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427 CA3. Working Capital, Material Management, and Evaluating Financial Health

Essay Instructions:


Assignment Overview

In the management of the revenue cycle in the healthcare environment, we have four clear steps: establishing effective policies and procedures, implementing/evaluating an accounting system, implementing/evaluating a medical records system, and implementing/evaluating a credit and collections system. Each of these steps are central to the success of the organization, and any weakness at just one of the steps leaves your organization critically vulnerable.

The passing of HIPAA (as a transactional standard) gives us the unique opportunity to improve revenue cycle performance. As you grow in financial managerial skills, it will help you to conceptualize the revenue cycle as a continuum, instead of a set of isolated happenings. This Module’s Case will challenge you to study each of the four steps, and then explain their central nature to organizational success.

Case Assignment

Once you’ve read the assigned background readings, as well as completed some peer-reviewed research of your own, please answer the following:

What are the four distinct steps of the revenue cycle?

How does each portion of the cycle specifically support organizational success?

How can revenue cycle management be improved using the five key areas noted by Dr. Nowicki (2018; see required background reading)?

Which step do you feel your organization (or most organizations) struggles with the most, and why? Be as specific as you can in your explanations.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references.

As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you’re responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.

Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources. Use at least two from peer-reviewed sources. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources:


You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Working Capital, Material Management, & Evaluating Financial Health
Student's Name:
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Date of Submission
Working Capital, Material Management, and Evaluating Financial Health
The revenue cycle incorporates all clinical and administrative roles that directly contribute to collecting, managing, and capturing patient service revenue. The cycle starts when an appointment is initiated through the time of bill settlement by the patient. Traditionally, the cycle contained discrete areas that function distinctly from each other, and they include two main elements, back-end and front-end (Manley et al., 2009). The back-end deals with reimbursement and claims management. On the other hand, the front-end deals with patient-facing elements. Both elements contain separate staff, departments, and procedures and policies.
Distinct Steps of revenue management and how they support the organization
1 Policies and procedures
Setting policies and procedures is very important in managing the revenue cycle. These policies and procedures are meant to guide all patients' admission and registration processes in the facility. That is the first step. All patients whose conditions are not emergent should always be taken through the preadmission preregistration process to capture the necessary information and details. At this stage, copayments, deposits, and deductibles should be collected (Jewell, 2020). That will enable health care facilities to obtain payment details and other useful information before providing services. It may not be possible to hold patients against their will to compel them to provide payment details, mostly when services are provided before capturing payment details. That may amount to false imprisonment. This procedure can be completed online, in person, or over the telephone. This step is critical because it speeds up the operation of hence enhancing efficiency. It also minimizes delays by minimizing the waiting time, therefore enhancing convenience.
2 Accounting system
This step involves acquiring and implementing an accounting system to enhance accuracy and promptness when updating patients' bills. Without this system, healthcare facilities have been encountering enormous challenges and may continue if they cannot implement the system. An accounting system is crucial because it enhances accuracy, accountability, control, and efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an appropriate system because not all systems are appropriate for every organization(Jewell, 2020). When implementing the system, it is important to seek advice from the internal or external auditors because they play an essential role in determining the system's efficiency and effectiveness since they can verify the system's control environment and mechanisms. Errors usually arise in the system; hence, ensuring that the system is equipped with necessary internal controls will help identify and correct errors at an early stage.
According to Nowicki (2018), an effective and efficient accounting system plays the following tasks.
1 To value the accounting transactions appropriately.
2 To timely record and identify all effective accounting transactions.
3 To identify the period and time in which the transactions occurred.
4 To disclose and present the transactions in the financial statements as per the generally accepted accounting principles.
3. Medical record system
That is another step that ensures accuracy when recording all clinical details. In 1983, Medicare prospective payment was initiated. Health care facilities and health information management sections have been overwhelmed due to too much pressure in processing medical records on time to allow doctors to finalize diagnoses and other examinations before the patient's bill is submitted for approval and payments(Jewell, 2020). Traditionally, record keeping was done after the patient has been discharged. Still, when the Medicare payment system was initiated, health care providers required a primary Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) task when admitting patients. That was meant to regulate the patients during their stay and link the medical record system and the billing system to obtain DRG cost.
To complete the medical record on time is significant because it is a requirement by the commission of accreditation. The major consequence of the offending medical records limits medical staff rights because it is challenging to implement due to the health facilities' financial constraints as a result of doctor's privileges limitations (Giannangelo et al., 2008). The emphasis has shifted to enhancing medical systems and records' accuracy from an accounting for receivables perspective.
Medical records systems have reduced pressures to complete the medical record on time due to an increase in fixed payments. Health facilities are no longer mandated to complete a doctor's attestation before completing and submitting Medicare claim forms. Digitization of medical records has improved service delivery sinc...
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