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The Module 2 SLP Assignment: Marketing Wellness and Prevention

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - SLP


For the Module 2 SLP, please write a 4- to 5-page essay (This does not include the cover sheet or the reference page.) in which you evaluate the existing wellness and prevention marketing program of the health care organization.

Part A) Assess the marketing strategy of the health care organization with respect to wellness and prevention. What are the limitations to the current approach?

Part B) Describe how you would improve the wellness and prevention marketing program. If your selected organization does not currently have a wellness and prevention program, then describe instead how you would market it.

SLP Assignment Expectations

You will be expected to:

**Focus your response to this component of the SLP specifically on marketing wellness and prevention programs in health care.

Implement feedback provided on earlier components of the SLP.

Apply principles from the background materials.

Provide a scholarly basis for your response.

Justify your opinions with evidence from the peer-reviewed literature.

Cite several scholarly references for this assignment.

Properly cite your references in the text of your essay as well as at the end.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Wellness and Prevention
Marketing Wellness and Prevention
Health care centers provide medical services including dental care, pediatric, laboratory testing, and family care. They are located in areas where they can be easily accessed to ensure that citizens remain healthy. Workplace wellness programs, for example, reward employees for embracing healthy lifestyles as this can help reduce cost of treatment. Management of such organizations should take measures related to marketing initiatives to ensure they provide high quality service as discussed.
The top managers at the Shady Point Medical Center engage in unethical behavior which may affect the reputation of the healthcare organization. This is evidenced by the fact that they favored two companies that did not give an example regarding their past projects which they had mentioned in their proposals (Stichler, 2013). Marketing strategy for such an organization should intertwine all activities revolving around stakeholders as well as other competitors. It should also include extensive discussions that should identify and prioritize strategic opportunities; however, this was not the case in regard to the Shady Point Medical Center. Fortunately, they can improve their wellness marketing program by developing clear guideline of code of conduct. This would also be important given that most of their so called bad decisions tie to money. In doing so, they would be in a better position of delivering better services to the communities living around.
Formal surveys would help the organization understand the needs of its population. Particularly, sampling techniques would be used to provide quantitative information about the service being offered, whether good or bad. Some of the key topics to be covered may include: communication with patients/doctors, discharge information and cleanliness in the facility.
Focus groups can be organized so that the stakeholders can discuss topics of interest. An experienced interviewer may be appointed to ensure that the laid down procedures are followed, for example, use of a semi structured script. The conversations should be recorded to help the organization improve a certain aspect in the facility.
Media relations if used properly would help the organization create a positive image in the community where it operates. For example, they can publish their story about the service being offered in the newspaper. The company should take precautions and avoid releasing information that would draw investigation (Gitterman, 2013). Therefore, they should be ready to answer and respond candidly to questions that may arise, say from reporters and persons of interest. In fact, training would be necessary in that respect.
Community relations can assist the company create a positive image. It involves creating contacts with opinion leaders as well as other influential people in the community. The organization would be required to issue annual reports, newsletters and other materials highlighting the key events that would be happening. For instance, annual reports would work to the company’s advantage and in particular from their stakeholders’ point of view.
Branding assessment has been widely used to help organizations monitor two key components regarding their business: attractiveness as well as familiarity. In this case, survey questions can be utilized to assess what features they (patients) like most or what they think about the facility. Branding is difficult because in some instances helicopters may be required to reach certain groups of people especially those in marginalized areas.
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