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5 pages/≈1375 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Marijuana for Pain (Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of the assignment is to write a formal APA paper that demonstrates the student’s ability to research a topic that has nursing and health implications and critically appraise published research findings that may be used as the basis for clinical nursing practice. Ethical dilemmas, the nurse’s role in helping patients and families, professional identity and accountability, and core nursing values are to be used as frameworks for deciding whether to recommend a particular complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a valid treatment or quackery. Students explore significant methods for protecting and maintaining a healthy environment as part of a culminating class project in which the focus is responsible citizenship.

The final paper will be submitted through Turn-It-In located in Assignment Section of the Blackboard Course Site and a second BlackBoard site for grading. Papers that have been submitted for another course are not acceptable. Papers with a 20% or greater match will be investigated.

Directions for Writing Final Paper

Length of the final paper must be Five (5) content pages (not including cover page or reference page) this is minimum and maximum. Papers less or more than 5 content pages by half a page will receive points deductions. There must be at least four (4) recent (within 5 years) references from scholarly sources (NO websites) and APA 7th Edition formal writing style is required. Also a writing center appointment is required. Papers without the writing center appointment will receive a 0.

The final paper will include the following sections/headings:

Introduction: Define the topic, the general context of the issue, the history, cultural, and/or importance of the topic to your readers, and purposes of the paper;

Literature Review: Summary of findings in the literature regarding the topic, specific problems defined by experts in the field, assumptions which frame the problems related to the topic, and issues that need further investigation. In this section you must demonstrate two dimensions of wellness (emotional, physical, social, mental, spiritual, environmental health) that the topic promotes. You are required to select at least three research articles on your topic. This will establish scientific foundation of the complementary and alternative medicine you are writing about.

Discussion of Findings: Critical appraisal of the evidence: strengths, weaknesses, is the evidence strong enough to make a patient care decision on or is more research needed? Is the CAM at least without significant risks if not actually proven? Conclusions may only be drawn from the information that you included in the literature review. The student must address as to whether the CAM should be recommended to patients based on the information you include in the paper.

Conclusions: Summary and the most important points from each section of the paper

References in APA 7th edit ion style. At least three of the scholarly references must be research studies.

This paper must be new original work. You may not use a topic related to any paper that you submitted for another course including (ENG 305, ENG 305T, NURS 450, NURS 330) or any other course.


Introduction, scope of the issue, purpose of the paper

Well thought out intro, contains scope and purpose

20 points

Succinct discussion, contains scope and purpose 15 points

Brief discussion or only contains 1 (scope or purpose)

10 points

No intro or so brief has no meaningful contribution. 0 points

Literature Review; Quality of research references; including 2 dimensions of wellness

Well thought out discussion, including 2 dimensions of wellness

80 points

Succinct discussion, including 2 dimensions of wellness

60 points

Brief discussion, including 1 dimensions of wellness

40 points

No discussion or so brief has no meaningful contribution.

0 points

Discussion and critical appraisal of findings (based on literature review you presented). Would you recommend to a patient?

Well thought out discussion, answers the question

40 points

Succinct discussion, answers the question

30 points

Brief discussion, does not answer the question

20 points

No discussion or so brief has no meaningful contribution

0 points


Well thought out summarize of topic and findings

20 points

Succinct summarization, doesn’t cover topic or findings 15 points

Brief summarization, doesn’t cover topic or findings 10 points

No conclusion or so brief has no meaningful contribution 0 points

APA 7th ED style Grammar and structure

6 or less APA/ Grammar mistakes

40 points

6-12 APA/ Grammar mistakes 30 points

12-18 APA/ Grammar mistakes 20 points

18 + APA/ Grammar mistakes 0 points

Writing Center Appointment


Not complete- 0 points for entire paper

Less than 20% similarity on TurnItIn


Not complete- 0 points for entire paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marijuana for Pain
Institutional Affiliation
Marijuana for Pain
In the United States, the use of marijuana, scientifically known as Cannabis sativa, has gained increased interest with several states legalizing the use of the addictive drug, and all states will likely follow suit (Snodgrass, 2015). There is a belief that marijuana has beneficial effects in relieving several symptoms and could be used therapeutically in treating pain. Patients with pain symptoms often experience multiple complications, including the lack of effective treatment, side effects associated with pain treatments, the addictiveness of commonly used medications, and access to effective care. While clinical experience and evidence-based practice (EBP) shows that the drug is effective in pain management, many questions still prevent the mainstream use of marijuana among nursing practitioners (NPs) (Snodgrass, 2015). Besides, many laws govern its usage, and these laws have always been inconsistent with the united states federal laws. Furthermore, dispensing arrangements have also been shown to vary across many states in the united states. This paper intends to explore to what extent marijuana could effectively treat pain and provide guidelines for future usage of the drug in clinical usage.
Literature Review
According to Snodgrass (2015), a practicing family nursing practitioner (FNP) specializing in pain management, the importance of the use of marijuana has been shown to display significant benefits. In one study, 64 percent of the patients suffering from pain reported a reduction in pain symptoms (Snodgrass, 2015). Besides, several studies have indicated that the drug could help control neuropathic pain symptoms that can be challenging to manage using other commonly used pharmacotherapeutic agents. In her article, Snodgrass (2015) reports of 15 controlled trials that have provided data showing the effectiveness of the use of marijuana in pain management. Benefits reported in these studies include reducing pain, improved sleep among patients, and the control of pain-related conditions besides neuropathic conditions. Particularly, patients suffering from fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis have also reported a decline in pain symptoms after using marijuana.
The use of cannabis and its derivatives has frequently been supported through empirical evidence in pain management. While examining the risks of using cannabis among pain patients, the benefits outweigh the risks of using the drug. Snodgrass (2015) mentions that cannabis offers significant therapeutic properties that are yet to be found in other available drugs. The side effects of using the drug are less severe than other prescribed pain medications. However, the commonly used formulation of marijuana is oral administration instead of inhaling cannabis, but alcohol-based medications often result in misuse, abuse, and cases of addiction. For this reason, marijuana usage is recommended for NPs and other professionals in pain management who are dealing with possibly addictive medications.
The use of cannabis to treat debilitating pain symptoms is not different from using other controlled agents. Therefore, the same care and concern have to be referred to other prescriptions or therapies. Savage et al. (2016) have argued that cannabinoids have shown promise in their usage as therapeutic agents, particularly in their application as analgesics. However, their clinical usage and development have been construed due to their botanical origin and their nature of being abused as addictive drugs (Savage et al., 2016). While research into the drug pharmaceuticals and endogenous cannabinoid system has increased over the recent past, societal interests have imposed pressure on the drug's clinical usage due to patients who choose to use it as a pharmacotherapeutic agent.
Early studies reported the need for people to understand the need for preferring the use of marijuana in managing AIDS-related symptoms, as well as symptoms associated with glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis (Mack & Joy, 2000). According to Mack and Joy (2000), people have in history discovered the pain-relieving properties of cannabis, and the drug has been used in treating an array of painful conditions such as pain due to childbirth and headache. AIDS and cancer patients have always advocated for the use of marijuana ...
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