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The Impact of Technology on Teenage Suicide

Essay Instructions:

The topic I was thinking about is: The impact of technology on teenager suicide.
Below is an example of annotated Bibliography that was provided by the instructor. off course a reference page is needed.
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Annotated Bibliography: Title of Paper
Billingsley, S. K., Collins, A. M. & Miller, M. (2007). Healthy student, healthy nurse: A stress management workshop. Nurse Educator, 32(2), 49-51. doi:10.1097/01.NNE.0000264333.42577.c6
This article, presented by advanced degreed nurse educators, discusses a successful stress reduction program implemented for nursing students to diminish personal and academic levels of stress associated with nursing education using combination of quantitative and qualitative design approaches. Use of evidence based peer reviewed articles established that there was a need for both health promotion and self-care strategies education to (a) define stress related to the educational process, (b) determine coping strategies such as nutritional choices and exercise and (c) create a personalized stress management plan. The program results reported meeting these objectives through participant responses on questionnaires and additional written comments. Although this is not a full research study the responses from the students to the program led to the recommendation to use this program with nursing students in other schools. As presented this program appears objective, the authors are credentialed faculty and deals specifically with nursing student stress which is the selected topic. This program may be one that could be considered within the college of nursing as an optional offering for nursing students who self-identify a need for stress reduction.
McCaffrey, R., Thomas, D. J., & Kinzelman, A. O. (2009). The effects of lavender and rosemary essential oils on test-taking anxiety among graduate nursing students. Holistic Nursing Practice, 23(2), 88-93. doi:10.1097/HNP.0b013e3181a110aa
Using peer reviewed articles and recent research the advanced practice nurse authors developed a quasi-experimental quantitative research design study to determine the ability of two essential oils to decrease test-taking anxiety in graduate nursing students as measured by an established tool, with strong reliability and validity that identifies levels of perceived stress. Methods were clearly outlined with data analysis demonstrating a statistically significant difference between before and after test anxiety with use of sachets for inhalation of lavender and rosemary oil. Even with the expression of limitations of the study, the authors recommend use of these oils for reduction of graduate nursing student test-taking anxiety. This study meets expected rigor for research, the authors are credentialed faculty and the content deals directly with the selected topic. This authors of this study indicate that due to the low cost and ease of use of this stress relief option that it should be considered by the group as one of the options to offer for the class presentation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Technology on Teenage Suicide
Institutional Affiliation
The Impact of Technology on Teenage Suicide Carroll, J.A. & Kirkpatrick, R. L. (2011). The Impact Of Social Media On Adolescent Behavioral Health. California Adolescent Health Collaborative, (510), 6. Carroll and Kirkpatrick (2011) conducted research that addressed how the behavior of adolescents is affected by social media in the state of California. The mixed method study revealed that there is increased use of social media sites among the youth, with more than 50% using text messaging, social networking sites, video sites, online gaming, or blog spots. The authors identify that despite the benefits presented by social media, there are recurrent challenges associated with these new technologies. According to the authors, the increased ability of the youth to connect with each other is a distinctive characteristic of social media that presents a new opportunity to engage in social environments. Additionally, the use of social media is coupled with the fact that the adolescents are developing their personality, developing sexuality, physical growth and development, and moral awareness. Subsequently, the social interactions have an impact on their behavior changes. Among the many risks associated with social media, Carroll and Kirkpatrick (2011) highlights the impact of cyber bullying among the teenagers. The emotional distress created by social media such as threats, harassments and humiliating messages affects 23% of the teens in California. The study adds that cyber bullying has higher levels of depression and anxiety that can lead to suicide. The study offers credible information that can be used to assess the impact of the increased use of the internet and smartphone technologies on the rate of teenage suicide. Weerasendera, R. (2014). The Impact Of Social Media In Sri Lanka: Issues And Challenges In Mental Health. Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry, 5(June), 10–11. The study by Weerasendera (2014) provides substantial evidence that teenage suicides reported in Sri Lanka in the recent past are closely linked to the increased use of new technologies, especially social media. Weerasendera (2014) identifies that the issue of suicide and mental health problems that precipitate from social media are not confined to Sri Lanka, but they are a global challenge. The qualitative study that takes into account a large number of previous studies shows that restricting social media is not an option to prevent suicide or related mental problems. Despite the fact that Sri Lanka has the second highest literacy rates in the South Asia, the youth in the country are still vulnerable to the risks presented by new technologies, including the internet, internet enabled devices, and social media. Weerasendera (2014) reviews that policing social media has not managed to limit the impact it has on the youth. The credibility of the research lies in the variety of sources discussed and the comprehensive analysis conducted in the study. The research is fundamental in offering insights on the challenges faced in mitigating the risks of new technologies that affect the youth even among the elite popul...
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