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Initial Test 2nd Wk1: The Social Economic Status

Essay Instructions:

With this week's Learning Resources in mind, consider this question: Is health care a right or a privilege?
Review the media presentation for this week, focusing on the role of the government in health care including the Affordable Care Act.
Pinpoint a social, economic, technological, ethical, or legal issue that could, or has, affected health care delivery in the United States.
Locate a current article from the popular press (within the past 6 months) related to the health care issue you identified. How does this article inform your understanding of the influence of your selected issue in the health care debate?
Post your position on whether health care in the United States is a right or a privilege, and explain what you believe to be the proper role of government in health care. Justify your position. Explain how the social, economic, technological, ethical, or legal issue you selected is impacting health care delivery and whether this issue should be addressed by the government or by private entities. Identify the article you selected, and explain how this article informs your stance.
Read a selection of your colleagues' responses. Focus particularly on those questions raised to which you can add comments based on shared experiences or situations. Consider how your colleagues' postings reflect and/or differ from your own perceptions and opinions.
Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research using an in-text citation in APA format.
Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings
Expand on additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.
Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the united states (11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Chapter 1, “The Current U.S. Health Care System” (pp. 3–12)
This chapter introduces the importance of engaging stakeholders in improving U.S. health care.
Chapter 3, “Government and Health Insurance: The Policy Process” (pp. 29–50)
This chapter reviews the history of U.S. health care system and the evolution of government's role.
Chapter 6, “Public Health: A Transformation for the 21st Century” (pp. 99–117)
This section of Chapter 6 explains the issues and concerns with the current system and the impact of public health law, regulation, and services.
Chapter 8, “Vulnerable Populations: A Tale of Two Nations” (pp. 149–176)
This section of Chapter 8 examines the characteristics of the uninsured and the policy implication affecting health care delivery systems.
Erlen, J. (2010). Informed consent: Revisiting the issues. Orthopaedic Nursing, 29(4), 276–280.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article explores the issue of informed consent in the context of research with human subjects. The author defines informed consent and makes suggestions to better the process of acquiring informed consent.
Mullinix, C., & Bucholtz, D. (2009). Role and quality of nurse practitioner practice: A policy issue. Nursing Outlook, 57(2), 93–98.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The authors of this article examine the challenges that nurse practitioners encounter when establishing the quality of care they provide. The text reviews the strengths and weaknesses of literature pertaining to the subject.
Los Angeles County DPH Public Health Nursing. (2007). Public Health Nursing Practice Model. Retrieved from http://publichealth(dot)lacounty(dot)gov/phn/docs/PracticeModelfinal2.pdf
This article supplies a graphical depiction of the Public health Nursing Practice Model. The graphic emphasizes the cyclical nature of the model.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Care
Health Care
The question on health care in the United States is one that has been quite dicey and continues to draw mixed reactions. Health care is one of the most essential needs for the society and one that the government should make sure to provide for the citizens regardless of the social economic status (Tyit, 2017). In light of the way that health care is offered in the United States, there is a debate as to whether it is a right or a privilege (Sanders, 2011). With the current changes in the health care sector, there is an indication that, the government does not take the provision element as a right but rather as a privilege.
Every other citizen has the right which is guaranteed in the constitution, to their life and liberty. However, it is questionable how such rights are to be enjoyed when one is sick or disabled (Sanders, 2011). The pursuit for happiness is not something that citizens should have to forego relative to the fact that they cannot afford medical care for their children, the elderly and themselves. Ironically, the libertarians and conservatives feel that, making health care a basic right, contradicts the elements of a free market. In the United States, the way that the health care system is set up, insurance for health care services to the citizens is tied to their jobs (Boyle, 2017). This brings out the ethical element of the health care system. The poor in the society are victimized because they cannot effort to pay for their health insurance.
According to John Boyle, the issue of health care systems is one that is dicey. This is with reference to the right of every other citizen getting health care services (Boyle, 2017). As the article indicates there is a challenge asso...
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