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Identify the Problem / Concern: Assignment How a Bill Becomes a Law

Essay Instructions:

Assignment How a Bill Becomes a Law

Max Points: 150

Instruction: the worksheet is what must be completed. Please complete ALL sections of the assignment as anything left blank will result in point deductions. Answer each of the topics completely and with enough detail that the audience will not have any questions when reviewing the answers.

Additional Instruction:

I lived in Collier County in Florida. Please Reflect the answer in the State of Florida.

The worksheet is in the attachment.


As you have discovered through this course, nurses are influential members of the community and the political system. Therefore, for the purposes of this assignment you will identify a problem or concern in your community, organization, etc. that has the capacity to be legislated. You will conduct research and state a proposal. Through the legislative process, your proposal for the problem or concern may influence an idea for change into a law.

First, refer to the "How a Bill Becomes a Law" media.


Then, view the "Bill to Law Process" to watch the scenario.

After viewing the scenario, refer to the "Legislative Assignment." You will need to save the document first in order to use it.

Submit the assignment to the instructor. You also reserve the right to submit your completed proposal to the respective government official. However, this is optional. If you select to submit your proposal as a part of the legislative process, refer to "Find Your Representative" or research the contact information on your own.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How a Bill Becomes a Law
Course title:
Before a law can be enacted by the body responsible for the same, a number of steps must first be followed. It is only when these steps have been followed successfully that a bill can be declared as law. This discussion looks at an issue which can be legislated to become law. The issue highlighted herein is one that is considered to be of great importance and touches the community directly.
Situation: Is this something that can be legislated
Identify the Problem/Concern: Drug abuse
Abuse of drugs has become common in the world today. A more worrying trend is the fact that those who are using the drugs are mainly young people some of whom are yet to attain the age of majority (Belenko, 2009). Of even greater concern is the fact that the drugs appear to be so readily available and affordable so that young people, even those outside the working class bracket can still afford.
State your Proposal/Idea
Come up with a law that makes all drugs no matter how mild illegal to children. Further, the law should ensure that harsh penalties are imposed on those found distributing such drugs to people below the age of majority. In addition, the law should ensure that those drugs that are legal are not readily available in the streets. This will ensure that young people do not have easy access to these drugs.
Background: Do Your Research
Researches that have been conducted over time indicate that over the years, the number of young people who access and use drugs has been on the rise. This is mainly attributed to easy access to the drugs. There are many drugs that are sold like sweets in the market for any person to buy. It is sad to note that the dealers of these drugs are more interested killing rather than protecting the lives of young people. As a result, peddlers target school going children and sell them sweets and cakes that have drugs in them as a way of enticing them.
Researches further show that even the drugs that are declared illegal by law still find their way into the mainstream market. This is because it has become increasingly difficult to control and shut down the black market. A lot of loopholes some of which are legal in nature exist when it comes to drugs. It has also been discovered that some of the officials in governments who are supposed to aid and combat the menace that is drug abuse have been colliding with the peddlers. This makes it difficult to really deal with the issues at hand as far as drug abuse is concerned.
Similar Past Legislations
The federal governments have over the years attempted to curb the menace that is drug abuse by coming up with various legislations. Each legislation, however was seen to be specific as opposed to being inclusive. There are legislations that prohibit the use of certain drugs such as marijuana, heroin and other drugs which are considered to have adverse health effects. However, there are no general laws that specifically address drug abuse in America. It is for this reason that there still exist loopholes in the legal framework, making too difficult to fight the menace of drug abuse in the country (Lowinson, 2010).
One of the legislations that was put in place is Drug Dealer Liability Act. The legislation came into being in the year 1999. The aim of the legi...
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