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Institutional Affiliation Responses and Thoughts Paper

Essay Instructions:

Page 1 & 2: First read topic: Debate: While reading this case study, keep in mind that stability and consistency in later life is a significant factor in maintaining an elderly persons health, thus, drastic change often has negative neurological effects among persons of advanced age:
"You have a single family home that you and your spouse paid off years ago. You have enough money to live on and a little extra for a dinner out with friends and a trip once a year. Your grandson needs financial help to attend college. He cannot afford to attend a good school that has accepted him. You can help by selling your home and moving to a small apartment. It would mean a major change in your lifestyle."
What do you do?
Then my response to topic: According to the case study, the best cause of action is to mortgage the house and secure the grandchild education. One way of aging gracefully is to ensure the future for the youths. Denying a young one chance of education at the cost of comfort would be traumatizing. In the new apartment, we can adjust the physical components of the house to ease mobility and stability by modifying the ramps, getting a lift among other modifications.
For a senior citizen, a psychological change is easy. One can quickly adapt to the situations that present themselves to them. They have understood the dynamics of life and can alter their mindsets. For a child, they have not acquired the full psychological development to handle disappointments. When they face challenges like the inability to learn, they will not accept the situation as normal, except for a denial of some right. Funding the education of a child is the best choice. For it to be a dream fulfilled, I should reduce some expenses. The first item to cut is the annual traveling. Traveling with the family is costly and will reduce the money needed for education. As a business jargon suggests, an opportunity cost will come in. Educating the grandchild will be more beneficial than traveling. People who depend on me to fund the journeys should be ready to accept the changes. One of them is the grandchild whose education fund is now demanding.
A measure of last resort will save the situation more. Drinking and partying throughout the week can be reduced. On average, I drink for five days a week. Reducing his to two and channeling the money to some education will be a wise idea. When these happen, the student will be in a position to receive more money. The past was full of sacrifices. Doing the same now is not difficult. As a life principle, it would be better to be selfless but make another person happy.
Then both peers: 
peer 1: I disagree with the case in terms of selling assets, in this case a house, to pay for the young man's education. Often times young people go off to college only to decide it is not for them or either perform poorly and leave the university. I think selling a home that is already payed for is a drastic and poor decision, especially when you are already on a fixed income. My suggestion would be for the grandson to work and attend a cheaper two year school that is close to home where he can get his core classes out of the way. If this were in Georgia, the grandson would be able to use the Hope scholarship and possibly the pell grant to pay for the first two years of his education. During this, the grandson could save money while also proving that he is committed to his college education.
After finishing his core classes and showing that he is committed to his education, then I think there would be a legitimate decision to make in regards to whether selling the home is appropriate. Even at that point, I think it would be best for the grandson to finance his education through student loans and continue working, gaining job experience and paying for his own education. After finishing school, the grandson could pay for his education over a long period of time and possible have some of his loans forgiven depending on his type of employment. At some point, the grandparents would pass on and they could pass their home down to their grandson, who could in-turn sell it himself and pay for his college at that point. Overall, I personally would not be able to justify making a huge life change such as selling a home just to assist a teenager with tuition.
Peer 2: This is a really interesting scenario. I know that many college students are in this position and often times family members help out to ensure their children or grandchildren receive an education. To me, I don't believe this has to be one extreme or the other, such as sell the house or don't. I feel like there is a happy middle and a mutually beneficial meeting point. As this student's grandparent, I would gladly take the "extra" money I have for dinner out and trips and put that towards my grandchild's education as long as he actively pursued scholarship opportunities (because there are a ton out there that people don't know about) and worked part time during his college career. I also think student loans would be necessary in this circumstance as I would commit to helping him pay them off each year. When you approach affording college as one giant payment, it can easily be intimidating and seem impossible. However, taking it semester-by-semester makes paying for a college education much more doable. Overall, I don't think selling a home that I worked hard for alongside my spouse is the only choice for helping my grandson succeed in his educational pursuits.
What you write: support or challenge each peers response to topic keeping in mind of my response. Use a page per peer. Keep separate. 
Page 3: Debate: "Everyone should be required to retire at age 65." Or "No one should be required to retire at a specific age.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Responses and Thoughts
Institutional affiliation Responses and Thoughts
Response to the first peer
The first peer seems to have a good plan but fails to acknowledge the psychological aspects of his plan. I would agree with this peer because he has a good plan. There is no need of selling the house if the child has not proven he is worth it. When most students join the university, they find a new world a lot of partying and forget the main reason they are in college in the first place. Some get lost in drugs but at the same time there are those who go on with their education, and they are the majority. The grandson has to prove that he will not lose focus when in college and what better way to do so that first take the first two years at a local school while working. If the grandson accomplishes this, then he proves his determination. However, I would also like to disagree a little with the peer on the psychological aspect of the plan. The child will have to work while attending school where his peers do not work and have it easy. The child might get mad at the parents and start acting out leading to complications. At the same time in the case of financial difficulties this fact has to be overlooked. The child has to proof that he is worth all our (my spouse and me) possessions.
As a positive motivator to keep me going, I have always kept a positive mind. Two years is a lot of time, and a lot can happen. After cutting on the annual trips the money accumulated would be a lot and together with the cuts on drinking it can be a financial booster. If it has to come to it, I would rather quit drinking than lose my house which my spouse and I have worked so hard for. With these savings combined with student loans and scholarships the student can attend the rest two years of college. The job experience is also essential for the child in that he gets a taste of the real life. It also makes the child more marketable on the job market. However, if all these efforts do not bear fruits I might be forced to sell the house. I believe that the youth are the future and denying a child education after he has proven himself is not something I would do. Even after selling the house I would continue supporting the child because he might reach higher levels than I did.
Response to the second peer
I would totally agree with this peer. It does not have to come to an extreme level where am forced to sell my house there is a meeting point that can be beneficial and for everyone. As a grandparent, I would be glad to cut off the expensive dinners and the tr...
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