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Ijeoma Oluo's Life as a Woman of Colour in the United States

Essay Instructions:

The profession of Nursing is privileged to work with clients in all stages of life. As we care for our clients this action permits us to not only participate in the trials, joy, sorrow, and achievements in their lives but we must also be aware that we are adding to the chronicle of nursing participation in and with the overall voyage of life. This assignment is designed to allow application of the various elements of the human journey to health care situations as depicted in written media. As a review the four essential questions posed in the liberal arts, social/biological sciences and religious studies core courses are:


  • What does it mean to be human?
  • What does it mean to live a life of meaning and purpose?
  • What does it mean to understand and appreciate the natural world?
  • What does it mean to forge a more just society for the common good?

In the nursing profession these questions evolve into four additional questions:

  • How does the profession protect and promote the health and welfare of patients?
  • What are the core beliefs, values, and principles of the profession and how are they enacted?
  • What is the effect of emerging scientific technology newly discovered pharmaceutical agents and other innovations on professional practice?
  • What is the role and responsibility of the profession in contributing to the greater good of society?

Review “Oluo, I. (2019) So You Want to Talk About Race.” 

The different aspects of the “human journey” are apparent in the text, it presents differently, but that is inherent in the true story told within the text. While the discipline of Nursing may or may not be readily discussed in each text, the applicability for nursing is readily apparent. 

Identify the various themes of the text and separate them into distinct parts, then compare and contrast these parts, and discuss the inter-relationship of these parts to the whole. You will establish the most effective group communication method to facilitate modification and review during this project.

  • Include all the necessary parts specified in the Book Analysis Rubric.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Approach: Review of So You Want to Talk about Race
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Nursing Approach: Review of So You Want to Talk about Race
Introduction The book So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo discusses her encounters and life as a woman of colour in the United States and how the experiences have influenced her life. She believes that institutional and individual racism are prevalent problems in American society and champions more pragmatic conversations and attention to racism. According to her, these discussions are naturally demanding for both privileged and minority cultures but urge them to get out of their comfort zones to reduce racial inequalities (Oluo, 2018). The themes discussed in the book are racism, privilege, white supremacy, confrontations to racial pain, oppression and social justice, and cultural appropriation. The book’s underlying themes apply to social sciences that depict human living, fair society, and the meaning of life. Thus, one can integrate these components into the nursing profession through a lens of health and welfare, beliefs and values, and its contribution to society. Theme Summary Racism, privilege, and white supremacy: These aspects are firmly ingrained in American society and the environment. Oluo perceives America as consistently prioritizing white people’s demands at the expense of the black population (Oluo, 2018). She believes that this practice remains highly entrenched in the United States that it influences every facet of society, including law enforcement, media, education, politics, and federal administration. Racial pain confrontation: Oluo demonstrates how racist interactions cause anguish, humiliation, and rage in people of color, compounding previous and historical hurtful episodes that continue to linger in their lives (Oluo, 2018). She believes that a lack of sensitivity to racial anguish is among the main reasons discourses on racism usually end tragically and lacks solutions. Oppression, intersectionality, and social justice: The author claims that individuals in America are oppressed for various reasons other than race, class, sexual orientation, physical appearance, and gender (Oluo, 2018). Oluo cautions against believing that every disadvantaged person encounters oppression similarly since their experiences are distinct. Cultural appropriation: Oluo examines how white people adopting or borrowing from other ethnicities can be oppressive (Oluo, 2018). It implies that when native white cultures adopt the values and undertakings of minority cultures, their hidden perceptions of such aspects frequently become acceptable in the dominant white society at the cost of authentic minority ethnic forms. Inter-relationships to the Questions of the Human Journey             The meaning of human life is a critical component in nursing. As a result, the theme of oppression and social justice stirs the essence of equality and fairness to every individual, irrespective of race, colour, or ethnicity (Oluo, 2018). Humanity is defined on the precepts of individuals’ capacity to accept and tolerate each other in society, live and work together, and build better communities without the presence of some people feeling oppressed and disadvantaged. Living a life of meaning and purpose reflects individuals’ ability to accomplish their goals in life and careers without interrupting each other’s journeys. Hence, Oluo calls for dominant cultures to acknowledge racial p...
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