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Discussion Assignment Paper: Literature Searches Question

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: Literature Searches
An important step in the EBP process is reviewing the current body of literature to better understand the subject or topic in which you are interested. By conducting a review of the literature, you are building foundational knowledge about the topic; later, you can use this background to build new insights. Developing a strong grasp of a topic can only be garnered by taking the time to thoroughly search for relevant information and resources. 
For this Discussion, you will practice searching the literature to find evidence on a specific topic. 
To prepare:
•Choose a simple search term(s) relating to a topic of your PICOT question.
•Review the information on the evidence hierarchy discussed in Chapter 2 of the course text, in the article, “Facilitating Access to Pre-Processed Research Evidence in Public Health,” and in the multimedia presentation “Hierarchy of Evidence Pyramid,” found in this week’s Learning Resources.
•Review the information on the Walden Library’s website, “Levels of evidence.” Take a few minutes to explore the different types of databases available for each level of evidence and focus on the meaning of filtered and non-filtered resources.
•Conduct a literature search in the Walden Library on your selected topic using the databases that you reviewed. Use at least one database for each of the three levels of filtered information and at least one unfiltered database. Record the number of hits that you find at each level of the hierarchy of evidence.
•Select one article from the results at each level of the hierarchy. Compare the articles based on the quality and depth of information. What would be the value of each resource if you were determining an evidence-based practice? 
Write a summary of your search. Describe what topic you selected, the search term(s) that you used, and the number of results found at each level of the hierarchy. Compare the types of information found in the articles from different levels and the value of the information from each level. Highlight a useful tip that you could share with your colleagues about conducting an effective literature search.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Literature Searches
The primary topic chosen in this case is in line with the evaluation of current evidence in regard to the use of depression screening tools within adolescents. To achieve this goal, the author posed this PICO question in assessing the American population aged between 12-18 who are students (P), is it necessary to develop a tool that would be used in analyzing depression (I), as compared to other approaches of care (C) that ensures effective procedures and implemented in detecting depression (O) within a specific period (T)? Results of this literature search, as well as screening recommendations and implications for practice, are presented here (Davies, 2011).
First and foremost, there was a need to access the Walden Library’s website, UNH library, and EBSCO host. On the other hand, there was a need to use the MEDLINE site in searching for information, with the aim of narrowing down...
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