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Accountability and Evaluation in Health-Related Programs

Essay Instructions:

After reading the required background materials for this module (including the PowerPoint presentations on Impact Evaluation and Randomized and Quasi-Experimental Designs) and consulting the relevant peer-reviewed literature, please address the following questions in a 4 page essay.

Discuss accountability in the context of health-related government programs and evaluating such programs.

How can evaluation assist in determining accountability by those in charge of a health or social program?

Peersman, G. (2015) Impact evaluation. BetterEvaluation. Retrieved from http://www(dot)betterevaluation(dot)org/themes/impact_evaluation

Rogers, P., Hawkins. A., MacDonald, B., Macfarlan, A., Milne, C. (2015). Choosing Appropriate Designs and Methods for Impact Evaluation. Retrieved from https://www(dot)industry(dot)gov(dot)au/sites/g/files/net3906/f/May%202018/document/pdf/choosing_appropriate_designs_and_methods_for_impact_evaluation_2015.pdf

UCLA Centre for Mental Health in Schools (2015). Evaluation and Accountability: Getting Credit for All You DO. Retrieved from http://smhp(dot)psych(dot)ucla(dot)edu/pdfdocs/evaluation/evaluation.pdf

First Nation Development Institute (n.d). Successful Evaluation: Creating SMART Goals and Objectives. Retrieved from https://firstnations(dot)org/sites/default/files/GrantseekerResources/EvaluationTips_SMARTGoalsObjectives.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Program and Evaluation
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Health Program and Evaluation
A lack of accountability and evaluation of healthcare programs can trigger adverse impacts in the industry. Healthcare services are primarily subject to evaluation and accountability measures to enhance efficiency, increase quality, and lower costs. It is on the grounds of accountability and program evaluation that stakeholders get value for the resources that they invest. To that effect, each stakeholder must be held responsible for a particular element of accountability or evaluation in healthcare. This paper explores health programs and evaluations with an emphasis on understanding accountability and evaluation in the context of various programs. Instilling efficient inputs in the evaluation and accountability of health programs should be fundamental, bearing the ills linked to a lack of such inputs.
Accountability and Evaluation in Health-Related Programs
Program managers are constantly motivated to assess the value and impacts of their programs. Such initiatives can only happen with effective mechanisms geared towards evaluation and accountability. Accountability is the principle that communities, organizations, or individuals are held responsible for their actions and can be required to explain their actions to others (Rogers et al., 2015). Accountability in healthcare is broad and can accommodate prospects that include governance, management theory and practice, ethics, law, and accounting. The common models for accountability in contemporary healthcare include eligibility for funding based on past performance, assessment of public health equivalents, pay-for-performance models, and accreditation and certification. All levels of the government or every stakeholder can instill inputs in ensuring accountability of health programs.
Conversely, program evaluation assesses the goals of a program and the outcomes. The evaluation process undergoes prospects, including asking questions, consulting partners, making assessments, and obtaining feedback (Rogers et al., 2015). The information collected in such initiatives can be employed to evaluate and improve the outcomes of a program. To that extent, evaluation accompanies examination of the significance, merit, and worth of a program. A program is any activity or a set of activities supported by a set of resources to achieve specific objectives or goals. Programs that do not reach the set goals or objectives in evaluation could be rendered irrelevant. Evaluation marks the basis of accountability in healthcare programs.
There is a range of programs that demand accountability in healthcare settings. Primary among the programs is the training or educational programs that aim at improving knowledge among stakeholders. Such a program can be evaluated and its accountability assessed based on the resources utilized or the goals achieved. Community mobilization efforts such as the efforts to improve the nutritional health of school-going children mark another category of programs in healthcare. The other categories of programs are like research initiatives aimed at establishing disparities in healthcare and advocacy work, such as campaigns to influence legislatures to pass some laws. Each of the above programs demands the inputs of accountability to reach the required outcomes.
Various elements are needed to instill accountability in health programs. The first element in accountability is an identified body with a clear charge to accomplish specific steps and set objectives in programs. The organizations can be as small as a community group or as big as the senate (UCLA Centre for Mental Health in Schools, 2015). The responsible organization should deliver a detailed report on the process and execution of the programs. The second element needed is ensuring that the chosen body showcases the capacity to undertake the required activities. The bodies must be resourceful and kn...
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