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Maternal, Infant and Child: Reducing Infant Deaths related to SIDS

Essay Instructions:

1. Identify a health problem or need for health promotion at a particular stage in the lifespan of a population

from a specific culture in your area (this might include age and gender population as well). Choose one of the

Leading Health Indicators(LHI) priorities from Healthy People 2020 (see the Healthy People.gov 2020 Leading

Health Indicators website link in the Assignment section for Unit 2 under “Web Links). Students in a cultural

concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment.

2. Research a topic related to health and wellness associated with one of the Healthy People 2020 topic areas.

Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to complete this assignment.

3. Submit your topic to the instructor for approval at least 2 weeks prior to the assignment (during Unit 3) but

earlier if desired. All topics must be approved.

4. You will develop an educational health promotion project addressing the population/culture in your area. For

or example, if you are in the Hispanic concentration, your project might be educational interventions to

address how food choices are related to the high rates of diabetes among Latinos; or, a community project

that addresses the statistic that Hispanics experience new HIV infections at more than twice the rate of whites;

or, finding opportunities to intervene with Puerto Ricans, a Hispanic subculture, who suffer from asthma at twice

the rate of the general population (2020 LHI Topic Three: Environmental Quality: (see the Healthy People.gov

2020 Leading Health Indicators website link in the Assignment section for Unit 2 under “Web Links).

5. General expectations

 All articles must be from nursing or scholarly journals and should include health promotion and wellness

content. Articles must be published within the last five (5) years. If you are unsure whether the article is

appropriate, ask your instructor. You could lose significant points if the article is not from a scholarly

source and/or appropriate to the topic.

 Please ask questions if you need clarification.

Writing the Paper: You will explore the topic and explain the information in writing a 3‐4 page APA formatted


a.    Select a minimum of three (3) scholarly nursing or research article (published within the last 5 years) related

to your topic that include health promotion and wellness content. Studentsin a cultural concentration will

select at least one article specifically related to the cultural focus for this assignment. You may need to

evaluate several articles before you find appropriate selections. For more information on how to choose a

scholarly article, open the “Course Resources” tab under the “Course Home” Menu to the left of your

Learning Studio (eCollege) course page and open “What Is a Scholarly Source.”

b.    Write a 3‐4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) using the following guidelines:

 Write brief introduction of the topic and describe why it is important to health promotion in the

specific cultural population in your area.

 Include a description of the topic and the targeted sub culture or population (include statistics).

 Explain how the project relates to the Healthy People 2020 topic area you have chosen.

 Summarize the articles; include key points or findings from the articles.

 Discuss how you used the information from the articles for your Health Promotion Project. Provide

specific examples.

 Describe the approach/approaches you developed to educate the target population about the topic.

Include specific ways to promote lifestyle changes within the specified population relative to your

specific culture. The approach should be appropriate for your cultural concentration.

 Write your conclusion and summary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sudden Instant Death Syndrome
Sudden Instant Death Syndrome
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), is one that baffles the medical community as it happens as the name suggests, suddenly and with an explanation. It is common in toddlers that are below the age of one year and over the years, there have not been any known causes (Solomon, Cordova & Garcia, 2018). What is more alarming is the fact that, this is the leading cause of death for babies that are one month to one year of age. In the year 2010, there were more than 2000 babies who died from the SIDS (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). More than 90% of the babies die before they get to their sixth month. The number of deaths that happen to the boys is also shown to be slightly higher than that of the girls. Most of the deaths will happen when the baby is sleeping even after seeming in perfect health. It is interesting to note that the deaths are not affected by the weather as it was previously suspected, as the deaths are evenly distributed throughout the year. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the SIDS cases have significantly reduced over the period starting in 1994 and the year 2013 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). The CDC also confirms that there has been considerable decrease in the number of SIDS cases since the year 1990, when the rate was at 130.3 deaths for every 100,000 live births and by 2016 the rate had come down to 38.0 deaths for every 100,000 live births (CDC, 2018). This is a significant improvement that further needs to increase. While the numbers have come significantly, down there is still a challenge among the Alaskan Natives. This an ethnic group that continues to experience a high rate of SIDS and prompts the need to educational promotion.
The Alaskan natives are the most affected ethnicity by the considerably higher cases of SIDS compared to other communities. More importantly, while the numbers in the general population have constantly reduced, those for the Alaskan Natives are still significantly higher. This is a case for concern and one that needs to be addressed. It is important that the levels in this community are brought down significantly.
The Health People 2020 under the Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Objective, this is one of the issues that needs to be handled in the light of the fact that, there is necessity to reduce the rate of SIDS cases. The baseline for the SIDS is at 0.57 infants for every 1,000 live births as of 2007. The objective targets to bring this down to a subtle 0.50 deaths for every 1000 live births. Under the target setting method the objective is set out at 10 percent improvement to bring down the rates. This is a significant challenge and one that needs to be addressed with at the community level.
There are quite a number of research papers on the topic largely because this is an issue that has been a challenge for the healthcare professionals and policy developers for quite some time. In one of the research, Perinatal and Infant Health Among Rural and Urban American Indians/Alaska Natives, by Laura-Mae Baldwin, David C. Grossman, Susan Casey,  Walter Hollow, Jonathan R. Sugarman, William L. Freeman and L. Gary Hart; the research seeks to provide a national profile in light of the urban and rural Alaskan Natives and the Indian Natives relative to maternal and infant health (Hart & Bal...
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