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Macro-Analysis for an Organization: A Military Clinic

Essay Instructions:

In this task, you will be required to apply the SWOT model of analysis to your field organization, as well as engage in critical thinking skills through a reflection. This SWOT analysis highlights the applied macroskills of a health service coordinator by asking you to transform a live case from your field experience into an organizational analysis.

A.  Conduct a SWOT analysis on your field experience organization by doing the following:

1.  Describe the organizat ion where your field experience took place, including the following:

•  the size 22 authorized personnel and dependents


•  the population served ACTIVE MILITARY MEMBERS

•  the organization’s mission, vision, and values: to take care of the physical, mental, dental, and spiritual needs in order to preserve the fighting force.

a.  Identify three strengths of the identified organization. prompt always available care, no copay for services, no copay for medications.

b.  Identify three weaknesses of the identified organization.  often limited by time constraints, stigmas in the military with seeking mental health, stigmas in military with admitting injury or illness.

c.  Identify three opportunities for the identified organization.

  i.   Describe one new community relationship that could create opportunities for the organization. Partnering with the local physical therapy clinics to foster a relationship where the soldiers could learn more appropriate injury minimizing warm up activities would benefit the organization.

  ii.  Describe two sociopolitical drivers that could create opportunities for the organization. 1) Educational background or the lack of formal education, can at times be a limiter of the understanding of the needs of mental health treatment , 2)the social circles in the military can often revolve around unsafe activities such as excessive drinking.

d.  Identify three threats to the identified organization. Three easily identifiable threats include: 1) budget cuts as we are federally funded and rely on a continuing resolution multiple times a year in order to meet basic needs;  2) lack of enlistments into the military, and 3) lack of healthcare professionals joining the military to be health care providers when facing reduced pay and a much more demanding schedule when compared to the civilian counterpart.

B.  Write a reflection of your SWOT analysis by doing the following:

1.  Discuss where data and information governance practices fell within the SWOT analysis.

a.  Discuss how Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) practices were attended to within the identified organization. HIPAA is adhered to just as in any civilian organization, all people who have any need to know of any sort must undergo annual HIPAA training and only access the parts of the profile that are pertinent to the role that they are assigned. The military can be fined for violation of HIPAA just as in any other organization, all EHR’s must be password protected and documentation encrypted.

b.  Describe how mobile and digital technologies were used within the identified organization. The use of tablets, laptops, and handhelds are becoming more common-place. The devices are linked to a secure network and all communication is required to be encrypted.  The notes or input from the mobile technologies are then uploaded into a secure EHR system known as Genesis.

2.  Describe leadership principles and styles that could be implemented within the identified organization to influence positive change based on the identified outcomes of the SWOT analysis. The  leadership principles and styles that should be adhered to are: patient centered care, in order to treat the patient and preserve the fighting force the patient needs to be seen from a comprehensive approach.  To treat a physical symptom but overlook a mental distress keeps the patient from being at an optimal level, same can be said with overlooking a dental issue. In order to do this, the provider, or health services coordinator must take the time to talk to the patient on an engaging level beyond just the “What brings you in today?”

3.  Identify three elements of cultural diversity of the identified organization or the populations the organization serves. We have a special form of cultural diversity that is very unique to this military organization. While most often each branch of the military trains, treats, and works with their own perspective branch I.e., Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy etc… our organization is one of the few joint forces with both Army and Air-Force personnel assigned, this makes the service members from these organizations more comfortable in seeking care.  The second aspect of diversity that we adhere to is equal opportunity in both males and females as well as promoting the acceptance of all races, religions, and creeds that meet the requirements to wear the military cloth of our nation.

a.  Analyze processes within the identified organization that meet the needs of unique or diverse populations. We only serve the military members and their dependents, which is a unique population in and of itself. Annual comprehensive physicals, no matter the age of the patient are mandatory that include medical, dental, and mental health. These physicals promote preventative care .

b.  Describe two strategies to engage diverse populations within the identified organization, with attention to cultural humility.  The organization promotes black history month, Latino’s in the military, cultural competency training as well as annual equal opportunity training. There are cultural activities every month to promote awareness of the different cultures that make up the United States military.

4.  Describe how team-building techniques could be implemented within the organizational environment to positively impact the team members of the identified organization. There are currently ample team building activities in this organization, however there are a few suggestions that could be used to promote even greater cohesiveness such as:  additional CME’s that are not required but the individual wants to attend, a reward matrix for  every 6 months without a hipaa violation etc…

C.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

D.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor's Name
Field of Experience
The size of the organization I had experienced was in a military clinic of 22 authorized personnel and dependents. The population served was active military members, and it gave me an adequate opportunity to learn key health measures related to military services and health coordination. The organization's mission, vision, and values were based on taking care of the physical, mental, dental, and spiritual needs to persevere the fighting force. The key values are honesty, integrity, and loyalty.
The key strength of the organization is the provision of available care. The organization offered adequate care at all times without restraint. The second strength is that it did not have a co-pay for services, limiting effective service provision. The last strength is that it did not have a co-pay for medication, reducing possible delays and ensuring high-quality care delivery. Therefore, all the identified strengths positively promote the growth of the organization.
Weaknesses are critical and jeopardize the smooth engagement of specific healthcare organizations. The first weakness of the organization is time constraints. Time management is effective for any organization since it determines planning, coordination, and health care. Therefore, time constraints limited the organization from an effective operation. The second weakness is ineffective management of mental health issues. The organization heavily focused on physical health with reduced mental care raising significant concerns. The last weakness is stigmas in the military seeking health and injury admissions. The organization needs to streamline all its services to address the emerging issues which jeopardize the quality of services provided.
The first opportunity for the company is increased technology advancement. The organization can use the opportunity to focus on suitable strategies in addressing emerging military care issues. The second opportunity is government grants which the organization can consider in effectively addressing the organization's plan for high-quality care. The third opportunity is telemedicine which is constantly impacting most healthcare organizations. The organization can use the opportunity to address emergency problems that the militants may face. Therefore, whenever the organization adequately exhausts the identified opportunities, it would have a better chance for growth.
Community Relationship
The key community relationship is partnering with the local physical therapy clinics to foster a relationship where the soldiers could learn more appropriate injuries. Minimizing warm-up activities would benefit the organization. The relationship is effective since it boosts the organization's commitment to entering new deals necessary for higher growth and development. The relationship is also necessary for diversifying the organization's values to other parties that can adequately offer support and grants to the organization.
Sociopolitical Drivers
The first sociopolitical driver is educational background or the lack of formal education, which can at times be a limiter of understanding the needs of mental health treatment. Secondly, the social circles in the military can often revolve around unsafe activities such as excessive drinking. Therefore, more focus should be placed upon sociopolitical drivers to ensure a reliable framework that can address possible organizational challenges.
Threats are detrimental to the proper growth of the organization. The first threat is budget since the organization is federally funded and relies on a continuing resolution multiple times a year to meet basic needs. The second threat is the lack of enlistments into the military, which limits proper organizational growth and commitment. The last threat is the lack of healthcare professionals joining the military to be health care providers. Such activities are reduced pay and a much more demanding schedule than the civilian counterpart. Therefore, the identified threats should be considered and addressed as a whole to make them opportunities.
Data and Information Governance Practices
Data and information governance practices fall in the organization's strength. Due to the organization’s critical role and the military profession, information management is given adequate priority to address key privacy issues that are likely to emerge. Information and data in a healthcare organization are critical since it determines the quality of care and ethical viability (Thiarai ...
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