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Masters Prepared Nurse Leading Change Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Master’s Prepared Nurse Leading Change Paper .
Students will develop a scholarly paper addressing a healthcare delivery situation in need of change within the practice setting. The paper will address how the master’s prepared nurse can facilitate intraprofessional collaboration and communication during the change process as a change agent.
Assignment Criteria:
1. Identify a healthcare delivery situation within the nurse’s current practice setting that needs change and provide background information.
2. Select and discuss a leadership theory and/or change model that the master’s prepared nurse can apply to the selected healthcare delivery situation.
3. Develop a proposed plan for change the master’s prepared nurse could initiate to address the selected healthcare delivery situation, provide rationale.
4. Discuss strategies the master’s prepared nurse can utilize to initiate change and improve outcomes related to the selected healthcare delivery situation.
5. Discuss the essential elements needed by a master’s prepared nurse leader to be an effective change agent.
6. Discuss why the leadership role is an integral component for the mastered prepared nurse.
7. Define intraprofessional collaboration and communication.
a. Discuss the impact intraprofessional collaboration and communication has on the change process.
b. Discuss how the master’s prepared nurse leader can facilitate intraprofessional communication and collaboration during the change process.
c. Discuss barriers to and drivers of effective collaboration communication between interdisciplinary healthcare members.
8. The scholarly paper should be five (5) to six (6) pages excluding the title and reference pages.
9. Include level 1 and level 2 headings, an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.
10. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’).
11. Include a minimum of three (3) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
12. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).
Also use the textbook as reference: DeNisco, S. M., & Barker, A. M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the transformation of the profession (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, chapter 5, 6, 18, 19. the body of that paper should have at least 7 headings, use each question as a heading. The purpose statement should be stated clearly in the introduction by using all the questions in the assignment criteria.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 2: Master’s Prepared Nurse Leading Change Paper .
Patient-centered care has empowered patients and interprofessional teamwork has been crucial to achieving high quality health outcomes. Despite expectations that health practitioners will pay more attention to on patient- centered care, the health care delivery models are at times disconnected and this affects collaboration and communication among health workers to optimize patient-centered care. Lippitt's model of change proposed to support patient-centered care practices. This paper highlights the need to address patient-centered care to improve quality of care services.
Healthcare delivery situation
Even though, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) support patient-centered care there is still a challenge to coordinate patient care to achieve the desired health outcomes. All patient practitioners are sensitized to focus on patient-centered care, but they may not have the skills and or have adequate expreince in the delivery of patient care. Emphasizing health promotion and providing patient centered care is a priority in diverse health settings. The clinical nurse leaders have been providing care in diverse context where they collaborate with other health workers (Bender, Connelly & Brown, 2013, pp. 165-166.). Defining the role of ARNPs is crucial to improving patient centered care since both health care professionals and stakeholders as the ARNP then carry out defined roles
Leadership theory/ change plan
Lippitt's model is applicable when implementing changes and consists of four elements to facilitate the change process in nursing (Mitchell, 2013, p. 34). Before making changes there is a need to determine the urgency for such changes and source of the change (DeNisco & Barker, 2016, p. 11).The first element is assessment and this is necessary to evaluate the situation. This is followed by planning where the nurse then collaborates with the patient, multidisciplinary team and the patients’ family members to determine the patient needs and concerns. The next phase is implementing care practices that are patient centered (Mitchell, 2013, p. 34). The last phase is evaluation of the nursing process and changes to determine what has been achieved.
Proposed plan to change master’s prepared nurse
To ensure that there are improved patients safety initiatives, the issue will be highlighted to draw attention to deficiencies in addressing patient safety. People are resistant to change when it appears that proposals are imposed on them and when they are not directly involved in implementing changes. Even though, health works understand the relevance of patient safety, there are still gaps in nursing practice that affect the ability of change agents to integrate changes. The hospital leadership is informed about the intended changes as the support of leaders is imperative as they are more likely to embrace patient-centered care even when they need to set aside more resources when implementing changes. Consistency in supporting patient-centered care will be vital to the success of changes in an environment when there is open communication and collaboration of the multidisciplinary health team (Bender, Connelly & Brown, 2013, p. 169). The case for open communication is that this fosters mutual trust among health workers and between the patients and health practitioners while the stakeholders are engaged in reviewing the merits and challenges to integrating changes.
Strategies to initiate change and improve outcomes
The master’s prepared nurse can be change agents as leaders of interprofessional care teams, as they have an opportunity to advance quality improvement measures that improve patient centered care and health outcomes. The master’s prepared nurses are in the forefront preparing to integrate change by identifying the practical implications of advancing the change vision. The leadership is engaged in improving access to quality health services, and when they are familiar with the changes they have a positive attitude on efforts to improve patient safety. Change readiness and strategic leadership are also essential elements of change implementation, but master’s prepared nurse should not be afraid to lead changes as they set the tone for implementing patient safety practices while dealing with resistance to change.
Elements to be an effective change agent
The master’s prepared nurse leaders are patient advocates who lead changes to improve quality in healthcare settings. They utilize data and information to identify gaps in the delivery of services while seeking to integrate care services to improve care delivery, nurse leaders’ call to action o...
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