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Nursing Intervention Program: Diabetes Minority Group

Essay Instructions:

Intervention Program: Imagine you are a director of community health for your local health department. You have been tasked with creating a six-week intervention program. Choose between one of the following community health issues:
1. diabetes
2. heart disease
3. mental illness
4. water pollution
Using a racial or ethnic minority group as your target population, create 10 objectives for a six-week intervention program that will combat the issue. Be sure to consider the following questions: 
1. What is the health issue? Why is it a community health issue? 
2. Which racial/ethnic minority group did you choose? Explain how your intervention program will address the cultural and language characteristics of your chosen group. What is your plan for delivering appropriate health education and care to this group? 
3. What are the 10 objectives of the program? Please be sure your goals are SMART (View pages 202-204 in the textbook for details of SMART acronym). Your APA-formatted paper should be at least two pages (not include the title or reference page).
Please use the textbook, one online resource, and at least one resource from the CSU Online Library for reference. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Must use following textbook as one reference
Sharma, M., Branscum, P. W., & Atri, A. (2014). Introduction to community and public health. San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Intervention for Diabetes
The Need
Diabetes is a disease emanating from the body’s inability to produce adequate insulin, or its inability to utilize the insulin it produces, to the optimum. This in turn brings about a rise in the blood sugar levels, which is termed as hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia often interferes with the various metabolic processes in the body, such as that of fats as well as carbohydrates. A continued or long-term impact of hyperglycemia is its negation in the processes of various body organs such as the eyes and kidneys. The two main types of diabetes are diabetes mellitus and insipidus. Diabetes affects as much as a fifth of the portion of the population aged sixty five years and over and accounts for more than half a million new cases, every year (Vera, 2013). The most astounding thing however, is that it shows some racial disproportion in the population. The African American population in the United States has been found to have twice as much likely of having diabetes than whites. According to American Diabetes Association (n.d.), around 14% of all African Americans aged over twenty years have diabetes. This is staggering statistic by all standards.
The Program
The program will focus on the African American portion of the population. This nursing intervention program is aimed at cutting down or controlling the incidences of diabetes within the larger population. The program will as well place emphasis upon the portion of the population starting from 20 years and above. The intervention criteria will cover virtually all aspects of the demographics and lifestyle, from diet to physical health. The intervention also aims at daily or routine checkup of the blood sugar.
Time Required
The program is going to span a period of six weeks. During this period, the tasks will be apportioned according to the respective duration that which will be approximated to take. This will ensure that the intervention covers all the aspects of the African American portion of population selected. The sessions will be covering selected parts of the day depending on each objective. This means that it will cover either the morning part of the day, or the afternoon part, approximately five to six hours of the day.
Intended Audience
As earlier stated, the main participants of this exercise will be the African Americans. They will represent over 90% of the intended audience.
Suitable Settings
The program is suitable...
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