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Literature Review

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Hi same writer. Please refer to prior notes for literature review assignment to complete this paper. I would like continuity of papers that reflect PICOT question on "medication delay in home care infusions." Thank you
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Literature Review Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Professor's Name Submission Date Infusion therapy is essential for managing many health issues, and home delivery has grown in popularity. This literature review compares nursing care during home infusion therapy to hospital or clinic care on patient satisfaction, treatment adherence, and health outcomes over a 15-month nursing intervention. This review follows the PICOT question: " In adult patients receiving infusion therapy at home (P), how does nursing care during therapy (I) compared to standard care in a hospital or clinic (C) affect patient satisfaction, treatment adherence, and health outcomes (O) over the proposed 15-month nursing intervention (T)?" Summary of the Purpose of the Studies The peer-reviewed studies examine home infusion therapy's many facets and patient outcomes. Heinrich et al. (2023) conducted a longitudinal observational study on German patients' views on home-based enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for lysosomal storage diseases. Barrera et al. (2023) examined the safety, feasibility, and patient experience of at-home ocrelizumab infusion for MS patients. Fatemi et al. (2019) examined home health nurses' reported obstacles. Pines et al. (2021) examined COVID-19-related telehealth app utilization in U.S. emergency departments. Toscano et al. (2023) studied the safety, compliance, and patient satisfaction of home-based intravenous enzyme replacement therapy for Pompe illness and mucopolysaccharidosis type I. The COVID-19 pandemic limited day-case facilities; therefore, Kobylecki and Partington (2023) studied Parkinson's disease patients on subcutaneous apomorphine at home. Home parenteral support (HPS) and needs-based quality of life in chronic intestinal failure patients were examined by Jones et al. (2023). Elsener et al. (2023) studied how WPH Cares, a telehealth-based transitional care management service, affected patient readmission rates for various medical illnesses. These studies help explain home infusion therapy's benefits, drawbacks, and outcomes across patient groups and healthcare settings. Comparisons of Sample Population Studies on home infusion therapy for various medical diseases cover various patient demographics. Heinrich et al. (2023) examined 30 German individuals with lysosomal storage diseases, including Fabry, Gaucher, Pompe, and MPS I subtypes. Barrera et al. (2023) examined the safety and patient experience of at-home ocrelizumab infusion in 99 multiple sclerosis patients, primarily female and White, with a mean age of 42.3 years. According to Fatemi et al. (2019), 33 Iranian home healthcare nurses with clinical and homecare experience faced challenges. Pines et al. (2021) interviewed 15 emergency department executives from 14 hospitals in various U.S. regions about using telehealth apps during the COVID-19 pandemic. Toscano et al. (2023) examined 38 Italian Pompe disease and MPS I patients receiving home-based intravenous enzyme replacement therapy, while Kobylecki and Partington (2023) examined 27 Parkinson's disease patients receiving subcutaneous apomorphine at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jones et al. (2023) examined home parenteral care and quality of life in 572 chronic intestinal failure patients from 14 NHS sites. WPH Cares, a telehealth-based transitional care management service, was tested on 24,808 eligible emergency room discharged patients from varied backgrounds by Elsener et al. (2023). Various medical illnesses, geographical regions, and demographic characteristics of patient populations make the findings rich and applicable across situations. Synthesis of the Studies' Conclusions Several themes emerge from the stu...
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