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Investigation of Patients’ and Caregivers’ Experiences of Severe Sepsis

Essay Instructions:

Critique of Research Studies Instructions
Complete a critique of the quantitative and qualitative articles that were submitted in Topic 3.
This assignment will be completed in three parts. Refer to the information below as a guide to the information that should be included in each part.
Follow the guidelines for the quantitative and qualitative article critiques in Chapter 5, Box 5.2: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Quantitative Research Report and Box 5.3: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Qualitative Research Report of the textbook or the Research Critique Additional Template Resource.
1) Utilize a central heading to indicate that what follows is the critique of the articles.
2) The side headings of the critique for each article should follow the headings in Box 5.2 and 5.3.
3) Note that within these BASIC guidelines, there are additional references to Detailed Critiquing Guidelines found in various boxes in chapters focused on the various elements of a research study report. Use these to expand the research study and to learn specific terminology appropriate to the critique of research.
When turning in the final submission, please put in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).
Critique of Research Studies - Part 3: Due Topic 8
For Part 3 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:
Quantitative Qualitative
- Results - Results
o Data analysis o Data analysis
o Findings
o Reliability and Validity o Findings
- Discussion o Theoretical integrations
o Interpretation of findings - Discussion
o Implications/recommendations o Interpretation of the findings
- Global Issues o Implications/recommendations
o Presentation - Global Issues
o Researcher credibility o Presentation
o Summary assessment o Researcher credibility
o Summary assessment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Critique
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Research Critique
This paper is a continuation of the quantitative and qualitative critique of the articles; A qualitative investigation of patients’ and caregivers’ experiences of severe sepsis and The role of nurses in the recognition and treatment of patients with sepsis in the emergency department: a prospective before-and-after intervention study. Unlike the first part, this part will focus on data analysis, reliability and validity, discussions, and global issues.
A qualitative investigation of patients’ and caregivers’ experiences of severe sepsis
Quantitative Critique
Data Analysis
The authors used a thematic analysis technique to analyze the data. A detailed explanation of the data analysis is provided. They used the Atlas.ti v5.5 qualitative analysis software in analyzing the data. They considered the adequacy of the data through a saturation table.
The findings of the study gives provides insights to the experiences of severe sepsis patients and caregivers. There are adequate findings considering the purpose of the study.
Reliability and Validity
Information on the reliability and validity of the study is not provided.
Interpretations of the findings
The authors have discussed the data in an objective and reflective manner. Comparisons between the findings of previous studies and those of the current one. This enables the study to achieve its aim.
Implications and Recommendations
The study does not provide any implications of the study to practice nor the recommendations for what should be done.
Global Issues
The study explains the problem in detail and in a way that can be understood by anybody.
Researcher Credibility
The researchers of this study are all qualified because all of them have attained a higher level education.
Qualitative Critique
Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, researchers used the tables to present the data. This points the readers to the important aspects of the study. However, it would have been more useful if the researchers used tabulations to show the usefulness of the data collection methods used. It can be argued that a table that summarizes the experiences of victims would have been helpful.
The study presents the results in a systematic way by the experiences of the patients, caregivers and the impact severe sepsis has on the victims. The article is readable despite the fact that a summary of the findings is missing at the end.
Theoretical Integrations
The study has integrated previous findings into the study. This provides a cross comparison of the problem in the past and now.
Interpretation of the findings
The discussion focuses on the results of the study making it easy to understand what was found in the study. The interpretation is reasonable and simulates what influences the experiences of both patients and caregivers. Limitations to interpreting the results is provided in detail.
Implications and Recommendations
The researchers have not provided any implications or recommendations of the study. It can be argued that it would have been helpful to know what effect the study has to the practice.
Global Issues
In general, the way the study has been presented is clear and can be understood by all people. However, it can be argued that it could have been more important if the researchers used more data presentation methods such as graphs and charts to present the data.
Researcher Credibility
Majority of the researcher...
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