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The Impact of Technology on Nursing Education

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

Select a societal trend that is affecting curriculum in nursing or patient education.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, describe how the selected societal trend affects nursing or patient education. Include the following in your paper:

Describe a societal trend affecting curriculum in nursing or patient education.

Describe which professional standards and competencies the selected societal trend relates to.

Describe at least 2 strategies to enhance the positive affect or minimize the negative affect of the selected societal trend.

Use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources less than 5 years old that are not a part of the provided Class Resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MSN with emphasis in Nursing Education

7.3: Promote continuous development of the nurse educator role by engaging in scholarly activities


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Demonstrating the Value of Nursing Care Through Use of a Unique Nurse Identifier.


Sensmeier, Joyce; Androwich, Ida M.; Baernholdt, Marianne; Carroll, Whende M.; Fields, Willa; Fong, Valerie; Murphy, Judy; Omery, Anna; Rajwany, Nur


Vice President, Informatics, for HIMSS

Professor emeritus of nursing (and business) at Loyola University Chicago

Nursing alumni endowed Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Nursing

Founder of Nurse Evolution

Professor in the School of Nursing at San Diego State University in San Diego, Calif.

Executive Director/CNIO regional informatics for Providence St. Joseph Health in Oregon

Chief Nursing Officer at IBM Global Healthcare

Senior Director for clinical practice, patient care services, southern California region, Kaiser Permanente

Chief Information Officer for NCSBN


Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (ONLINE J NURS INFORM), Summer2019; 23(2): 1-1. (1p)

Publication Type:




Major Subjects:

Nursing Practice -- Evaluation

Nursing Care -- Standards

Clinical Indicators

Insurance, Health, Reimbursement

Nursing Outcomes

Minor Subjects:

Clinical Effectiveness; Nursing Knowledge; Skill Mix; Education, Nursing; Data Analytics; Nursing Role; Patient Safety; Resource Allocation; Collaboration; Health Promotion; Disease Management


As healthcare transitions to a value-based reimbursement model, nursing documentation in electronic health record (EHR) and other health IT systems will increasingly be used to demonstrate nursing's contribution to that value. Nursing documentation can also be used to measure the contributions of nurses to improvements in individual and population health outcomes, patient safety, operational efficiency and clinical effectiveness. T oday, nursing's contribution to the health and care of individuals and communities is difficult to measure and often invisible. This lack of visibility is due, in part, to the absence of a unique identifier for nurses. Nurse leaders have identified the need for a unique nurse identifier, without which the aggregation and use of data to improve nursing practice is not possible. Nurses and their employers need a mechanism to track nursing licensure across job and location changes throughout a nurse's career. Hospitals and health systems need the ability to uniquely identify nurses in the EHR, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and other health IT systems for documentation, education, research and training purposes. This article describes why a unique nurse identifier is essential and outlines the potential benefits and implications for adoption of an identifier, as well as policy recommendations. The Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference Health IT Policy Workgroup is collaborating with key stakeholders to achieve an optimal solution such as the use of a unique nurse identifier to demonstrate the value of nursing.

Journal Subset:

Computer/Information Science; Core Nursing; Nursing; Peer Reviewed; USA




NLM UID: 9806523

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Demonstrating the Value of Nursing Care Through Use of a Unique Nurse Identifier.


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Demonstrating the Value of Nursing Care Through Use of a Unique Nurse Identifier

As healthcare transitions to a value-based reimbursement model, nursing documentation in electronic health record (EHR) and other health IT systems will increasingly be used to demonstrate nursing's contribution to that value. Nursing documentation can also be used to measure the contributions of nurses to improvements in individual and population health outcomes, patient safety, operational efficiency and clinical effectiveness. Today, nursing's contribution to the health and care of individuals and communities is difficult to measure and often invisible. This lack of visibility is due, in part, to the absence of a unique identifier for nurses. Nurse leaders have identified the need for a unique nurse identifier, without which the aggregation and use of data to improve nursing practice is not possible. Nurses and their employers need a mechanism to track nursing licensure across job and location changes throughout a nurse's career. Hospitals and health systems need the ability to uniquely identify nurses in the EHR, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and other health IT systems for documentation, education, research and training purposes. This article describes why a unique nurse identifier is essential and outlines the potential benefits and implications for adoption of an identifier, as well as policy recommendations. The Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference Health IT Policy Workgroup is collaborating with key stakeholders to achieve an optimal solution such as the use of a unique nurse identifier to demonstrate the value of nursing.


