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Influencing Factor to Improve Nursing Turnover

Essay Instructions:

This is first week assignment for GCU NRS 441V class.
i am an experienced nurse working in critical care in DOU, COU more than 20 years.
i want to discuss about influencing factor to improve nursing turnover factor and find out the solution to improve better by using the key words such as compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, job satisfaction and turnover rate, empowerment of psychological and physical condition in nursing environment, in order to improve for nurses to increase job satisfaction and optimal work performance, thereafter patient safety and high qualified care and job satisfaction would be promoted. it is a type of win-win project. Could you help me out to develop three of assignments below.
(1). Developing a Question - PICOT
Develop a searchable question using the PICOT format. (The question is a single statement identifying the components of PICOT.)
Refer to "Developing a Question" and "Topic 1: Checklist."
2 NRS 441v.11R.Module1_Checklist.doc 3 NRS 441v.v10.0RDeveloping a Question.docx
(2). Identifying a Problem
Due Date: Oct 16, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 40
Prepare for the capstone project by listening to the audio interview, "Capstone: Planning Your Project".
Preview and utilize the "Topic 1 Checklist." This resource will assist you in organizing your work and will provide additional information regarding the assignment.
Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. Collaborate with a leader or educator in the clinical environment to identify a problem, issue, or educational deficit upon which to build a proposal for change.
In a paper of no more than 800 words, describe the nature of the problem, issue, or educational deficit. Include the following in your discussion:
The setting and/or context in which the problem, issue, or educational deficit can be observed.
Detailed description of the problem, issue, or educational deficit.
Impact of the problem, issue, or educational deficit on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.
Gravity of the problem, issue, or educational deficit and its significance to nursing.
Proposed solution to address the problem, issue, or educational deficit.
Prepare for the capstone project by listening to the audio interview, "Capstone: Planning Your Project," located at http://lc(dot)gcumedia(dot)com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nrs441v_capstone.php.
Review "Topic 1: Checklist." This resource will assist you in organizing your work and will provide additional information regarding the assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
2 NRS 441v.11R.Module1_Checklist.doc
(3). Selecting Sources of Literature
Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles that describe the problem or issue and that support the proposed solution. Eight of the 15 articles must be research-based (e.g., a study which is qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or longitudinal).
Hint: Begin your search for literature by utilizing the databases located in the GCU Library. Contact your faculty member, the librarian, or library staff for additional researching tips and key word suggestions.
Preview each of the 15 articles chosen by reading the article abstracts and summaries.
Hint: Article abstracts and summaries provide a concise description of the topic, research outcomes, and significance of findings.
Hint: Refer to "RefWorks" and "Topic 1: Checklist."
Perform a rapid appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):
How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?
Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?
What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population?
Does each article support your proposed change?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
2 NRS 441v.11R.Module1_Checklist.docx 1 NRS441v.10.0R RefWorks.docx

