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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

name one financial aspect, one quality aspect, and one clinical aspect that need to be taken into account for developing the evidence-based practice project. Explain how your proposal will directly and indirectly impact each of the aspects.

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Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare
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Evidence-based practice in health is a tradition that that guide the nurses and the health practitioners in making the decision based on practical ethics (Levin & Feldman, 2016). Therefore, it essential for every health worker to develop an evidence-based practice to guide the actions and decisions. During the development of evidence-based practices, it is necessary for the health worker to consider certain aspects that one might that might influence the work that is performed. These aspects include financial, quality and clinical. This paper describes the characters and how it affects the evidence-based practice in healthcare.
Financial aspect
Evidence based-practice processes more especially during conducting of a study require financial aspect. The finance is essential for all the procedures of the evidence-based practice directly from the research section to the implementation. During the study period of collecting information and analyzing the data, financial input is required to facilitate the activities of the evidence-based practices. Additionally, some of the implementations need financial contribution so that it so that the recommendations are realized effectively. The financial aspect identified in this paper cost of implementing. The application requires investment in time and resource to promote the adaptation of EBP. Therefore, one needs to have a budget which must include the start-up amount, ongoing cost which provides for, the personnel, equipment, meetings, training to create the experts as well training of the clinicians and the resource for evaluation (Waxman, 2013). Capturing this type of investment is useful because it assists in the establishment of the benefits of the whole process of Evidence-based practice.
Quality Aspect
The healthcare values quality because the healthcare values the patients. The life of the patient...
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