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3 pages/≈825 words
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The Impact of Combustion of Carbon Byproducts: Carbon Monoxide

Essay Instructions:

Task: Given this new infographic/scenario by federal agencies (produced for 9/2021 U.S. Preparedness Month observance), how would you explain the indoor air and environmental quality issues/concerns/implications of portable generator use at homes in your community? And do you like this infographic (yes/no and why). And, if allowed, how would you improve it?

Files to use for reference for this assignment:

I attached them below

each file has important information, and you can use them as your references.

Table of Contents

Note: this is 2nd page or “ii” then Introduction starts on p.1….


About one page (focused literature review or field mini-project

            Note: Finish introduction with goal/aim of your literature review = focused topic 

Materials and Methods:

About 1-2 pages (focused literature review or field mini-project), with appropriate sub-headings

            This section should summarize what authors or you cited used/did…focus on key details!

Results and Discussion:

About three pages (if focused literature review), with appropriate sub-headings;

    or, four pages, with appropriate sub-headings, Table(s) and Figure(s) (if a field mini-project),

This section should summarize what the authors reported, or data you collected, then you discuss…. Do focus on key details! When you discuss results, please do so in parallel with data cited in literature or summarized from your field research mini-project (in text or Appendix).

Conclusions, and Recommendations for Future Research and IAQ/IEQ Practice:

As one page total, or up to a half-page for each (focused literature review or field mini-project)

            This section summarizes and suggests, in your words, overall interpretations….

References Cited:

This will be likely 1+ separate page(s), and single-spaced text is o.k.

Note: Please use consistent format, e.g., follow PDF on J Environ Health instructions.


Optional, on separate page(s).

Note: If literature review, then you could include actual (remade) figures and tables from papers.




Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Combustion of Carbon Byproducts: Carbon Monoxide.
ENOH0644 Faculty/Professor: Dr
Score/Grade (MPH level): B to A- content, B+/A- presentation/format/instructions = B (or B+?)
School of Public Health,
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
October 16, 2022
Human beings face various risks to their health as they go about their daily activities. For example, when engaging in recreational activities, cooking, or driving cars, people are constantly exposed to environmental pollutants, posing varying degrees of risk. It is important to note some of these risks can be avoided if people could make informed decisions. The incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons results in carbon monoxide pollution, which harms both people and the environment. The essay will analyze the impact of carbon monoxide pollution and critique the U.S. EPA resource created in collaboration with other relevant federal agencies.
Carbon monoxide is dangerous and can result in death; in the past 20 years, 1090 individuals have died of carbon monoxide poisoning in hotels in the U.S (Murphy, 2022). Murphy also noted how even though smoke alarms are needed in hotel rooms in the U.S., only a few hotels need in-room carbon monoxide detectors, which can be bought for as little as $30. It is important to note doctors, lawmakers, and activists have been recommending hotels install these detectors to avoid deaths in case of carbon monoxide poisoning. Moreover, Murphy (2022) also asserted how installing and adequately maintaining detectors can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in newer and older hotels.
Cardinal & Boes (2022) asserted in 2021, many schools in Texas were shut down for an entire week as the death toll rose due to carbon monoxide poisoning, fire, and other conditions. Consequently, Cardinal & Boes (2022) noted women and children are more exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning because they spend more time indoors. These cases have been rampant due to a lack of health literacy and education. This is because some of those suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning in Texas tried to access power and warmth in their cars, but they did not let the air out of the garage (Cardinal & Boes, 2022).
Portable generators have been emitting dangerous carbon monoxide, but industries failed to adopt rules that can make them safe. While portable generators can save people from power outages, they can also kill an average of 70 individuals annually in the U.S. For example, at least six people their lives during Hurricane Ida due to carbon monoxide poisoning (Lexi, Perla & Ren, 2021). These deaths were associated with the use of generators. Although the manufacturers of these generators have tried to make some adjustments, like the CO shut-off switch, they still pose dangerous health risks to p...
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