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literature Review
In a peered researched done by Park, Weaver, Mejia-Johnson, Vukas and Zimmerman(2016), it is noted that nursing units with lower rate of nursing turnovers recorded a lower number of cases of patient falls than those with higher nursing turnover rates. The article portrays statistical data showing a low patient fall of 10% for nursing units with low rate of turnovers and a high patient fall of up to 85% for units with high turnovers. This shows how serious this problem is. The article also shows high mortality rates of up to 70% in nursing units that had high turnovers. This study supports my proposed change as it shows that improvements in the nursing environment would enhance group work learning, which would lead to job satisfaction and hence reduced turnovers.
In another research, Moneke and Umeh (2013) postulated that environments in hospitals are of great concern regarding to the quality of nurses work. The study aimed at identifying the differences in nurses’ perceptions of the work conditions in the intensive care unit. The study discovered that good structures in the intensive care unit supported processes and relationships that resulted in high quality care for patients and job satisfaction among nurses. The statistical data of the report indicates high correlation between good structures and high quality nurses’ work. The report, however, does not show morbidity or mortality data as there was no relationship created between quality nurses work and mortalities. The study supports my proposed change because it recommends improvement in the critical care units through improvement of structures
Kovner, Brewer, Fatehi and Jun(2014) indicated that turnover rates are higher for new nurses in the profession recording as high as 33.5%. a high rate of 33.5% shows the gravity of the problem among new nurse. This article provides a good basis for solving the problem as it attributes high turnover to career satisfaction, which is one of the areas my study proposes to improve to reduce the problem. This article does not show statistics related to mortalities caused by the issue, though.
According to West, Rabatin, Call, Davidson, and Shanafelt (2014), compassion fatigue is a situation in manifested in physical, spiritual and emotional tiredness in nurses that results from prolonged exposure to patients in pain. The study provides statistical data that shows compassion fatigue ranging from 7.3% to 40% among the nurses in critical care units. This percentage is so high and shows the gravity of the problem. It indicates that compassion fatigue has a negative impact on the positive compassion that should be developed by the nurses towards the patients. The author suggests that to avoid losing compassion among nurses, factors that lead to compassion fatigue such as staff shortages, heavy workloads and lack of administrative support should be addressed. This study supports the proposed ways of tackling turnovers by improving these factors to enhance compassion satisfaction. The study, however does not show a relationship between high compassion rates and mortalities in the nursing unit.
In relation to Shipley, M. (2015), describes nursing turnover as a serious problem that leads to poor patient safety and declining job satisfaction. This study carried out research on the intervention strategies to reduce compassion fatigue among the fresh graduates that are being introduced in nursing health colleges and found that the program was preparing the trainee nurses to reduce compassion fatigue that would reduce turnover as a result of this. This study also provides statistical values of the nurses who go through such programs which show that compassion fatigue is reduced by up to 95% for those who went through the program. This study supports my proposed change as it revolves around the strategies aimed at enhancing compassion satisfaction. The study does not show morbidity rates as the data was collected from students and not in a healthcare unit.
Similarly, Ray, Wong, White, and Heaslip (2013) described the problem as a far reaching consequence. The study shows a link between turnover and burnout. It also affirms that burnout can be prevented through encouraging strong relationship among colleagues, more supervision among others which supports the proposed change in my study. The study shows statistical data that indicates high mortality rates and incidences associated with nursing turnover rates and burnout.
Also, Lee, K. J. (2015), described turnover as a problem that results from work stress and poor working conditions in the critical care units. The research was aimed at finding interventions to enhance resilience in nurses. The study has statistical data that shows relationship between environmental factors and resilience. The study shows a relationship between cases of mortalities attributed to low resilience among the nurses. High inncidences of mortalities occurred in hospitals that had low resilience among the nurses. This study supports the proposedchange since it suggest improvement of nurse resilience through improvement in environmental factors in the hospital stup.
Boyle, D. (2011) acknowledges the fact that there is no global recognition of the negative implications for nurses working in critical care units hence there are fewer supports in place. The author describes the nature of turnovers as a recurring problem attributed to the ignorance in providing support to the nurses. The author acknowledges and intends to create awareness on about the need for support for nurses in such working conditions. The study provides statistical data that shows the high incidences of mortalities related to poorly motivated nurses. The authors suggest interventions curb compassion fatigue such as prevention, assessment, work-life balance, improving communication skills and consequence minimization. These proposals are in line with those proposed in this study hence supports the proposed change.
According to You et al.(2013), health work environments are important and go a long way in affecting other processes in a hospital set up. Nurse-physician communication, as an example, is determined by the work environment.Poor environments mean poor communication. The result is very obvious; errors in medication for patients. The study provides data that shows mortality rates of 15% associated with poor communication between the nurses and physicians. The study recommends improvements in environmental factors so as to improve communication. This proposal also supports the proposal put forward in this study.
Applebaum, Fowler, Fiedler, Osinubi and Robson (2014), agree in their findings that nurses show a tendency of overlooking physical environment and some stressors associated with the environment can influence the job satis...
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