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Information Transmission Through the CNS and the Spinal Cord Neurobiology and Injury Effects

Essay Instructions:

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review Chapter 2 of the textbook, focusing on how information is transmitted through the nervous system.

Review Chapter 3 of the textbook focusing on where different functions are localized in the brain.

Choose one of the articles out of the two listed below for each category (the category assignment is based on your last name; you only need to read and report on ONE article in total) and then download the full PDF from the Walden Library (the articles have been pre-selected for you and cover topics such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, recovery of function, or novel treatments associated with one of the following conditions). You may choose your own article; however, it must be approved by your instructor by Thursday before the assignment is due.

Last name A–G: Stroke

“Daily repetitive sensory stimulation of the paretic hand for the treatment of sensorimotor deficits in patients with subacute stroke: RESET, a randomized sham-controlled trial”


“The effects of Nintendo Wii™-based balance and upper extremity training on activities of daily living and quality of life in patients with sub-acute stroke: a randomized controlled study”

Last name H–M: Traumatic brain injury

“The efficacy of prospective memory rehabilitation plus metacognitive skills training for adults with traumatic brain injury: study protocol for randomized controlled trial”


“Tonic and phasic alertness training: a novel treatment for executive control dysfunction following mild traumatic brain injury”

Last name N–S: Brain machine interface to address trauma or loss of function

“Engineering Artificial Somatosensation Through Cortical Stimulation in Humans”


“A new therapeutic application of brain-machine interface (BMI) training followed by hybrid assistive neuromuscular dynamic stimulation (HANDS) therapy for patients with severe hemiparetic stroke: A proof of concept study”

Last name T–Z: Spinal cord trauma My last Name is (((Wilson )))

“Bone architecture adaptations after spinal cord injury: impact of long-term vibration of a constrained lower limb”


“A new therapeutic application of brain-machine interface (BMI) training followed by hybrid assistive neuromuscular dynamic stimulation (HANDS) therapy for patients with severe hemiparetic stroke: A proof of concept study”

The Assignment (3–4 pages):

First, describe how information is transmitted through the nervous system. Starting with the dendrites, how does the signal from the previous neuron enter the neuron? How is it integrated? How is information transmitted from the cell body to the presynaptic terminal? How does information leave one neuron to carry the signal to the next neuron?

Then, identify and explain the neurobiology (anatomy and physiology) of your specific topic. What parts of the brain are affected by your assigned injury or trauma? What are the potential manifestations of the trauma based on the location of the injury or trauma? Information on each condition can be found both in your textbook and from outside sources.

Summarize the article you selected. Provide enough detail that your reader can understand the article and talk about it to someone else, similar to what you saw in the articles from BioPsychology.com in this week’s Discussion. What did the researchers do in their study? Were they attempting to understand the neurobiology of the condition, measuring the recovery of function after the injury, or testing out a new treatment?

Explain how the article you read extends your knowledge of this topic from what was described in the textbook.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You should include in-text citations in the body of your Assignment as well as complete references in APA format at the end of your Assignment.

Learning Resources:

Garrett, B., & Hough, G. (2022). Brain and behavior: An introduction to behavioral neuroscience (6th ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.

Chapter 2, “Communication Within the Nervous System”

Chapter 3, “The Organization and Functions of the Nervous System”

Chapter 4, “The Methods and Ethics of Research”

BioPsychology NewsLinkLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). Home page. 

Note: This site contains links to online paper and magazine articles related to biological psychology.

Elsevier. (n.d.). What is peer review?Links to an external site. 
Furman, B. L. (2015). The peer-review process for journals in the biomedical sciences; love it or loathe it, it won’t go away!Links to an external site. International E-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education, 9(3), 1–3.

Unreliable research: Trouble at the labLinks to an external site.. (2013, October 19). The Economist, 409(8858), 27.

An article from the Walden Library that addresses a topic of your choice. The article must be a research report, meaning that it was published in a scientific journal and includes Methods, Results, and Discus

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Brain & Behavior Assgn1

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Brain & Behavior Assgn1
The human being’s nervous system (CNS) is a complex network comprising two components determining a person’s cognitive and behavioral functioning. Garrett and Hough (2022) recognize that the CNS is a sophisticated yet delicate system affected by traumas or injuries that disrupt its intricate roles. In this context, this paper discusses information transmission, the neurobiology of the spinal cord, and the clinical impacts of injury on this section of the CNS.
Information Transmission Through the CNS
Information processing by the CNS is a complex and well-controlled process that involves communication between the neurons. Garrett and Hough (2022) report that these CNS components process and carry the sensory data for specific brain actions and transmit the appropriate commands to the extremities. The author indicates that information transmission starts at the end of the dendrites of a neuron, which are information-receiving extensions. Signals from one neuron enter another through chemical actions when one terminal discharges chemicals called neurotransmitters that flow from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic one through the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitters packaged as vesicles in the chemical synapses’ terminals become released into the cleft through the impact of the action potential, which triggers channel opening, leading to the entry of calcium ions. These ions initiate membrane and vesicles fusing, triggering the opening. Garrett and Hough (2022) 

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