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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Laws on Medical Marijuana, Motorcycle Helmet Use, and Mandatory HIV Testing and Counseling

Essay Instructions:

Create a draft for each of the following:

Part One: State Legalization of Medical Marijuana and the Policy-Making Process

Part Two: State Laws on Motorcycle Helmet Use

Part Three: Policies on Mandatory HIV Testing and Counseling.


- Huntington’s Outreach Project for Education, at Stanford. (2012). Medical marijuana policy in the United States. Stanford University. http://web(dot)stanford(dot)edu/group/hopes/cgi-bin/hopes_test/medical-marijuana-policy-in-the-united-states/

- Highway Loss Data Institute. (2017). The effects of Michigan’s weakened motorcycle helmet use law on insurance losses – five years later. Bulletin, 34(36). https://www(dot)iihs(dot)org/media/0d9cc50f-7edc-4ce4-990e-c5e88dbfcde5/4PyfCA/HLDI%20Research/Bulletins/hldi_bulletin_34.36.pdf

- Borck, N. C. (2014). Weaker helmet laws increase motorcycle fatalities. Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America. http://www(dot)lhsfna(dot)org/index.cfm/lifelines/june-2014/weaker-helmet-laws-increase-motorcycle-fatalities/

-Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute. (2015). Motorcycle helmet use. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. https://www(dot)iihs(dot)org/topics/motorcycles

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy making and healthcare
Policy making and healthcare
The policy-making process is important in influencing the legal framework about diverse matters. This essay examines three distinct policy domains: the legalization of medical marijuana at the state level, regulations regarding motorcycle helmet usage, and policies regarding compulsory HIV testing and counseling. These subjects hold substantial ramifications for healthcare, medicine, and nursing. Analyzing the policy-making process within these realms allows us valuable insights into the intricacies and factors that contribute to shaping healthcare policies.
Part One
Legalizing medical marijuana has sparked ongoing debates and policy development in the United States. The Huntington's Outreach Project for Education at Stanford (2012) emphasizes the adoption of state legislation that allows the use of medical marijuana for particular medical conditions. The formulation of these laws involves legislative deliberations, public engagement, and consideration of scientific evidence and societal implications. Researchers have examined the effects of such policies on healthcare, patient accessibility, and public safety. These studies shed light on the policy-making process and the outcomes of medical marijuana legalization at the state level.
Part Two
A correlation between higher motorcycle fatality rates and weaker helmet laws has been identified in a study carried out by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute in 2015. Borck (2014) also supports this conclusion, highlighting ...
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