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Importance of Patient Information

Essay Instructions:

It is very important for all mental health professionals to take very detailed and thorough historical information from their patients. This information should include an adequate social history, complete medical history, and a full mental status examination with a probable treatment plan.

Describe three reasons it is important to gather detailed and extensive information from any patient before you counsel him/her or make medication suggestions. Use evidence-based research to support your position.

Define malingering. Discuss two ways to differentiate between malingering and a DSM5 diagnosis. Use evidence-based research to support your position.

*/This assignment is similar to the previous one that I submitted, the difference is that this one is for an essay, the previous is for me to do a video. Try to make them both a little different. Thanks!

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Patient Information
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Patient Information
With the large variety of patients, healthcare problems, diseases, and complications that arise, the medical field has its complexity in terms of information. As such, medical practitioners use their initial interaction with their patients to gather the information that lessens the complexity of the situation through the patient interview, which includes medical history and preference, lifestyle, physical and mental status, and many more—identifying detailed information of patients results in improved diagnosis, effective healthcare services, and enhanced doctor-patient relationship.
Importance of Patient Information
The medical field is a complex society where mistakes are not advisable to be performed as the lives of their patients are at risk. To avoid these complications, Robert et al. (2015) presented that medical practitioners should identify the gaps through attentive listening to the family of the patient and the patient itself. Thus, this can conclude that listening, which also implies gaining information, provides the best solution to lessen risks and improve health care systems. Based on Jagosh et al. (2011), they found out that gaining information through listening can greatly impact the patients and medical field. Their study provided three themes, but this paper will only focus on the two themes. The first theme refers to listening as a significant factor in gathering data and providing a proper diagnosis, which also refers to the first reason why patient information is essential. This implies that as medical practitioners listen to the patients attentively, they can fill in the gaps of missing information to support their diagnosis and have appropriate decision-making. With that in mind, the patients will be provided with more effective healthcare services appropriate to their health care status.
Thus, this implies the second reason for the importance of patient information. Mosadeghrad (2014) identified that in the medical field, the key factor in providing the desired outcome would be the patients’ trust towards their medical practitioners, which then also implies providing accurate information. He also described that the involvement and participation of the patients serve as a significant influence on the quality of service in the medical field. While connecting to this, the third reason would be the second founded theme within the study of Jagosh et al. (2011), which refers to the enhanced doctor-patient relationship. They explained that since patients have varied socio-economic and emotional backgrounds, medical practitioners who prioritize their information would have a more improved professional relationship and perspective through listening. Mosadeghrad (2014) also concluded that the physician-patient relationship also improves through the same factors and physical, interpersonal, and existential aspects.
Malingering vs. Factitious Disorder
According to Bass & Halligan (2014), malingering refers to intentionally presenting or exaggerating a false physical injury or psychological symptoms due to external reasons, such as avoidance of work duty or prosecution, gaining compensation, obtaining illegal substanc...
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