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Maintaining Program Momentum in Professionals

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Maintaining Program Momentum
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December 9, 2020
Understanding the relationship between the different variables that govern a program is essential for any nursing professional. It allows him to be able to strategize and balance between the program's cost and benefits as well as assure that program is sustainable for the long run. In this article, the author would like to focus on an analysis of the sustainability of the Tribally-Sponsored Health Insurance Program (TSHIP) of the Alaskan native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) in reaching its diverse goals and perspectives. The TSHIP is an insurance program that is primarily geared towards American Indians and Native Alaskans. Specifically, it has the primary goal of providing free health insurance to these people so that they can avail of comprehensive medical services they needed.
Accordingly, the subsequent section would initially focus on an assessment of its sustainability using the Program Sustainability Tool of SustainTool.Org. All in all, the author believes that although the program is sustainable for its strategic organization, funding stability, and strong organizational capacity, there are still plenty of improvements that could be made in order to make it more accessible and comprehensive for the target population.
TSHIP's Sustainability Assessment
Some of the main reasons for the TSHIP's sustainable system is the program's funding stability and partnerships with the strategic stakeholders. Although this program is primarily funded by the board of directors that comes from the ten tribes that compose the partnership, the TSHIP also has established partnerships with local programs like the Center for Environmentally Threatened Communities. Thus, based on the sheer number of participants and resources of the organization ensures consistent and stable funding for access to healthcare benefits for any member CITATION Geo11 \l 1033 (ANTHC.org, n.d.). Accordingly, this partnership that is confined with the immediate community of the population also ensures that the funding is not easily influenced by external forces, including the government and private corporations, among others.
Another essential aspect that must be taken into consideration is the 'organizational capacity' of the program. As stated earlier, the stability of funding and strategic partnerships allows for the sustainable implementation of the program. Additionally, since the only ones who are eligible for the health benefits are thos...
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