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Choosing and Implementing a Department Level Information System

Essay Instructions:

Review the following article:

Hartley, C. (2013). Project management for critical access hospitals. Retrieved from http://www(dot)healthit(dot)gov/sites/default/files/projectmanagement_criticalaccesshospitals_feb2014.pdf

Based upon the information provided, prepare a paper that addresses the following requirements:

1.) Identify a project for implementation. (This could be a project at your workplace or based on the articles and readings throughout the course.)

2.) Identify the stakeholders.

3.) Describe each part of the project management process.

4.) Define how your project fits within each part of the process.

5.) Describe what steps are most critical and most time-consuming, and provide an analysis.

6.) Describe the measurement criteria you would use to define success.

7.) Designate any parts of the process that you would change from the reading. Why might you do so?

***Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references. All facts must be supported. In-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing a Project Plan for Choosing and Implementing a Department Level Information System
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Electronic health records (EHRs) has several benefits; it improves patient care, enhances patient participation, improves care coordination, enhanced patient outcomes and diagnostics, it is a cost saving technique and enhance efficiency. Digital technological products like web-enabled devices, tablets, and smart phones have radically transformed lives of people and the way people communicate. Medicine profession, being an information-enriched enterprise, has embraced electronic health records to create logical flow of information within health care infrastructure, which encompasses digital progress and is capable of transforming the way care is being delivered (Jaymeen, Mirza and Emmanuel, 2014). ABC hospital is working hard to realize the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) project. Such implementation is vital to offer more efficient, safer, and less expensive care. The hospital is focused to implement a certified EHRs system to enhance efficiencies in care delivery and patient safety.
Stakeholders involved in the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) project are varied including the CEO and senior executives, and health physicians of the hospital, patients, and the government representatives in charge of the ministry of health, and the wider community at large (Brent, 2013). The CEO and senior executives of the hospital are focused not only to ensure that the health institution adopts latest health information technology (HIT), but also to provide improved patient safety and effective care delivery. Other stakeholders include patients and the community in which the hospital serves who expect better and efficient care services from the hospital.
Implementing EHRs system to offer all the benefits, support, and capabilities anticipated in the planning and selection process of the system can be overwhelming though this should not be the case. Jaymeen, Mirza and Emmanuel (2014) explain that effective project planning and efficient project management can assist to ensure successful implementation process. To obtain an effective implementation of EHRs, hospital leaders need to concentrate on the strategic direction of the health institution. Hospital leaders need adequate funding and develop a concrete foundation of planning and implementation of EHR system. There are several important steps that can assist hospital leaders to undertaking EHR implementation process to make certain that the overall EHR system and the project are successful in care practice of the hospital.
Gather the executive team
Effective implementation of EHR depends on an inclusive executive team. The CEO begins by convincing the board of directors in order to obtain necessary support. The CEO then creates an executive team to develop and communicate the EHRs vision. The CEO needs to start at this level because the EHRs system requires huge investment and, therefore, requires involvement from the executive team (Brent, 2013). Changing the organization to a new method of maintaining and sharing patient information needs extensive involvements of entire senior executive team including human resource, nursing, medical, financial, and information officers to assist in defining the EHR vision. The executive team will assign the chief information officer (IT manager or officer) of the hospital to serve as the project manager to oversee the management of the EHR implementation.
Develop a strategic plan
Strategizing about EHRs involves putting into consideration of the current organizational strategic plans. EHR implementation can be viewed just as a project or task of the information technology department (Darryl, Lars, Glenn and Chris, 2011). The strategic function of EHR in the institution should be clear to everyone in the organization to understand the connection. Concrete metrics should be used. Moreover, the executive team should understand the connection in order communicate and engage physicians and staffs.
Performing gap analysis
The hospital has a lot of programs taking place, and thus leaders should evaluate what they have and what significant use will be required of them. It is vital for the project manager and his team to assess where the hospital is on the journey to implement EHRs and how much further it requires to go (Bower, 2005). Performing a gap analysis will assist in evaluating the difference between the future ideal state and preparedness of the current state.
Create a high-level project plan
This is not simply a matter of assessing what technology should be developed to fulfill the goals and qualify for Medicare incentive payments. Governance is connected to the overall IT management, maintenance, and implementation. This is the time to assess how care departments (like clinical services, nursing, radiology, pharmacy and others) are impacted by an EHR implementation (Carrie and Duffy, 2008). The project management team will take a lot of time to identify challenges and keep updating the executive management. The project management team and the executive team will work together to align the technology goals with the strategic plan of the organization.
The project management team will select an EHR vendor to assess current IT infrastructure and capabilities in the hospital and then create a list of needs. Clinicians and physicians will be involved early enough in the selection process to avoid user or employee resistance (Elizabeth, Julie, Brian, and Atif, 2009). Proper preparation is essential when selecting an EHR vendor. Clinical assumptions developed the product will explain and demonstrated to users or employees to understand the product. The proper examination is required to assess both the current hardware and what is needed to create the system functional.
Initiate culture change
This is another time again when the project management team and the executive team meet to develop culture and workflow processes which will be vital determinants for successful implementation of EHR system (Bower, 2005). The executive team and project management team will require spending a lot of time on culture change, and are expected to assist physicians and employees embrace the change.
Redesign workflow processes
The EHR will not be based on automated paper charts. Improved processes will be created and after that automated (Jaymeen, Mirza and Emmanuel, 2014). IT will assist to develop the momentum to enhance current processes. The sub-optimal processes will develop sub-optimal IT results.
After workflow analysis is conducted and change management plan is begun, it is time to begin training employees and then implementing the actual IT component (Judy, 2011). Communication plan should emphasize that although certain new work processes might consume longer time or are more problematic with the EHR system, the outcome of patient care will be enhanced.
Gather the executive team
In EHRS implementation, employees are key aspect, and leadership is one of the crucial aspects. Christopher, Boris and Kathy (2007) opine that obtaining support from the board of directors is vital since an EHR implementation need a lot of funds, time including culture change. CEO and the rest of the executive team should fully support the project and assist to offer required resources. CEO will communicate how EHR investment develops efficiency, enhance quality of care, and assist the hospital meets its vision. Effective planning is required in the beginning to ensure an EHR does not negatively affect workflows in the hospital but improves quality of care.
Develop a strategic plan
The EHR has potential to assist the organization accomplish its clinical goals. Strategic planning is required to give direction of EHR implementation (Brent, 2013). Strategic planning constitutes the process of creating clinical goals that EHR implementation would achieve, and developing strategies to accomplish such goals with particular milestones.
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