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McDonalds Franchisee Mistreat and Unfair Pay Practices

Essay Instructions:

2 page (12 pt. font, double spaced) paper. Please use a proper header (includes your name, the date, the course and response #; example: Nelson, Prince
Rogers October 10, 2017 FOOD-UE 71.001, Response to Purple Rain) and cite the article and page number properly (i.e. Harrington, 354). 2 papers are due before October 31st.
A response paper is your analysis and interpretation of the readings. It’s a reaction to the sum of the reading, not a summary of what we read. Look for themes, make connections. Write thoughtfully and specifically. How do the readings contribute to your thinking about the issues? Do you feel the author presents a clear depiction of the issue?

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A Step Forward for Fair Pay at McDonald’s
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A Step Forward for Fair Pay at McDonald’s
I support the law suit that was filed by 500 McDonalds’ employees who were “…systematically and deliberately underpaid at five McDonald’s restaurants” (NYT, 1). It is unbelievable that one of the McDonalds Franchisee can blatantly mistreat and underpay employees without the corporation’s knowledge. While McDonald’s corporation is responsible for ensuring that all its franchisees adhere to food production procedures, it is equally important that it ensures fair treatment and remuneration ofits employees. Secondly, it must ensure that franchisees follow the rule of law in their operations. Though i condemn the unfair pay practices, and support the court’s decision to grant the case a ‘federal class-action status’, I however believe that the court should have been lenientto McDonalds Corporation. In my opinion, the fact that the said unfair pay practices were only happening at one of the franchiseeis sure proof thatthe franchisee was acting alone (NYT, 1).
Furthermore, I disagree with the courts argument that McDonalds Corporation abated the violations that includes “unpaid overtime, misrecording of timecardsand non-adherence to the minimum wage regulations. Even though the prosecution provided proof that the violations were still ongoing, I believe that this was an unfair judgment based on the fact that these violations were reported in just one location. In my opinion, the courts argument that McDonalds provided a pre-programmed system that aided the corporate malpractice is flawed since the same software was in use in all otherMcDonald’srestaurants. This argument could have only been true if the same malp...
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