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Managing Mental Illness in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:


Your assignment is to write a reflection paper based on ONE of the topic options provided in the Reflection Paper section below.

The assignment will be submitted:

In Microsoft Word format so your instructor can insert review comments.

Within a 1 – 2 page length, single spaced, 12 font.

Using the Assignments link above (In the top navigation bar, click the Assignments menu, then click the 'Assignments' link, and then find the "Add a file" button on the page that loads)

The assignment should take between 6 to 8 hours to complete.

The assignment will be graded by the criteria detailed in the Reflection Paper Rubric section below.

The assignment is worth 10% of your final mark.

Reflection Paper

Of the topic options below, choose ONE topic for reflection.

Topic Option #1

10 years ago very few people ever thought about psychological needs when thinking about health and safety in the workplace. Now more and more organizations are beginning to recognize psychological health and safety and are working to integrate initiatives aimed at improving PH&S into their overall practices. Who leads this work, however, is dependent on the organization. In some organizations, it is the HR team leading the charge. In some, it is the health and safety group. Others create teams or committees of key stakeholders to lead the initiatives.

Possible Questions to Consider:

What is your company currently doing with regards to psychological health and safety?

Who is most responsible for leading these initiatives?

Does it make a difference if PH&S initiatives are implemented by HR, OHS or other groups?

Is there an advantage to having these groups work collaboratively? If so, what are some ways this can this be accomplished?

Reflect on your thoughts on whether or not psychological health and safety is an integrated part of regular health and safety, or something separate within the organization. Discuss who you feel in the organization should be heading the PH&S initiatives.

Topic Option #2

Previously, mental illness was not something that was discussed openly in the workplace. More and more, however, both society and workplaces are beginning to acknowledge and discuss mental illness. Furthermore, many companies are working to be even more effective in how they discuss, manage, and accommodate mental illness in the workplace.

Possible Questions to Consider:

Do you feel societal and workplace attitudes toward mental illness are improving?

How well is your company currently doing with regards to managing mental illness?

What types of things can be done to improve how a company manages mental illness?

How critical is the management of mental illness in an overall PH&S strategy?

Reflect on where you currently feel the majority of Canadian companies are (or where your company is) at in managing mental illness. Discuss what you feel is being done and what still needs to be done to further enhance how companies deal with mental illness.

Topic Option #3

Provinces across Canada are at various places with regards to how they legislate psychological health and safety. Human rights legislation, worker's compensation law, labour law, OHS law, Employment Standards, common law, and even employment contracts all contain elements that relate to psychological health and safety. At this point, however, no Canadian jurisdiction comprehensively legislates all 13 psychosocial factors.

Possible Questions to Consider:

What are your thoughts on legislation in relation to psychological health and safety.

Do you feel more comprehensive legislation will move organizations toward improving their PH&S?

Do you feel increased legislation will improve or hinder the process?

Reflect on what impact you feel legislation has on the growing trend for companies to begin addressing PH&S factors in their work environments? Discuss how you feel legislation should play into encouraging employers to advance PH&S.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychological Health and Safety Reflection Paper: Option 2
Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor's Name
Psychological Health and Safety Reflection Paper: Option 2
Mental illness is a critical aspect that society is heavily embracing due to the belief that it impacts workplace productivity and growth. Mental illness is a health condition that involves changes in behavior, thinking, and emotion (Follmer & Jones, 2018). It is critical and associated with cognitive functioning and distress. Mental illness in the workplace is becoming a major concern in society. The reflection is based on mental illness in the workplace due to its significant impact on organizational stability and productivity.
Based on my opinion, I feel societal, and workplace attitudes are constantly changing toward mental illness. In the past, mental illness was not taken seriously in the workplace. However, individuals have realized that there is a strong connection between mental illness and low productivity in the workplace. Individuals are constantly reporting any signs of mental illness in the workplace to ensure timely interventions and the prosperity of organizations. Besides, the employees are beginning to embrace the mentally ill and not like in the past when there were discrimination cases. Therefore, it is essential to justify that individual and workplace attitudes constantly improve towards the mentally ill.
My company has put different strategies to ensure that mental illness is adequately managed. The key strategy is counseling. The company has established a counseling program in the human resource department to handle any individuals experiencing mental illness signs such as psychological distress. The program is significant since it allows the mentally ill to restore their c...
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