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How Leaders Influence a Culture of Safety and Caring

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How Leaders Influence a Culture of Safety and Caring
Include a minimum of three (3) professional references.
Provide a full detailed explanation of the topic in an understandable and organized manner.

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How Leaders Influence a Culture of Safety and Caring
How Leaders Influence a Culture of Safety and Caring
Patient safety is a primary objective that health providers need to uphold across the globe. In most of the health institutions, leaders need to ensure that they embed and entrench a culture of safety and care in their respective institutions. Personnel in all health institution need to have compassion and commitment towards patient care. Leaders have the role of influencing a safety and caring culture because providence of proper medical services happens well where the personnel working in health centers adapt and acclimate to the caring culture. There are programs formulated with the aim of enhancing leadership skills in health centers with a primary aim of improving safety measures and proper services to patients around the world. The term culture as used in this context refers to the manner in which people do things and execute tasks in health institutions. Leaders and managers of organizations can influence a culture of safety and care through talking to their subordinates and showing them the importance of care and safety measures making regulations that shape instigation of the culture in organizations as well agreeing and putting punitive measures on people who break the caring and safety measures. The essay discusses ways through which leaders can influence a culture of safety and care in their health institutions.
The Ways That Leaders Use To Cultivate a Culture of Safety and Caring
One of the primary ways a leader can use to influence a safety and caring culture is exercising positive behavioral approaches to the personnel. The leader should ensure all workers behave well to patients. For example, a worker should not be ignorant to, and the workers need to treat all patients respectively at all times (Manley et al., 2011). Some of the physicians might feel irritated with some of the patients or have some preferential treatments towards the patients. In some cases, some patients have died where a physician decided to attend o a friend, a relative or a person they have the personal interest with while leaving some patients under critical conditions. Such behaviors are intolerable in health settings. A good leader should investigate and give harsh punishment to people who behave on the contrary to the set caring and safety cultures, which disregard acts of bad behaviors like the ones illustrated above.
Leaders also to need to ensure that their workers understand the importance of patient safety. One way they can ensure that patient safety is a front-line consideration is through having systems such as suggestion boxes where patients can comment on the type of services they received. Anytime negative comments arise, one can warn the workers and secretly monitor the way they do their work with the aim of knowing the people who do not comply with a caring and safety culture towards the patients. Through ensuring that health providers in the institution understand the importance of a caring culture, the health providers will always embrace the culture, as it is helpful in their jobs. Most foundations propose on the inculcation of patient safety measures and cultures in operation of health activities (Ulrich & Kear, 2014). The chief reason as to why most of the organizations propose of a safety and caring culture is that the culture ensures that health workers provide the best services to all their patients at all times. Base on the above reasons, a culture of safety and caring are milestone aspects towards providence of good health around the world.
Leaders can also instigate a caring and safety measures be setting good examples to their subordinates. One should talk to the subordinates in a respectful and caring manner as well as portray the behaviors as a leader you would wish the subordinates to portray to the patients. Studies show that there are high chances that behaviors of the leaders pass to the subordinates and treat the patients the same way they saw their leaders doing. Leaders who portray posit...
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