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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Individual Communication Plan for a Business Plan

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a communication plan for your business plan.

In a 500-750 word paper, address the following items as they pertain to the business plan on which your group is working:

Internal Communication:

How will communication be handled within your business? Who will be the intended recipients of your business’s communications? How will you ensure that all stakeholders are included in necessary communications?

What are your proposed mechanisms and delivery methods of communication? How will these communication methods change depending on the audience?

How frequently will you communicate with involved stakeholders? How frequently will information be updated? How will you prioritize communication needs inside the organization?

What information will your business share and how will it be distributed internally?

External Communication:

How will communication be handled outside of your business? Who will be the intended recipients of your business’ communications? How will you ensure that all stakeholders are included in necessary communications?

What are your proposed mechanisms and delivery methods of communication? How will these communication methods change depending on the audience?

How frequently will you communicate with involved stakeholders? How frequently will information be updated? How will you prioritize communication needs outside of the organization?

What information will your business share and how will it be distributed externally?

Reference three to five scholarly resources to assist you with this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual communication plan
Internal communication
Each year, poor communication within healthcare facilities causes approximately 1,744 patient deaths, which results in $1.7 billion in malpractice costs (King et al., 2018). This suggests that for health care institutions and temporary clinics, ensuring that patients receive proper care takes more than performing procedures and making diagnoses. Therefore, every step of the communication process will reflect patient safety and wellness. Each participant, including representatives from the American Cancer Society, is an intended target of internal communication. This goal will ensure that every participant in the project knows what is happening, what will happen in the future, how it will happen, and whether changes are being introduced.
A project manager must work closely with stakeholders, especially those with opinions that directly impact the project outcome. Establishing ground rules for effective stakeholder communication will save time, remove obstacles, and ensure that the project is completed within budget and on time (Too and Weaver, 2014). As a result, rules and procedures will be formulated to guide the communication process based on the selected mechanism of communication. For instance, stakeholder meetings will be scheduled at least twice a week because they are effective in conveying messages to a large audience. The meetings will be guided by rules that state the duration of the meeting, the identity of the speakers, and the topics that will be discussed. Similarly, lunch meetings between the project manager and other participants such as nurses, and cancer experts will be conducted daily. Since lunch meetings are informal events, they will not be regulated and will be used by the project manager to get honest feedback.
External communication
Any external communication of a project aims to share its objectives, purpose, needs, and developments with external partners. The clarity and sincerity of such information determine the s...
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