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Integumentary System: Impact of Acne on the Skin’s Various Functions

Essay Instructions:

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Assignment Overview

For the following Case Assignment, you will write an essay describing a disease/disorder that affects the Integumentary System (hair, skin, or nails). Your essay should be from 2 to 3 pages in length (in addition to a cover page and reference page). You may select one disorder from the resources below or research another condition that affects the Integumentary System. Be sure the disorder directly affects structure(s) of the Integumentary System. Also, provide an image of your chosen disorder. Discuss how the disease affects each of these major functions of the skin: protection, thermoregulation, sensation, absorption/excretion, and immune regulation.

Case Assignment
Step 1: Watch the interactive video on the Integumentary System by Wisc-Online. You may also want to explore the National Institutes of Health link below for example conditions that affect the Integumentary System.
Liang, B. (n.d.). Skin and the integumentary system [Video file]. Wisc-Online. Retrieved from https://www(dot)wisc-online(dot)com/learn/career-clusters/health-science/ap12204/skin-and-the-integumentary-system
Skin diseases. (n.d.). National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from https://www(dot)niams(dot)nih(dot)gov/health-topics/skin-diseases

Step 2: Select a disease/disorder that affects any or all structures within the Integumentary System.

Step 3: Provide an image illustrating the disorder (describe this image and provide a citation)

Step 4: Discuss the impact of the disorder on these major skin functions: protection, thermoregulation, sensation, absorption/excretion and immune regulation.

Assignment Expectations

Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topics described above. For example, Disorder Introduction, Effects on Protection, etc.

Your essay should be approximately 2-3 pages. Use APA formatting for your essay. Pages should have 1-inch margins, and text should be in 12-point type and double-spaced. Include a title page, an introduction, subtitles with answers to the questions, and a concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all the resources you used to complete your essay, such as required readings and any additional resources.

See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition.

Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the Case 4 Dropbox. Please also note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.

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Integumentary System
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Integumentary System
The integumentary system refers to various organs that make up the skin’s outer layer. The system also holds body fluids, protects from ailments, excretes waste, and controls body temperature. While it plays these vital roles, disorders such as acne develop, altering the skin’s proper function, the skin in particular by inhibiting its various functions.
Introduction to Acne
According to the National Institute of Health, acne is one of the significant disorders of the integumentary system, affecting many people. The condition occurs due to hair follicles underneath the skin getting clogged. Consequently, sebum, the oil that preserves the skin’s moisture and ordinarily empties on the skin and dead skin cells, blocks the pores (National Institute of Health, 2021). The inability of the two to be eliminated fosters bacteria’s growth, which makes the skin inflamed and skin follicles blocked. Consequently, they manifest in lesions known as pimples, which breakout on the face, shoulders, chest, and back. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, hormones are the primary cause of developing acne, especially in the teenage years. The androgens hormones increase the size of the oil glands, which increases oil production, which increasingly clogs skin pores (National Institute of Health, 2021).
Figure 1. Image of acne (ASHA, n.d.).
The image shows pimples, a common skin condition presenting on the skin. The blackheads cause protruding bumps on the affected individual’s face, causing redness, itching, and sometimes pain.
Impact of Acne on the Skin’s Various Functions
Effects on Protection
One of the skin’s primary functions is protecting the body from harm. The outer layer offers protection against bacterial infections resulting from perspiration, oils from sebaceous glands, and the skin’s surface by producing an acidic-like barrier, making it impossible for bacteria to grow in the skin (Archer, 2010, pp. 2-3). However, the accumulation of dead cells and clogging of skin pores by sebum destroys the skin’s ability to protect itself as bacteria thrives, leading to acne.
Effects on Thermoregulation
The skin maintains a body temperature of 37° Celsius through evaporation, perspiration, radiation, and insulation. Through sweating, the skin produces moisture through secretions, which evaporate throug...
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