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Chinn and Kramer Theory Evaluation Summary

Essay Instructions:

Theory Evaluation Paper - I chose Jean Watson theory of nursing. I work in a long term acute care hospital.

The purpose of this paper is to help you critically evaluate a nursing theory. This Assignment will be completed using the three stages of the theory evaluation process: Theory Description, Theory Analysis, and Theory Evaluation described in McEwen & Wills, p.97.

Please view the video below before submitting your paper. The video gives information on content and formatting of the Theory Evaluation Paper assignment. https://screencast-o-matic(dot)com/watch/cFQ0btqWOJ

Select one nursing theory (grand, middle range, practice theory) that best suits your area of practice. (Grand or middle-range may provide more information)

Discuss your rationale for selecting that theory over the other nursing theories (Introduction paragraph)

Use Chinn and Kramer (2005) components of Theory Description: (Located in McEwen & Wills, pg. 101-102 and Table 5-3)

Purpose (Descriptive, Explanatory, Predictive, Prescriptive; Include scope- grand, middle-range, practice)

Concepts (Introduce and list concepts)

Definitions (of concepts and other important aspects)

Relationship (among concepts)

Structure (Is there a diagram to give clarity of structure)

Assumptions (beliefs, propositions)

Use Fawcett (2005) criteria for Theory Analysis: (Located in McEwin & Wills, pg.100-101)

Theory’s Origin (historical creation and evolution of theory)

Unique Focus (distinctive views)

Content (include definitions of metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health, nursing)

Use Fawcett (2005) criteria for Theory Evaluation: (Located in McEwin & Wills, pg. 100-101)

Significance (usefulness, social significance, cultural significance)

Comprehensiveness of the content (thoroughness, utility)

Logical Congruence (consistency & Clarity of theory; consistent use of concepts)

Credibility (legitimacy, empirical support through research)

Contribution to Nursing (usefulness to nursing practice, education, and research)

Concluding statements summarize the content. (Conclusion paragraph)

Paper should be 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title and references pages.

Please be sure to support your paper using at least 5 peer-reviewed resources. (APA in-text citations and APA Reference page)

Additional Instructions: Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include

Running head

A title page with

Assignment name: Theory Evaluation Paper: Name of Nursing Theory

Your name

Professor’s name


Introduction paragraph to explain why this theory was chosen for your area of nursing (Do not use first person)

Suggestion to use Level 1 headings for the three stages and conclusion sections: Theory Description, Theory Analysis, and Theory Evaluation and Conclusion

Suggestion to use Level 2 headings for content requested above and lettered underneath each stage: Purpose, Concepts, Definitions, etc.

A references page (APA)

Rubric Detail

A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric's layout.


Name: Theory Evaluation Paper

Description: Introduction to topic paper. This assignment requires proper APA format. This includes a title page, reference page, and proper headings. An abstract is not required. Write a 4-5-page paper (not including title page and reference page) addressing the following: 1. Select one nursing theory (grand, middle range theory) that best suits your area of practice. 2. Discuss your rationale for selecting that theory over the other nursing theories. Use listed criteria to organize your paper and include at least 5 references.

all sources should be less than 5 years old

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theory Evaluation Paper: Jean Watson Theory of Nursing
Student’s Name
Theory Evaluation Paper: Jean Watson Theory of Nursing
Jean Watson’s theory of nursing addresses the core aspect of nursing: caring. Patients cannot be treated as objects since the healing process is dependent on the interpersonal relationship between the care recipient and the caregiver. Moreover, Jean Watson’s theory helps nurses maintain caring attitudes and emotional sensitivity in today’s demanding work schedules. If a nurse cannot care for themselves then they would not be able to effectively take care of others (Foss-Durant, 2014). The theory posits that caring is a mutually beneficial experience since it potentiates the nurse’s capabilities and regenerates life energies (Foss-Durant, 2014). Additionally, by applying Jean Watson’s theory of nursing, patient outcomes are improved and there is improved customer satisfaction (Foss-Durant, 2014). Therefore, this paper will enumerate Jean Watson’s theory of nursing in three stages, that is, theory description, theory analysis, and theory evaluation.
Theory Description
Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is aimed at reestablishing nursing care back to its core competence of the holistic practice of care and criticizes the presently unattached scientific model (Riegel, Crossetti & Siqueira, 2018). The theory establishes a philosophical and ethical premise upon which nurses can provide care. Moreover, it enables the caregiver and the care receiver to establish a relationship that is surrounded by an energetic field which aids in enhancing the healing environment (Foss-Durant, 2014). The ultimate purpose of the theory can be summarized as the promotion of oneness and healing through caring. Applying the theories suggested practices produces a number of positive impacts, and together with the caritas processes, the practice of nursing becomes enhanced. If the caritas processes are properly applied, then the nursing practice will converge with Florence Nightingale’s view of nursing being a spiritual calling (Savieto & Leão, 2016). Overall, the theory proposes that if the caregiver relates to the care receiver with love, there is the possibility of enhanced healing.
Definitions, Concepts and their Relationship
The theory outlines four critical concepts: caring modalities, transpersonal caring, caring occasion, and caritas factors. All of the concepts are critical to the understanding of the theory; however, the caring or healing modalities are less essential than the others when it comes to clinical implementation (Savieto & Leão, 2016). To conceptualize the theory in diagrammatic form, imagine four triangles each representing one of the four components and are connected at their vertexes. The triangles might be different in size as each caries differing significance in clinical implementation. For instance, the caring modalities could be represented by the smallest triangle while the largest triangle could be transpersonal caring.
According to Nursing Theories (2013), there are seven assumptions as listed below:
* The science of caring and the science of curing are complementary but caring is more healthogenic that curing.
* Good caring practices promote individual and family growth and health.
* The carative factors present in caring are essential in the realization of human needs.
* An environment deemed as caring should promote potential and be able to allow someone to have choices.
* Caring practice is a core factor in nursing.
* The effective demonstration of caring can only be done interpersonally.
* Caring responses are accepting of a person as they are and what they can become (Nursing Theories, 2013).
Theory Analysis
Theory’s Origin
From Watson’s initial work, the concepts were broadly defined, but with the succeeding revisions of her theory, the terms became more refined. The evolution of the theory was as a result of Jean Watson’s increased understanding of the metaphysical aspects of the concepts. It was Watson’s belief that the growth and development of the theory should remain dynamic and fluid (Riegel, Crossetti & Siqueira, 2018). The theory adapts from both psychology and philosophy but this has created confusion with most pundits observing that the theory uses many terms to define one action (Riegel, Crossetti & Siqueira, 2018). For instance, Jean Watson has elaborated a person’s inner being by terms such as life force, soul, and spirit. Moreover, terms like caring occasion, caring moment, and caring transaction, which are used to describe the relationship between the nur...
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