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M3D1: Genes Biro J.C.

Essay Instructions:

Read carefully the article: Biro, J. (2004). Seven fundamental, unsolved questions in molecular biology. Cooperative storage and bi-directional transfer of biological information by nucleic acids and proteins: an alternative to “central dogma”. http://eds(dot)a(dot)ebscohost(dot)com(dot)vlib(dot)excelsior(dot)edu/plink?key= This article was published in 2004, which means the research was done in 2003. In this discussion we will explore the recent developments that may have impacted Brio’s questions. Select one of the seven fundamental unsolved questions In your own words, explain this fundamental, unsolved question Now do some research using the EC Library and/or Google Scholar to determine if this is STILL a question or if there is some newer research that addresses this concern. Describe the results of your research – is there now an answer? Has the question changed? Is there a partial resolution or no change at all? RE-write the question, either as a new question, a lingering question or a solution.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Biro J.C. in one of his most accredited and referenced papers, seven fundamental, unsolved questions in molecular biology. Cooperative storage and bi-directional transfer of biological information by nucleic acids and proteins: an alternative to “central dogma”, brings out some very intriguing points. In the paper Biro brings to the attention of the genetic science community, the fact that there are some seven questions the still remain unanswered. The human genome project, is a project initiative or more specifically collaborative research program that is international and is geared towards the complete mapping and the understanding of the genes in the human DNA (Nature.com, 2016). This is a project that offers a large amount of sequence data. However, Biro points out in his research, that there are a couple of areas that are not streamlined and, therefore, pose as unresolved questions in molecular biology.
One of the main questions that Biro had pointed out in his paper is whether genes are located and expressed on both DNA strands. The human DNA is composed of two strands that take on a helix shape. The DNA is stored as a code of chemical bases, namely; Adenine (A), guanine (G), cystosine (C) and thymine (T). The human DNA has roughly bases and this is the same in almost all the humans on the planet. The pair up as follows, A with T and C with G. Each of the base is also attached to a phosphate molecule and a sugar molecule. These thr...
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