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Letter of Inquiry: Elderly Falls Elimination Program

Essay Instructions:

Write a Letter of Inquiry for a real or hypothetical program that you are trying to obtain support for. This should include a brief introduction of who you are, what you are proposing to do, and how much money you are requesting. This should be followed by a description of the project. This should be 750 to 1000 words in length.

Your Letter of Inquiry will propose a program that addresses a societal issue related to aging. This assignment will require creativity on your part. Think about a real world solution to an issue that older people face.

This assignment can be based on a completely hypothetical program, or based on an existing program.

You do not need to actually implement this idea - but it should be feasible within the budget you propose. The budget is just your best guess based on the equipment and staff needed. Generally the facility you use already exists - most grants fund nonprofit organizations that already have the staff and facilities, but need money to cover the extra staff time required to implement the project and any key equipment required. The idea for this written assignment is to propose a program that addresses a societal issue related to aging, and request funding from an organization that wants credit for solving such an issue.

Examples of such agencies include: Archstone Foundation

SCAN Foundation

AARP Foundation

Unihealth Foundation Hartford Foundation Brookdale Foundation

Your paper should follow the format of a letter (sample letters attached) and cover the following details:

Chose a funding agency

Clearly describe the idea

Describe how much money you are requesting

Describe the context for the issue you are solving

Describe the population served

Describe how replicable the project may be

Introduce who you are, why you are qualified, and your role on the project Describe the roles of others needed to implement the project

The Letter of Inquiry should be:

750 - 1000 words.


Size 12 font in Arial, Cambria, or Times New Roman. Please proofread LOI before posting.

The Letter of Inquiry must be posted on Blackboard as a WORD document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Re: Elderly Falls Elimination Program
My name is (Name), serving as the advocacy director for the Elderly Falls Elimination Center and currently pursuing a Master’s degree at Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. I have been involved in diverse initiatives for improving the quality of life among the aging population in different communities in volunteer and employment capacities. As a result, I have demonstrable qualifications for making a difference in people’s lives, which also challenged me to advance my studies to increase my expertise. Our facility is a 501(c)3 operating within the larger Chicago area and looking to expand its services to other states in the future. I write you this letter of inquiry seeking to request approximately $13,000 from the SCAN Foundation to facilitate our proposal of curbing the increasing falls among the elderly in their homes.
Elderly Falls Elimination Center has established itself as a dependable organization for addressing social and health-related challenges facing the elderly population. Its primary mission is to improve the quality of life of the aging men and women who have served this country in different capacities and to ensure that their environments are adapted to suit their physical capabilities. Our programs support all men and women beyond age 65, focusing on the disadvantaged and needy due to their increased vulnerabilities. We primarily focus on the Illinois area within Chicago and have several ongoing projects involving over 76 senior citizens, some in homes for the elderly and others residing in private homes. Our services have transformed the lives of many older men and women, improving their health status and overall health outcomes. These achievements motivate us to continue expanding and addressing other social problems in our society.
Falls among the aging population is becoming a significant issue of concern in Chicago and the entire United States. Researchers have unearthed the severity of this issue and its ramifications on health, social mobility, and other aspects of the elderly. The increasing rates of falls and associated consequences indicate a gap exists in supporting this population to avoid them in their homes and other housing institutions. As a result, stakeholders need to direct sufficient resources in this area to assist senior citizens in improving their living spaces to minimize or eliminate the risk of falls. We recognize the urgency of...
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