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Integrated Research on HIV/AIDS

Essay Instructions:


Abstract 4 points Leave the point value in each section

This research will focus on the formation of a PICOT question to explore its usefulness in answering clinical questions. PICOT is defined as the problem/population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. For this study, the author explored the question of: (P) in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (I) how does anti-retroviral therapy and nutritional support (C) compared to ART alone (O) influence survival rates (T) within six months of treatment? The Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change will be utilized for the study. In addition, this researcher will conduct a literature research review, followed by findings, discussion section, and recommendations for change and implementation of the problem.

Keywords: PICOT, HIV, ART, nutritional support, Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change


 Assignment 2: Integrated Research Review 80 points

            Start this with a definition of what a literature review is with a reference and why it is important in a study. Define your topic or concept that you selected in your PICO question.  This should be 2 paragraphs. 2 points

Integration/Synthesis 14 points


            Integrate the 3 articles retrieved from assignment 1 and discuss them in narrative format with the new additional articles you have identified. Be sure one is from another discipline in selecting the other four articles for the literature review.  This section should be at least 3 to 4 solid well-developed paragraphs full page or more. Remember you must give credit to the authors of the research you examined. Do not overuse quotes. Use the mini literature video to assist you in writing this section following the tips. How to write a Literature Review in 30 minutes or less to write you review for Assignment 2. 



(At this point you should have all 6 articles selected to discuss here and 3 tables for the appendices)

Synthesis is a form of summarizing your sources of articles you gathered. To synthesize, you should combine summaries from sources that agree on many overall points. The points of agreement should appear in the articles you have selected and cite. Or you may make a point there is a disagreement in what you found with the proper citation.

IRB 4 points


            Write a paragraph about the importance of obtaining IRB for a research study. You must have at least one reference here. Describe where you would obtain IRB for your study such as. The IRB at Agency M has a 7-member committee. They review proposals on a monthly basis. The facility has no IRB; however, approval would be sought from the charge nurse, Director of Nursing and the administrator. Include information from the literature on the importance of protecting vulnerable populations. Consideration for spiritual, cultural, and religious beliefs should be discussed here.

Image of EBP Model 10 points

            Start this section with an opening paragraph on your model of choice and nursing theory fit with your PICOT question. How are theory and EP models linked? You may retrieve information from the PICOT critiques assignment 1 paper.  Provide an image of the model you selected with information you gathered from your articles. DO NOT Copy the image as your information must be in the image. You use the insert feature and then select shapes to make your image and use a line feature to connect information. The steps must have the information from your research. You may have to be creative in what is done in each step.

Model Steps  

            Once the model is depicted write out the steps and describe what you would do to achieve your PICOT question.  15 points

Reflection on Assignment 14 points

            Write two paragraphs to three paragraphs on the value of this assignment.

Summary-4 Points

            This should be at least two paragraphs recounting the main points of the paper in a succinct manner.

References-Go on a page alone in alphabetical order-8 Points

Appendices 5 points

The critiques from assignment are the appendices now.  You must include them at the end for the 5 points even if you have no corrections to make. You will lose points if the errors at not corrected for those who have corrections to make. You must upload the new critique, or you lose points again. Indicate if the entire critique is new. Your errors should be color coded in blue, so I am aware changes were made.   The appendices go after the references.  

Words Characters Reading time 
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Integrated Research
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(Example: NURS 320 04 Theory & Research)
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Integrated Research
HIV/AIDs is a lifelong illness that requires an integrated, multidisciplinary, complementary, and comprehensive approach to its management. Anti-retroviral therapy accessibility has improved substantially over the past decade, but mortality remains an issue of concern following the first few months after commencement of treatment in which nutrition is partly blamed for such mortalities (Olsen et al., 2014). Patients who gain weight at the beginning of treatment tend to have improved prognosis outcomes. This article is a PICOT paper where P stands for population or problem, I for intervention, C for comparison, O for outcomes, and T for time. The PICOT question can fall under therapy or prevention, diagnosis, etiology, or prognosis.
This paper explores the question of (P) in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (I) how do anti-retroviral therapy and nutritional support (C) compare to ART alone (O) influence survival rates (T) within six months of treatment? The study will examine the question based on the Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change, which revolves around identifying clinical; problems, reviewing relevant literature, appraising by critically evaluating the evidence, application in terms of practice and change, and assessing outcomes.
Keywords: PICOT, HIV, ART, nutritional support, Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change
Integrated Research Review
A literature review refers to a survey of scholarly sources that provides a recapitulation of a specific topic, including HIV/AIDS management through nutritional and anti-retroviral interventions. A literature review's essential components will include a description of the publication, a summary of publications' primary points, a discussion on research gaps, and an evaluation of such publications.
A literature review on HIV/AIDS therapeutic approaches is crucial in providing a critical understanding of optimal ways of controlling this disease by enhancing health outcomes and improving the affected persons' quality of life. The literature review will attempt to answer the PICOT question: In patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (I), how do anti-retroviral therapy and nutritional support (C) compare to ART alone (O) influence survival rates (T) within six months of treatment? Nutrition plays a critical role in influencing health outcomes when used with anti-retroviral therapy
The question of nutritional intervention alongside anti-retroviral therapy has haven been an issue of interest. There is a great focus on disease progression by examining it using various parameters such as CD4 count, HIV viral load, and disease progression or survival. Macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fat, and micronutrient availability and deficiency may often determine the disease severity when the patient is on anti-retroviral drugs. Even though there is increasing attention for addressing obesity and nutrition in HIV/AIDs patients, studies often focus on addressing wasting and under-nutrition, including Protein-Calorie Malnutrition (PCM). Increased weight or favorable body mass index parameter is a critical parameter in determining health outcomes in anti-retroviral treatment with a focus on disease severity, progression, and mortality. In one of the clinical trials, 20% of persons with a pre-treatment body mass index of <16 kg/m2, which is reflective of severe malnutrition, were dead after six months of anti-retroviral therapy additional 18% were lost to follow-up (Koethe et al.,2014). The etiology of such early mortalities remains uncertain, but weight gain in the post-antiretroviral therapy period is a predictor of long-term survival in low body mass index adults, implying that interventions to promote nutritional rehabilitation on anti-retroviral therapy can lead to long-term beneficial outcomes (Koethe et al., 2014). Thus, nutritional supplementation and enhanced focus on nutritional interventional measures need to be boosted to actualized better health outcomes in patients on anti-retroviral therapy. A nutritional supplementation is a feasible approach to restoring food energy intake among HIV-infected persons with recent weight loss. Beneficial effects of nutritional supplementation included a substantial increase in body weight, rectifying changes in body composition, and revamping immune function in HIV-infected persons who are on anti-retroviral therapy initiation with weight loss (Evans et al., 2013). Further gains enjoyed from nutritional supplementation include recovery from malnutrition, enhancing physical activity, and limiting inflammatory cascade of responses. All these befits will likely improve health outcomes by reducing disease severity, thereby improving the quality of life among HIV/AIDS patients.
Inadequate protein and calory intake increase HIV-associated weight loss and immunosuppression, especially when there is a low body mass index of <18.5 kg/m2) at anti-retroviral tre...
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