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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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CLC: Implementation of Educational Session, Evaluation Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Develop an outline for an "in-service"-style educational session on risk management,Relating to polypharmacy to falls and associated trauma in the aging population.
develop a 500-750 word comprehensive outline that communicates the approved risk management topic. The outline is required to include a minimum of three objectives to discuss what is considers to be key or core risk management elements that pertain to the point, or element, selected to profile.
Required sections to include in your outline are listed below. If your topic requires additional sections, include them as well:
Objectives: Three objectives you intend to address in the proposed risk management educational session.
Rationale: Rationale for each objective (i.e., Why are these three objectives key or core to the risk management issue?).
Supportive Data: Data to support the need for the proposed educational session.
Implementation Strategies: How will you implement the proposed educational session?
Evaluation Strategies: What tools will you use to evaluate the proposed educational session?
Challenges and Opportunities: Ideas or suggestions about areas of focus regarding risk management the organization could or should address moving forward into the future?
A minimum of six citations from the literature or appropriate websites is required to support your statements.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution of affiliation
The elderly are often exposed to greater health risks due to their age and the decline in the ability of their immune system to fight diseases. The demographic also faces challenges as it is unable to recover quickly from seemingly mundane diseases and injuries. Medical professional in attempting to provide aid to these patients will utilize multiple strategies that includes drug protocols. The elderly often face multiple diseases or injuries concurrently. Thus, the use of different drugs at a similar period exposes these patients to potential challenges that have not been subjected to empirical studies. The usage of multiple drugs or multiple drug protocols at the same time is referred to as Polypharmacy CITATION Rob13 \l 1033 (Maher, 2013).
The paper will therefore concern itself with the examination of Polypharmacy and will be guided by three objectives. Namely; to determine the nature of elderly individuals at risk of Polypharmacy and the drugs involved, to identify the situations that contribute to Polypharmacy and to provide recommendations that will contribute to the reduction and elimination of Polypharmacy.
The first objective is geared towards identifying the type of elderly individuals that are at risk of Polypharmacy and the drugs involved. The objective allows researchers to create a profile that will enable medical professionals to identify patients that are at risk. Researchers would also identify the drugs that are commonly involved in Polypharmacy. Kathleen Woodruff in her study notes that drugs such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin are common in Polypharmacy CITATION Kat10 \l 1033 (Woodruff, 2010). These drugs are Over the Counter (OTC) drugs and are used to treat multiple maladies. The objective ensures that medical professionals can have knowledge of patients that are at risk and the drugs (and associated adverse reactions) to watch out for.
The second objectives identifies the medical or non-medical scenarios that contribute to Polypharmacy. The objective guides the session and allows medical professionals to identify situations that would contribute to elderly individuals taking multiple drugs. This would allow medical professionals to effectively inform patients of the scenarios to watch out...
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