Sensmeier, J., Androwich, I., Baernholdt, M., Carroll, W., Fields, W., Fong, V., Murphy, J., Omery, A. & Rajwany, N. (Summer 2019). The value of nursing care through use of a unique nurse identifier. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 23(2). Available at http://www(dot)himss(dot)org/ojni

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Technology on Nursing Education
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Technology remains a societal trend that affects nursing education, particularly during the Covid-19 era. Technology constitutes a significant trend that affects learner’s competencies and professional standards. Incorporating technological resources into the nursing curriculum ensures graduates have the competencies essential to offer high-quality patient-centered care. One of these competencies includes problem-solving, which remains crucial for nursing students as they prepare to enter the workforce. The ISTE standards empower nursing graduates to take up roles in the future healthcare practice context. Making technology, an inherent component of nursing studies, promotes its positive outcomes on the learners. It is also essential to training nurse education providers on the role of technology in enhancing the curriculum delivery and student skills necessary to meet the medical needs of both today and forthcoming generations.
The Impact of Technology on Nursing Education
This paper evaluates technology as an emergent societal trend impacting nursing education, the professional standards and competencies related to the trend, and strategies to enhance the positive outcomes linked to incorporating technological tools into the curriculum.
The use of Technology in Nursing Curriculum
Nursing education globally has experienced a significant disruptive change due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, technology is being innovatively and rapidly employed to sustain medical learning and teaching. The employment of novel technological resources for nursing educational needs, including artificial intelligence (AI) for virtual reality and adaptive training, constitutes essential facets of the innovative paradigms central to current and future nursing curriculum. The use of technology in the nursing education continuum has replaced the traditional approaches to medical training, anchored on the need to execute a practical and feasible solution to the crisis (Goh & Sandars, 2020). Nursing students and educators have portrayed their flexibility and willingness to adapt to new learning and delivery approaches. Technology-enabled educators continue to train nurses anchored in online learning as well as offering simulated medical placements. It enabled nursing education providers to switch from the conventional training approaches to remote learning anchored on distinct virtual platforms as well as clinical simulations to nurses’ knowledge (International Council of Nurses, 2021).
In addition, technology and virtual classes have expanded opportunities for nursing students. What began as an approach to ensure learners gained sufficient experience timescales to progress seamlessly shifted to an investigation of how technological tools advanced the nursing educational needs regarding virtual classrooms during the Covid-19 crisis. For instance, the high-tech learning centers include simulation models that can imitate various real-life human procedures. These technological resources offer undergraduate nursing students an opportunity to transmit knowledge from theory into practice (Kane, 2021). When writing a simulation, the educators incorporate delegation, decision-making, teamwork, and communication, which can be attained via distance learning to encourage students’ engagement.
Professional Standards and Competencies Associated with Technology in Nursing Education
The International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] standards empower nursing scholars to take roles in the future medical practice environment. In that way, using technology in student learning ensures they are empowered to meet ISTE standards and thus be well-prepared to enter the practice environment, excellence, and success (International Society for Technology in Education, 2021). In addition, the employment of technology that integrates physical and digital life has become a critical component of learners’ lives, assisting them to comprehend how the digital workplace works and realize digital citizenship (Ghazala & Elshall, 2021). A nursing curriculum anchored on technology develops the learning and teaching processes and considers the instructional procedures, not simply instruments.
The competencies of utilizing technology constitute significant as well as primary aspects expected to facilitate nursing scholars to handle challenges of practicing in the current healthcare system, with the requirement to offer requirements and tools to the employment of technological tools to provide optimal training. Using technology in the nursing curriculum enhances graduates’ diverse competencies, including problem-solving and critical thinking. They apply brainstorming and other techniques to search for evidence to solve problems they encounter. The...
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