopt technology and innovations amidst the ongoing technological advancements. Furthermore, leaders have the power and potential to tap into the new field of non-relational databases to build more patient information sores to derive patient treatment plans and consumer rate insights. However, health care practitioners lack resources, planning, and collaboration to implement medical technologies to aid health care delivery.
Sonus hearing would benefit from a safe and trusted proprietary network segregating the external and internal networks from enterprise networks with well-integrated state-of-the-art technology. In essence, this will protect Sonus hearing modern equipment and patient information from unauthorized access. These opportunities serve as the founding steps towards achieving quality, affordable and e...
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