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IHP 330 Milestone Two Study Question and Hypothesis

Essay Instructions:

Obesity in Adult and Children
IHP 330 Milestone Two Study Question and Hypothesis
Overview: Last week, you participated in a workshop to create your study question and hypothesis. Consider your peers' and instructor's feedback before
attempting this assignment. You will solidify your study question and hypothesis in this module so that in the next module you can determine the most
appropriate study design (you will have done a bit of thinking on study designs during this module, as well). If you have any questions be sure to post them to
the General Questions forum.
Because this is a draft of Section II of the final project, you will notice that the critical elements and the rubric are the same as the final project, but with slight
differences. Tips for tackling each critical element are included below each element.
Prompt: Write a draft of Section II of the final project. Address the following critical elements in your short paper:
II. Study Question and Testable Hypothesis
a) Propose a study question that identifies the population of interest and the public health issue that is to be studied. Be sure that the background
literature reviewed supports the study question proposed. For example, why is the prevalence of obesity so high among American children?
Tip: Look back to Module Four's workshop activity. Be sure to integrate feedback from your peers as well as your instructor. If you do not
incorporate this feedback, acknowledge it and make a note of it to your instructor when you submit the assignment. Do the same with feedback
for the hypothesis.
b) Define a testable hypothesis that includes the following: the variables of interest, the population, the relationship between the variables, and a
logical connection to the study question. Be sure that the background literature reviewed supports the study question proposed. For example,
middle school students who exercise are less likely to be overweight or obese as compared to students who do not exercise.
Tip: Consider the study designs you have learned about while you review your hypothesis again and make sure to incorporate feedback (see
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2 to 3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,
one-inch margins, and at least four scientific sources cited in APA.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Draft of Study Question and Hypothesis
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
* Why is the prevalence of obesity so high among American children who go to school by bus as compared to those who cycle to school?
Obesity is a condition where a person has accumulated so much fat in their bodies that it may pose negative impacts on their health. To be precise, a person is said to be obese if he or she is having a Body Mass Index of 3o and above. Obesity is a serious health risk condition that exposes an individual to many health conditions. It pre-exposes an individual to heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, bone and joint diseases (Kelly et al., 2013). Obesity is caused by many factors that could easily be avoided. Obesity results from consuming too many calories or adopting a diet that is compost of a high percentage of calories. It also results from sedentary lifestyle where people spent much time in their houses watching television, playing video games and a t the same time consuming a lot of calories. This problem is intense among children who are fanatics of movies and video games at the expense of spending their time outside playing with their peers. Another cause of obesity is lack of exercise. As the individual consumes a lot of calories, it is expected to save himself or herself by burning the calories. However, the same person indulges in sedentary lifestyle and thus the calories are not burnt. The body converts them into fats which add up to the deposited fats in the body.
According to Sarmiento et al., (2015), high rates of obesity occur among the children who go to school by bus than those who use bicycles as the means of transport to school. Children who cycle to school gets an opportunity to exercise and burn the calories hence do not accumulate in form of fats in their bodies. Contrary, children who are ferried to school by bus do not get the same opportunity as those who cycle to burn their calories and as a result accumulate fats in their bodies leading to obesity. Generally, all children consume a lot o...
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