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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Weight Loss Management: Leadership Plan. Health, Medicine, Nursing

Essay Instructions:


I wrote an essay and I believe did not understand the requirements. I am attaching the essay along with the instructors feedback and requirements. Instructor has given me a chance to resubmit but I cannot due to prior commitments. I have until Sunday night to submit the revised essay. I would really appreciate the assistance. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Instructors feedback:

Regarding the Module 3 Leadership Plan assignment. When I reviewed the paper, I found several problems that we discussed tonight.

• The assignment asks students to provide three headings with specific narrative for each heading. Your essay did not provide the three headings, which greatly impaired the paper's organization. It is essential to organize the paper in alignment with the paper requirements.

• The assignment asks for APA format and your paper does not follow APA format in several ways, including the line spacing, paragraph indents, and references. Your paper did not follow several APA guidelines. All your papers in the DNP program require the APA format. That is why we teach students APA format in their first semester.

• Some of the phrasing in the paper is hard to follow. I made suggestions to help you improve clarity.

• The assignment asks that you describe the implementation project in 250 words or less. You describe the project throughout the three-page paper. However, the paper does not address the topics of Leadership Approach or Plan for Self-Regulation adequately.

• The section called Leadership Approach is to address your selected theory, how the theory's concepts can be used to guide the implementation plan, how will you incorporate the principles for leadership, management, decision making, and collaboration, and how you will use these practices to address the health needs in the selected inpatient, outpatient, or public health population. Your paper includes one statement on Quantum Caring Leadership Theory, and this sentence is not clearly connected to a leadership plan. Your leadership plan is underdeveloped.

• The Plan for Self-Regulation section asks you to describe how you would manage your equanimity, emotional intelligence, and compassion and connect it to the Gonzalez text. Your paper includes one sentence that refers to equanimity, but this concept is not described or cogently connected to your project. The self-regulation plan is underdeveloped.

I took a look at the exemplary papers that students submitted for the assignment and identified some best practices listed below. To improve your work, I suggest you follow these best practices.

• Follow the assignment's directions, organize your work with the three specified headings, and include the appropriate narrative for each heading.

• Apply all APA format aspects to your papers, particularly line spacing, paragraph indents, and references.

• Prepare several drafts of the paper and review the drafts to revise the phrasing. Do this several times to improve the clarity of expression.

• The first heading, "Description of Implementation Project, " describes the implementation project in 250 words or less. This section might be two or three paragraphs, but no more than 250 words.

• The second heading, called "Leadership Approach," includes a first paragraph that is a coherent discussion of the theory and the key concepts. Each of the next two or three paragraphs of this section should be focused on the leadership action you plan to take and how each of these actions relate to the key concept of the theory.

• The third heading is called "Plan for Self-Regulation". In this section the first paragraph is a general description of mindful leadership. In the following paragraphs, develop one paragraph to each of the mindful leadership concepts of equanimity, emotional intelligence, and compassion and how you will manage it as a project leader.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Weight Loss Management: Leadership Plan
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name

Weight Loss Management: Leadership Plan
Description of Implementation Project
The Weight Loss Management is an evidence-based project that is meant to help obese individuals lose their weight. In particular, its intervention will be an integrated program of physical exercises, coaching, eating habits, and weight control for a healthy lifestyle. Obese people in this Weight Loss Management program will get support from health professionals, physical trainers, and nutritionists to facilitate their transition to a healthy way of living. Obesity poses life-threatening health problems, such as cancer, heart diseases, neurological, endocrine, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal, stroke, and arthritis.
The Weight Loss Management project will help obese people to manage their body weight within 24 weeks using an integrated program of coaching, physical exercises, eating nutritious meals, and weight control for a healthy lifestyle as opposed to using an educational approach, which some individuals might find difficult to implement. Participants will engage in physical activities for about 150 minutes weekly (Afshin et al., 2017).
Obesity being one of the most significant health problems that might cause other life-threatening diseases, the Weight Loss Management project will ensure that people can avoid this problem to lead healthy lives. Afshin et al. (2017) has made it clear that integrating coaching, physical exercises, and nutritious meals are the best way to overcome obesity. The evidence-based rationale in the Weight Loss Management project is leading healthy lifestyles. The conceptual framework that supports my project is the proper understanding of how poor eating habits and the lack of physical exercises can be avoided to address the issue of obesity. 
Leadership Approach
Quantum Caring Leadership Theory will guide the Weight Loss Management project implementation plan. Watson et al. (2018) assert that without the clarity of the disciplinary foundation of theory, knowledge, practice, emotional intelligence, equanimity, compassion, the healthcare profession can easily lose its way (Watson et al., 2018). The fundamental concepts of Quantum Caring Leadership Theory are clarity of instructions, in-depth details, embracing diversity in leadership, teamwork, and the use of available information effectively. The Quantum Caring Leadership Theory is a good fit for my Weight Loss Management project since it incorporates teamwork, effective leadership, and clarity of the available information to help obese people lose their weight.
Good leadership will increase positive organizational outcomes, patient care effectiveness, compliance, and experiences based on the IHI Triple Aim (Feeley, 2017). Coaching will facilitate proper weight management since participants will obtain relevant tips on how to manage their body weight. Clinicians will educate patients about the advantages of adopting healthy lifestyles. As such, clients will get the proper information to help them make good decisions when it comes to weight management. Moreover, Quantum Caring Theory will foster collaboration between nutritionists, trainers, health professionals, and participants to ensure the achievement of weight loss goals.
Hall and Kahan 2018’s study shows that proper obesity interventions lead to early rapid weight loss, which is accompanied by a weight plateau and progressive regain (Hall & Kahan, 2018). Although the Weight Loss Management project might encounter a similar pattern to that of Hall and Kahan, Quantum Caring Leadership Theory will redeem the project ...
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